Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Of Obama Mooselums and Obama Muslims

Did not this blog warn everyone, including B. Hussein Obama, that the Islamocommunists were filtering in moles who were providing fake intelligence and working not for the CIA but Tehran, Peking and Moscow?

Yet we have Shahram Amiri putting a carton of eggs on the Obama regimes face in stating the CIA kidnapped him out of Saudi Arabia and tried to bribe him, whereby Amiri is now on his way back to Iran, with Obama and his puppy press stating that Amiri's family was threatened, and Amiri was gotten to by Iranian intelligence telling him of that threat.

Iranian intelligence is so adept that they can find a hidden CIA asset? Give me a Kit Kat break there Obamites as that is is pure ficiton.

What this was is simple in the facts.

Amiri left in Iran his wife and child. He left them there because he was going back. His process was to locate the American CIA's operational modes of finding, and spiriting away of Iranian assets.
Amiri was to show the travel routes, identify the Saudi assets, identify the American assets and just as the Soviet plants would accomplish, gain the cash, gain the information and then run back to Iran making the Americans look foolish.

Now Obama might not have needed a warning in this, because like his Twitter Revolution which was designed to expose the Iranian Patriots to slaughter, and by remarkable coincidence Amiri supposedly knew about the Iranian weapon's plant Obama warned Iran off on, in the French were about to expose it, that Obama has been joined at the hip with the Persian Marxists in being as much an asset of the Mullahs as Amiri is.

This "intelligence" operation was a complete disaster for America and Obama's regime has just exposed the entire CIA modes of operation in rescuing assets.
Where is Ted Koppel with his Valerie Plame crew on ABC demanding answers in the dozens of American CIA agents Obama has just exposed to the logs of Iranian Intelligence?

That about sums it all up, in how a worthless "scientist" was no doubt feeding 90% false information to Panetta's CIA, took American money, made Obama look like a bigger fool, exposed CIA agents to death and went back home to Persia as another Islamocommunist hero of the state.

Amiri is the only Muslim who took more American taxpayer vactation them than Obama, while aiding the Iranian regime.

Maybe Amiri will get a Nobel Peace Prize for this.


Egg on his face Obama