Saturday, July 17, 2010

Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

When I behold Hannah Giles, I see all that is good about America. I look upon her as Ronald Reagan's shining city on a hill.
She is purity in her Patriotism and the hope of Christ's Passover sacrifice, the first fruits of the Pentecostal Holy Ghost Gift and the harvest of a second coming by a Warrior King rewarding His children for the good which they do.

The Heavenly Father sowed America for a chosen People, peculiar to Him. Jesus, His Son, has been our Lord of Battles preserving this Nation of God in every hour of need. The Holy Ghost has been the American Inspiration from every Washington prayer, every Lincoln address and every Reagan Inspiration to boldly go where no man has gone before.
When I see Hannah Giles in the American future, it is unthinkable to continue on the path of dithering which was supposed to have shattered by Ronald Reagan in the end of an evil empire no longer trusting in mutually assured destruction, but strategic defense.
Defense which is offensive was Reagan Doctrine as initiated by George W. Bush to make war upon enemies who had made war upon a 9 11 America.

It is therefore inexcusable for the current disarmament of these United States and the continuous sanctions of terror states as North Korea and Iran, which are so porous that sanctions are more welfare states for terrorists than hindering their murderous rampages of Americans.

Ronald Reagan had a plan in ending nuclear warfare with the Soviets and it was simple in "America won and they lost". That Conservative plan actually worked and provided 30 years of safety from nuclear warfare, but has now been revisited by the Bolsheviks, Maoists, Islamocommunists and Narco Latinos.
The vision of Lady Liberty in Hannah Giles ever being harmed by this dithering until an American city disappears in a nuclear terror event, which the entire world knows will be sanctioned in Russia and China, brought to fruition by Iran or North Korea and blamed upon Narco Latinos or Sheik bin Laden is unacceptable as this not MAD in mutually assured destruction, but ASD, American Assured Destruction.

The Soviet system did not negotiate when not under immense pressure, as with assured destruction they could wage conventional proxy wars against America in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Cuba and Nicaragua. Without the reality of losing all, regimes as Iran and North Korea will not negotiate so all the overtures from 35 years ago in Iran Contra to Bill Clinton standing in North Korea, are not going to end the nuclear destruction of United States cities.
The cost must be activated against nuclear regimes that their lives will be extinguished and their nations repopulated by new peoples who renounce nuclear power in peaceful and warlike form, is thee only measure to bring an end to nuclear regimes.

In that, it should be the policy to immediately resurrect the Pershing II medium range missile for full deployment in 1000 warheads against the Persian Islamocommunist regime with missiles stationed in Iraq's Green Zone and other key allied points, South Korea to counter the Kim communist dynasty, Taiwan to answer the missiles pointed by the Chicoms and the arming of the Slavic states to answer the Bolsheviks of Russia.
This politeness of everyone knowing the proliferation by proxy which goes on with the Russians and Chinese will end. They have chosen this method of a nuclear terror arms race, and it will be known that if any Weapons of Mass Destruction attacks occur on American soils, there will be full retaliation by neutron warheads of such immensity that it will not matter if these Marxist elite survive as they will have rule over only rats and plagues.

This pointing of missiles at Americans, American allies and free peoples is rude. Missiles of the worst kind will be deployed to end this rudeness.

It is only by the actual stationing of nuclear missiles on the borders of these regimes will any such negotiations ever occur. Dithering has only expanded the bravado of the international Marxist. It is time the wasted usurpation of the United States Presidency by B. Hussein Obama be negated in his Court removal and a real President of Reagan and Kennedy aggressive diplomatic doctrine and policy replace an Obama policy which reached expiration date before the teleprompter font was faded.

This threat against these United States is about the ending of these United States as a Republic under God. That is genocide and of the same scope of B. Hussein Obama seizing all private commerce, American's ability to care for themselves medically and the tar balling of the Gulf.
End of a America by any regime both foreign and domestic is the end of America, whether it is by czar or by communist nuclear bomb.

Hannah Giles deserves better in the world Ronald Reagan left her, than have to face a scorched earth New York City, followed by some expansive nuclear response blowing up camels and goats, to scorched earth Los Angeles, followed by a nuclear response of blowing up sheep and sand spiders, as the regimes behind this feign innocence.

Let the B-52 and B-1 fill the unfriendly skies of Iran and North Korea. Let the Aurora fill the skies with earthquaking sonic bombs over China and Moscow. Let that clarion call be issued in carrying a big nuclear stick and allowing sonic surveillance send the message that Obama disarmament, Obama appeasement, Obama abandoning hosts of people to communist domination, and Obama telling Jews, Arabs and Americans to wait around to be vaporized as he will then retaliate is over.

Let an American President initiate an era of controlled aggression for the security of America and her allies. Let Hannah Giles inherit for her children, the Ronald Reagan Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.

Let it not be the end of America.
