Monday, August 16, 2010

Let me be perfectly clear

It is strange world watching the dithering of Obama spreading like an African in the bush seeing a massive elephant head rise over the trees and their thinking no danger is involved.

According to John Bolton, a gentleman this blog respects, he has informed the world that unless America or the Israeli state knocks a big hole in the Persian nuclear billion dollar reactor by August 21st, a real problem will ensue.
The problem which John Bolton simply named pollution of the Gulf States if Bushehr is bombed is not just pollution, but once this reactor is fueled and running, it is the toxic waste of Chernobyl for those who know that event.

To remind readers, Chernobyl is not fixed. Once a reactor melts down, it continues to melt down. To this day, Chernobyl is busy burning it's way down, down and more down, into the mantel of the earth and it will not stop until it reaches neutral gravity.
To make this more interesting in the Russian catastrophe, no one has ever done the mathematics of increased earth pressure at depths, increased magma heat and a concentrate of enriched uranium and plutonim, if it indeed could still detonate in some act of nature.

Of course it could not happen in nature, because stars are all created in Moscow labs as we of the nebula community all know in this age of Obama miracles.
But I digress..........

Meanwhile back at the oasis, if Bushehr is bombed after it is fueled, it will be Chernobyl. This means the same hot steam, melt down and radioactive poisoning which had Swedish sensors going wild as Russia lied there was not a problem. Chernobyl polluted the entire area of Europe.

I have written and spoke of this disaster in how it grieves my heart to have witnessed those Russian children with tumors literally growing in their brains making their skulls a freak show to numerous repeat abdominal tumors until it kills or eats the child alive.
This is why I prefer my mild mannered water gravity feeds and other systems featured here, compared to Sean Hannity and the boys of nuclear power. Uranium plants are fine, until something like an earthquake or terrorist happens to make even safe American or French plants become cancer demons poisoning millions for generations.
Radioactivity does not go away and if Iran is allowed to load this plant with rods, the only way to stop this problem is with a full invasion............and that is now the gambit, because no Muslim would ever scorch earth their nation in spite now would they like Saddam Hussein burning oil wells in Obama tar balling disasters.
Oh yes, Obama used environmental terrorism on GOP Gulf States.

Must be the Hussein in the water.

At the oasis though, it is now days that the Jews either stop this plutonium timebomb, or this is going to expand ten fold as the Persian communists are going to build 10 more reactors.

I have stated that the Persians have nuclear bombs. People are going to die in stopping the Persian communists in mass numbers and it is a number which is either hundreds of thousands in this time frame or millions as the scenario continues.
This is why George W. Bush was pushing energy drilling in America and bio fuels, as he knew this nuclear scenario was coming. Obama simply shut down American drilling knowing this intelligence was pointing to this, so now America will be cripled by the events presently or will be crippled by future Isalmic events.
But then with the Cardoba mosque announcing that Islam has conquerred America, Obama already has planted the crescent in America for the Brotherhood. Ground Zero was a nuclear event by Sheik bin Laden, and the thermal glow is a mosque of toxic waste which will engulf America in the invasion of this tumor growing to a cancer.

Each night the moon waxes more full and Mr. Obama swims in the Gulf prostituting his daughter in publicity vacation stunts, after Mr. Obama polluted the Gulf crippling the US interior.

This blog alone warned of the nuclear pollution as a deliberate Kremlin policy and after August 21st, it will be such, giving Iran carte blanche to any mass murder operation against Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt.
The fact is Mr. Obama has created over 100, 000 hostages of Americans in Afghanistan now, as all Bushehr bombing after the 21st means all those US Soldiers come home toxic cancer timebombs.

Vacations or ugly wives are not going to cure this. This is Obama's doing deliberately.

The Iranians should have been hit immensely hard, and the chance taken that only a US city would be vaporized in the coming years in response of missing Russian nukes. Now it gravitates to the Saudi warning of nuclear Muslim tribal warfare, which will be launched inside these United States, to which Mr. Obama already has a "let me be perfectly clear" response in seizing control further.

The Obama response has been to send Hillary Clinton to Vietnam to make them a nuclear state too, in order to "check" China.

Yes nuclear disarmament of America is Obama policy as he proliferates it around the globe, bringing it all back to America.

..........and nuclear dust clouds from Iran can indeed reach America.

Glad you voted for Ground Zero Obama now kiddies?

Oh and Rush Limbaugh gives Aaron Klein credit for this stuff, but not here............while punditry is transfixed about Muslim oil mafia mosques. The Muslims are putting that mosque up in the biggest concentration of Jews in the world for a purpose.
It is Islams Bushehr.

Probably be Limbaugh's headline tomorrow in hour two of Muchelle meets the mosque.

agtG 319YY