Thursday, July 15, 2010


For Libby.........

Too many times in this history of America, the Soldiers are named the military or some obtruce civilian titles when the politicians fail at their Nobel Peace Prize awarded trinkets and real men are left to be the diplomats of the only secured peace and that is war.

In this, satanic hatred abounds in those who spit at Vietnam Veterans who did their duty, those Soros types who quip in General Betray Us and the Obama commander in chiefs who destroy the military and use that budget to bribe voters to vote a Marxist abyss.

Hatred abounds from the bowels of the uninformed against George Armstrong Custer, as like those who cling to mother earth as people are nasty, some needs pets to salve themselves with against those people they can not deal with and some pick Indians to champion as they lost to the Manifest Destiny which has rolled over the Custer haters.

George Armstrong Custer never once retreated, ran from a fight and literally fought to the death with the beloved 7th Cavalry he formed and groomed as thee best fighting Cavalry corp in the world.
The 7th Cavalry received 45 Medal of Honors earned during the Indian Wars. They have fought Indians, Mexicans, Phillipinos, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Iraqis, always in the bloodiest battles and most dangerous of patrols in combat, all with the mission of at all costs.

While the limpid will always speak of Washita, Little Big Horn and Wounded Knee in uninformed terms, none of them were there being butchered nor had their wives kidnapped and raped as their children's scalps dried by the fire from a recent raiding expedition.
As Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles noted, "It is easy to kick a dead lion".

The 7th has had the hardest of fighting and if you ever watched the Mel Gibson movie We were Soldiers once........and young, you saw the La Drang Valley fight which Lt. Col. Hal Moore led with the 7th in the most savage and brutal combat of the Vietnam War........and they won, as the 7th always wins.
Yes the 7th under George A. Custer won at the Little Big Horn, because his Troopers so bloodies the combined Indian forces they could not mount an outbreak as was expected against white Americans and Indian nations like the Crow, and had to flee to Canada or back to their Minnesota reservations where these butchers American Heroes could hide and pretend to be loyal Americans again.
The 7th Cavalry in 1876 saved thousands of American's lives and saved the literal Indian peoples from extermination in that fight at the Greasy Grass in crippling the Indian forces.

So this is the seed which was sown by George Armstrong Custer and nutured by his wife, Elizabeth in being the mother to a Cavalry which was so far from home that Grandmothers were the delight of the Troopers in just having a woman to take a buggy ride with in all chivalry.

The 7th Cavalry like all fine American fighting groups is not the military, but make up the entire military as John Paul Jones, George S. Patton and Tommy Franks made the military into the offspring of Americans valiant and noble desires beating in their hearts and breathing in their souls.

They are all to be remembered and honored as service in peace and deployment in war is a thankless vocation where politicians reap the glory and the Soldier is left to the disdain of ilk who cowered under their pillows.

My heart beats for the Cavalry
In this sea to shining sea
From horseback mount to gunship count
The 7th is my history and destiny
Follow the guidon of the 7th Cavalry

