Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why would the Obama left want Rush Limbaugh dead?

There seems to be an entire industry on the left and the Limbaugh media ginning up rating and profits as they discuss the death of Rush Limbaugh from butch Wanda Sykes (If I misspell her name I could care less) talking about Limbaugh croaking from kidney failure to some dyke Sarah Spitz of Obama radio talking about Limbaugh keeling over from a heart attack with his eyes bugging out, both events making Obama smile broadly and the lesbians get a warm fuzz smile.

I for one though do not comprehend why the left wants Limbaugh dead, as he is the best dam on Truth in America. Let us face the facts that Rush Limbaugh sat on his load for all of 2008, because he had a feud with John McCain and Rush Limbaugh like Joseph none of the abover Farah got Barack Hussein Obama elected.

Rush Limbaugh enabled by keeping silent the entire elimination of the Conservative representation in Congress staring with George Allan and Larry Craig. When you have Boston Legal doing more to expose the innocence and the set up of Larry Craig than Rush Limbaugh, then what on earth are liberal Obamaniacs bitching about, because Limbaugh is their man.

As this blog silenced Rush Limbaugh and his Newsbuster crew on lying about bio fuels, which was a Tom Daschle and George W. Bush program to get America weaned off of Muslim mafia oil, which Obama has America back on, and the slamming of American farmers by which bio fuels keep billions of dollars inside America, instead of in terrorist hands, just where is the need for liberals to want Limbaugh dead, as he is doing Obama's work for him?

Have you noticed Rush Limbaugh doing anything like helping out dope head plumber George Obama in Kenya, by giving him a million dollars which would have made the best talking point about Obama there was?
How about Limbaugh as this blog was alone in promoting in equal numbers of blacks in the Obama cabinet? Hell no, Limbaugh joined in silence Barack Obama's repression of blacks in their affirmative action rights.

Behold Elton Blonde, you know him, he is the commentator formerly known as Rush Limbaugh, who stole from his moral audience and gave 1 million dollars to a sodomite in Sir Elton John, and smeared everyone from Mark Levin to Sean Hannity who attended Limbaugh's and the lovely Catherine's wedding.
Once again, this was not Charlie Daniels or Lynard Skynard who put on spectacular concerts and love America. No this was American hating and Jesus blaspheming Elton John. So one more time liberals, why do you want Limbaugh dead when he is giving your poster sodom guy a million dollars for donations to your causes.

Who dat you say? Yes Rush Limbaugh paid 1 million dollars to Elton John who can donate Limbaugh's money which comes from moral God fearing Jesus loving Americans to orgy camps to recruit more children into being English queer.

Rush Limbaugh sits silent on Obama's birth, an issue he has connections which he can investigate to find out the Truth. Limbaugh sets silent on the massive Obama crimes and the best he can do is poke fun at the Obama deliberate sabotage in the Gulf, as Limbaugh dithers for years now being a large a problem as the Bush patricians, because Rush Limbaugh is a patrician of the Buckleyite coasts who like those religious types to back the cause, but to just go away as my Viagra close up is coming.

Yes liberals let us speak of the Viagra Limbaugh, the voice, face and persona of Ronald Reagan, and from Playboy appearances, posing with ugly women like Ben Rothlesberger, getting slammed by Letterman, promoting that leftist 24 garbage, losing his hearing from prescription drugs, arrests, Viagra by the case, more wives than a Mormon and sitting silent on Mitt Romney smearing Fred Thompson and Sarah Palin............you tell me liberals who want Rush Limbaugh tits up, if you could not have made a worse poster boy for the right than the out of control Lindsey Lohan juvenile deviance than the Dr. of Democracy Rush Limbaugh.

Dr. of Democracy? America is not supposed to be a democracy mob rule, but a Republican form of Government.

So this banter of Rush Limbaugh's death wish is wearing thin on the frauds for the left ginning it up for headlines in the papers and Rush Limbaugh emailing about to Byron York about "being the most prominent voice of Conservatism"..........
Ah get a grip on that one, as the Word of God is thee voice of Conservatism. Jesus the Christ created Conservatism, put forth secular minds as Locke, Smith, Franklin and Friedman so every century would have an understanding of Biblical principles, and they did it all without millions of dollars coming in to all of this media in interesting Moon ways.

Al Franken beat the stolen Limbaugh mule into the Senate. Rush Limbaugh is a catalyst which raises millions of dollars a year for liberals. For those liberals who dream of Limbaugh dead, he is your best asset and all of you should be buying him a Daniel Webster cigar as he is the great dam of information holder in never leaking all he knows and allowing that ravenous patrician status quo to rape America over the sea to shining sea.

Rush Limbaugh is as big of problem as the NRA, in both have posses which say "get em up" and away the masses circle up the wagons, but they never concern themselves about winning the war, as keeping liberals around is how the promotion continues.

Rush Limbaugh enables sodomy and Rush Limbaugh has done nothing for the moral standing of the Conservative movement. As only this blog noted, he lied in stating no one in the GOP candidates list was defining Obama, when Matt Drudge has been filled with Sarah Palin being the lone voice leading the Tea Party Conservatives.

Rush Limbaugh has had it too easy with his fawnlings protecting and enabling him. The left is so utterly incompetent they can not even do what has been posted above in exposing Mr. Limbaugh for what he really is, the bastard of Conservatism in a Bill Buckley condom.
(For those who require a literal definition of this, Bill Buckley's patricians destroyed the John Birch Society and then hid under Ronald Reagan's horse blanket and sabotaged everything Ronald Reagan in the guise of George Schultz to Buckley's spawn voting for Obama to Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters terming Mark Levin "deranged" for disagreeing with Obama from Day One. A political bastard is a person of heritage as Mr. Limbaugh's family is without a political home or parentage, but living off the name of Ronald Reagan. The condom is of that issue and is relevant as Mr. Limbaugh used to fix one to his Golden EIB microphone to broadcast, the same "safe" things he has been stating while keeping Americans in the dark.)

These piglets on the left who make a living off of Limbaugh as he oinks about, know he is their hog trough and it is time that Americans figure out the destruction this prima dona has done to the image of Conservatives. It is past time that the tables turn and these Buckleyites be exposed for the filthy immoral money whores they are as they prop thee beloved Ronald Reagan up for one more cashiers check around the track.

Rush Limbaugh is the best nag the liberals ever put a saddle on, so let us all just quit the propaganda about RIP Limbaugh.

nuff said


Byron York