Friday, July 16, 2010

Nuff Said

How many elections did Richard Nixon ever steal?

The answer is not one.

How many elections did Democrats steal from Richard Nixon?

The answer is two in Joseph Kennedy with crooked Democrats stole the 1960 Presidential election and Democrats in the coup they staged against President Nixon in 1972 forcing him to resign was the second.

Think of a different world in 1960 without Kennedy's murder, Vietnam, the bankrupting of American as a Lyndon Johnson welfare state which brought on the catastrophic problems America suffered through in the Nixon Administration, and none of that would have happened, including Cuba now being a free nation from Castro's regime for 50 years, all if Democrats had not stolen Richard Nixon's 1960 victory.
Think of a victorious 1972 Nixon landslide, which by 1976 without the Watergate coup, that there never would have been a Jimmy Carter depression, no Iranian Islamocommunists, no Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and basically every horrid problem America is still dealing with would not have happened if Democrats had not stolen Richard Nixons 1972 victory.

For the telling point, Ronald Reagan would have been elected in 1976 to the White House. That means the Soviet Union would have imploded 4 years earlier, there would never have been a Saddam Hussein enhanced in a Iran Iraq War, no Islamic terrorists created by Obamite Zbigniew Brzezinski, no George H. W. Bush, as there would have been a Howard Baker of Tennessee as Vice President or a Paul Laxalt of Nevada.
There would never have been no Gulf War I or II, and there would never have been a 9 11, as there never would have been a William Clinton in his amoral presidency.

These election thefts are constant by Democrats. Tom Daschle and Tim Johnson of South Dakota have careers from stealing elections over Republicans. Al Franken of Minnesota stole the most recent election from Senator Norm Coleman.
Democrats have changed the course of American history for the worst in their absolute electioneering in criminal spurning of the Constitution.

In 2008, America witnessed the absolute thugocracy of B. Hussein Obama in first stealing the primary election from Hillary Clinton in notorious vote rigging and intimidation in Texas, Indiana and Nevada, to the outright Al Franken and Tom Daschle vote creation in the Presidential elections.
As this blog only has covered this, the reality is 10 million GOP voters disappeared in 2008 and were "explained away" as Americans who "moved" and never registered. That farce is the biggest fabrication which has hidden the ACORN Obama electioneering where this blog believes that Mr. Obama not only created votes, but Mr. Obama in his electronic tallies switched votes as Al Franken did and numbers of Democrats did from John McCain to B. Hussein Obama.

In that, do you think for a moment that President McCain and Vice President Sarah Palin would have rationed death, have extorted money from the medical industry, taken over most of the American economy, tar balled the Gulf States and then made Soldiers in Afghanistan go on patrol with unloaded guns who had to wait to be shot first by terrorists, before they could fire back.

For a reality check, John McCain would have had a victory in Afghanistan in 2009, and America would now be engaged in dismantling by overwhelming force the Persian communist regime, without the entire east of Europe given over to Putin as Obama initiated.

Richard Nixon is the whipping boy, as Gen. George Custer is for the ignorant ranting left. Richard Nixon ended Vietnam by treaty and Democrats lost South Vietnam in not appropriating support for those people after it was promised. There were no "right" wars for Navy officer Nixon, there was only overwhelming force by Admiral Thomas Moore in blowing the fear of America into communist in Asia.

Barack Husein Obama is a fraud, an undocumented foreigner, a usurper and an election thief. B. Hussein Obama stole the 2008 Presidential election from John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Aaron Burr Biden is a traitor to America and referred to as such for enabling these high crimes against the people of these United States.

It is past time the NeoProg Democrats who have caused all of this bankruptcy, murder of Americans and epic attacks on American soil be held accountable, and it starts, with B. Hussein Obama.
Sean Hannity and the Conservatives he represents do not want impeachment of Mr. Obama due to the length of time it would require. What this clarion call though is for, for all Americans who love America to simply utter the words, "Barack Hussein Obama is an election theif committing heinous crimes against the People of America".

That is not so hard and when the Ann Coulter types show concern about their patrician friends being upset in all of them voted for Obama, just let the reply be, "You liberals stole Richard Nixon's elections and that is what has America in this mess now, and it is not George W. Bush.
This is your fault. This is your crimes. This is your criminal Barack Hussein Obama".

nuff said.