They tell me it's an honor.........so I am honored"
Captain James Tiberius Kirk
Starship Enterprise
Well to quote Ronald Reagan, "There he goes again", and to quote me, "There they go stealing in plagiarism this blog and not remunerating any financial royalties or even bothering to name little ole me in the show highlights.
Odd as this blog has been the show highlights for everyone from McCain to Sean Hannity for the past years.
Perhaps it is because they think I left, so they think they can now come on the blog and plunder it like Obama in the US Treasury, but one does expect more from folks like Rush Limbaugh when they have millions of dollars, a blonde wife suffering from daddy syndrome and a beach house with room for a cigar.
Yes on Monday, August 16, 2010, in hour that I listened to in which would be hour dos or two, national listeners of Rush Hudson Limbaugh the third heard Mr. Limbaugh speaking of Michelle Obama, the ugly first wife of B. Hussein Obama utter the name MUCHELLE as was featured by this blog exclusively, so it is my property, royalty and whatever else I decided legally is my ramification of creation.
Sure some would say, "Lame Cherry you are to be flattered that Rush Limbaugh, the doctor of democrazies, the Golden EIB mic persona, eater of Viagra and smoker of long cigars, with room for Elton John and a gerbil, has pilfered the name MUCHELLE", so of course like James T. Kirk, I quite am.
The problem is though in the Star Trek program where this was featured, there was this crazy black guy who everyone called a genius, named Dick Daestrom, who created this computer that was giving everyone orders, which eventually blew up almost all of Star Fleet as it was change the crazy black guy believed in........
Yeah if that sounds a great deal like Obama, then it sure is Obama and it appears that the computer is now Rush Limbaugh stealing this blog to make hisself look smart.
Sure a fork can be invented twenty seven places around the world in a few years out of necessity, but when I hold the patent on the fork, then the fact is that someone for profit using my fork is not using my fork ,but stealing my fork for his ill gotten gain.
One could see how this would be of great embarrassment to the guy with Elton Blonde leanings if he were hauled into court by liberal lawyers representing me, and exposing him and other intellectual thieves of being Joe Biden plagiarists.
Sure I spoof and tell the front benchers to steal from this site as they honestly need all the help the can in God's Inspiration as they are found lacking, to give their programs luster, but criminey bobwheat on a spam sandwich, you just expect better from people who are wearing Reagan Masks to the party claiming to be Conservatives.
Geez louise there is the bottle blonde couple burdening Elton John with a million dollars of Conservatives money for entertainment, and here am I entertaining the 600 whatever Limbaugh audience radio stations with God given Inspiration, and I don't even get a white shorts photo of the blonde to send to the troops in Afnamistan in Obama's Cold Sore Wars.
The way I discern this is sodomy in Elton John is from the devil and Limbaugh awards him a million bucks, and Inspiration about Muchelle almost two years before Limbaugh stole it is not even worth a mention of, "Hey folks, I looted this from Lame Cherry who has by God's Grace driving the entire back channel of conversation for years, and appearing on this program in stolen thoughts for years in various forms, so all us front benchers can look bright, so I just wanted to let you know I am now playing Milton Berle in stealing other American's materials to make my career, as my mind is on other blonde things".
I honestly am to the point of concluding that I would like bags of money over this Limbaugh theft, again. I believe that it would be nice to have Limbaugh pay all the Obama taxes on that royalty he owes me. I would like freebies too in those air beds he sells and maybe other things Annie Oakley would like in Winchester lever action rifles as a "I'm sorry I stole from you Lame Cherry", because in fact it bugs me at this point, because Biblically here am I alone caring for the recuperation of my Mother, being distracted by numerous things, and once again when my back is turned, here comes someone like Rush Limbaugh picking through my garage, because the door is open and driving off with my lawnmower.
For the record I will add two observations:
Observation 1, Is not all of this Rangel, Waters and Paterson criminal hounding, having nothing to do with them, but now with the patrician elite setting the stage in conditioning Americans that if you lynch these crooked blacks, that when it comes time to lynch Obama and replace him with Hillary Clinton, that the South Side blacks and Tavis Smiley will not be raising hell about it.
Did I not tell you children that Obama would be set up to forever for these patricians to get rid of minorities as people they had to deal with? Yes I did.
What better way than to make tan Obama the face of the third world and for a generation smear all blacks and browns to never hold the high offices again?
Worked quite well in that little Civil War problem didn't it in getting rid of Southerners for a generation.
Observation 2: Do you ever think all those ugly people you cringe at in stores, if perhaps they are Angels from God testing your bigotry in catching you in your thoughts, because do not most of them end up smiling at you?
What was the test Rush Limbaugh that you failed at today again?
agtG 246, 244, 249