Friday, July 16, 2010

The tampon Trio dux Garcon

This blog has been watching Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Letterman cocktail crowed judge on the Supreme Court who has time and again disgraced the legacy of Ronald Reagan, in showing President Reagan absolutely no honor or deference in making this back bencher into a power he never should have, because he has had no character for decades.

To put it bluntly, when Al Gore was in the Senate and changed a key vote in exchange for prime time airtime in a debate, that is what Anthony Kennedy has been betraying America over for years, in he is Conservative, but is also so weak that he wants to be invited to dinners, wants to be praised in the Washington Post and desires to be loved in DC, and that means voting communist organizer when the votes come up.

Anthony Kennedy has more in common with another Irish traitor to America, in Tedward Kennedy. At 74 years of age with the manipulated retirement of Justice Stevens who is the most treacherous thug to ever serve on the Court, the intrigue watchers at the Supreme Court have finally realized that the old dick Stevens was assigning case arguments and now this falls to Kennedy, who they think will be like other liberal ilk in Justice Burger changing votes like Al Gore changes ideas as a political whore.

I instead look to this in the one phrase which has been issued by Anthony Kennedy, and that is, "I will retire when Obama is gone".

That statement is telling as Kennedy knows very well what John Stevens pulled in giving Obama the opportunity to put more mental trash on the Court in Elena Kagan to join mental midget Senora Sotomayor.

Kennedy saw Obama tar ball the Justices at the State of the Scrotum speech and Kennedy knows very well the harps of Angels are in his near future, and in not looking to God's Heaven, he is looking to legacy and realizes when he is departed, the left is not going to do a thing but put him in the dust bin, and the biggest of history writers in Rush Limbaugh is going to define Anthony Kennedy with the traitors and selling his whine before his time, like girly Souter.

Anthony Kennedy has been a sell out and up until the 2000 Florida election case in which Al Gore tried to steal the election, Kennedy had never manned up.
Kennedy has had a few cases since while hiding under the two terms of George W. Bush, which he voted like an American, but his entire tenure is...............well he is Ron Reagan jr., someone Ronald Reagan placed trust in, and all President Reagan received was a Rahm Emanuel tutu and a dog show announcer who likes poodles too much.

Anthony Kennedy is at an age when Conservative beats in one's veins, because one hears Jesus Judgment and all of those rulings violating God's Laws all of a sudden makes a Justice who has a soul start seeing how he put God's America into hell.
It has been Kennedy who has had no John Jay in him in not allowing the exploration on the Court of Obama being undocumented. Kennedy is an Obamite and knows the crime he is in bed with, the fraud he helped institute and the destruction of these United States and the moronic color of the Courts now he is a part of, and Kennedy, is seeing the tyranny, the slavery, the murder of America, and now he wants to be the vote kicking Obama's ass in rulings, with the irony it was Anthony Kennedy who installed that Marxist foreign ass into the White House.

I have no appreciation for Anthony Kennedy. He could bring the investigation into Obama being unConstitutional, remove Obama and it still would not undo the abyss which this lemming helped Obama dig America into in this last days worst of tribulations.

Anthony Kennedy is still playing the David Letterman intern, lifting his skirt, bending over to show some cleavage or giggling at some joke he is voting against in the Court. The only difference is now, Anthony Kennedy is going to be the Obama stopper, not for America, but because Anthony Kennedy now wants to go down in history as the guy who was the firewall against Obama tyranny.
Anthony Kennedy is writing this script to set the historical record to overcome his treachery.

There is nothing Ronald Reagan honorable in this. This is Junior Reagan floofing his bouffant, because even Kennedy realizes he doesn't want his name anywhere near any opinions with names like Sotomayor, Kagan and Geezer Ginsburg who think the Court is a girls club of soddenness, and with a pansy like Breyer testing the tampon dispenser, Anthony Kennedy as the Benedict Arnold of America doesn't need to look too manly to step out from the dyke squad, in voting against that buffoonery which history will judge as thee most inept Obamites to ever issue verbiage.

Let's review this in Kennedy's girls club has a racist in Sotomayor, an American hater in Kagan, a new communist in Ginsburg and Breyer makes illegal rulings using foreign laws. This entire brothel is being laughed at already and will be the forever joke of what is more stupid than the Supreme Court? Anthony Kennedy voting with the tampon trio.

Anthony Kennedy can either start wearing French right now and speaking mascara or Anthony (and yes I meant it that way) or Anthony Kennedy can attempt like Jimmy Carter to salvage his ineptness for going to the worst Justices in history side.

Anthony Kennedy is going to be like Peggy Noonan in sexing an Obama doll, being ashamed and trying drunken typing in the Wall Street Journal hoping Conservatives can not remember she is an Obama whore.
Anthony Kennedy is going to be like Noel Sheppard in picking girl fights she thought she could win by saying Sarah Palin liked political rape, because Camille Paglia whispered it to him. errr her and hope no one remembers on the right as he busts the news, he is not currently an Obama street walker, even if he plays one on the internet.

An article like this is long overdue for a confidant of the cocktail crowd in exposing what a reprehensible treasonist Anthony Kennedy is as he now is ready for his close up.

I will to God that Anthony Kennedy was an American, because instead of waiting around for Obama to be gone, Anthony Kennedy would be holding the hearing exposing Obama as a fraud and making B. Hussein Obama gone as Federal Marshals handcuff this undocumented seditionist and Supreme Court security halls off Sotomayor and Kagan for being Obama illegals, and the FBI walks out Breyer and Ginsburg as Obama conspirators enabling Obama to steal the 2008 elections.

Either that or David Letterman needs his drink refilled, and don't forget to walk his intern Anthony ........boy.

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garcon without a capital G