Friday, July 30, 2010

Obama or Bush

NASA has now confirmed, as much as science can predict the unpredictable that the sun is awakening from i's long slumber of inactivity and cooling, with the strange bandwidth radiation which was causing a different form of heating and cooling the earth.

As I believe the world in the Biblical Last Days, I know the Bible states the sun will scorch people and they will hide in caves.
The sun being the prototype for the human mind to comprehend God, and his fiery fury at human iniquity.

Yellow Dwarf stars which our sun is one of, are notorious in the universe for being unpredictable. In that, they are like an old hot plate where they either are burning your food or not working at all.

I had laid out an entire plan of action to deal with what I believe is coming in the Great Tribulation and would have if a President had been elected in 2008, and chosen the Joseph role in Egypt as I could care less now about being a leader of anything compared to where I am going.

I will mention what requires being done by American leadership as Obama is incapable, and has had plenty of time to answer this call, but has instead just spent billions on vacations and trillions to be looted from the US Treasury.

The forumaltion is simple in the United States needs backup satellites and broadcast mediums to deal with information dispensation, entertainment and security to guard against man made and solar EMP.
This means at least three back up satellites for each satellite in orbit, and it means triple that amount of Titan rockets to speedily get the system up and working again.

Likewise, the television and radio broadcasters must have in each state back up systems for all the stations currently online in order to provide a common security of comfort to the mass population in a time of stress.

As an emergency measure a fleet of 50 AWACS types broadcast aircraft are going to be required in emergency flights to circle each state during daylight hours at the beginning of this re broadcasting local main stations for the psychological comfort of the Citizens.

There must be a 10 fold volume increase in transformers and substations for immediate delivery, that or all electrical companies must immediately start burying substations and transformers in Faraday Cages to protect them from solar pulse.
I was once privy to a power surge which literally blew up those oil based transformers on lines in a series. It was startling and it is nothing compared to an electrical charge from a solar event as it will be magnified across the power grids in America. One can not shut power lines and phone lines down. They will absorb this current and carry it to a point where it will detonate like lightning.

Unless the power industry starts creating "grounding pools" to arc this electricity into, billions of dollars of damage will occur and millions will die if this event is in the winter.

It was in this that I put forward a series of home owner disaster shelters, to be stocked with 90 days supply of food, water and toiletries. Such a project would have already saved the American economy, and got it up and running again.
It would have saved America from being attacked in a nuclear strike as no nation would strike America knowing the majority of the population would survive with infrastructure and population.

Instead Obama has squandered the lions share of the revitalization of America in massive debt in giving it to China and to the Europeans.

This is the greatest necessity in national security of America for the next several years in preparing America for solar activity and the Great Eurasian World War coming.

I revisit this again, for the reason that preparations must be made, as Obama and his Obamalings have stood around with fingers up their rears, grinning at the feel like some narcotic.

Obama has bumbled, fumbled and stumbled through a self absorbed nuance of teleprompter gratitude.

America must accomplish this, and America must include her allies in Japan, England and the Israeli and Saudi states in constructing for them the survivability option so a grid will exist to deal with the coming calamity.

The free Americas in Canada, USA and Chile must engage in stockpiling 7 years worth of grain, England, must be a grain bin for Europe, Japan for the non billion Asian nations, and Israel with Saudi Arabia for Africa.

In that the Russians, Indians, Chinese and Indochinese are going to have to start investing in greenhouses for food production instead of nuclear bombs pointed at America as their populations starve and implode upon them.
Stealing other nations food is not an option as it will bring a nuclear response.

That is all for now and nuff said.


Obama or Bust