Friday, August 27, 2010

That dreamy speechy thang

real to reel

It appears Abraham Lincoln is still attracting the folks from the plantation just like in emancipation as they came to Father Lincoln for the Obama life in everything handed to them.

The flawed Martin King did that. The same Marxist Martin King who dabbled with the enemies of America during his reign and showed up with a good dream plagiarized dream speech, just like Obama rode the Lincoln casket in announcing in Illinois in that dreamy speechy thang which hasn't been working out so good for blacks and Slavs across the globe as B. Hussein Obama vacations his way around the world soon to be seven times over.

In that Glenn Mormon Beck, now has a dream it seems and apparently has got Sarah Palin to show up for a cameo too. Beck is a bright boy, like the cow that kicked over that lantern in Chicago causing the city to always appreciate Mrs. O'learys milking choice.
GMB is a firestarter, a part of that leftist Molotov Mob, who has been injecting dope into America in an adrenalin rush before moving onto a new flame.

Beck is quite brilliant though in his scheme as he non stop tries to subvert and take control of the Tea Party movement and ruin it for his benefactors. This is the same Beck who was dreaming Mormon apostasy, espousing all sorts of Obama nightmares and calling for the fragmentation of the GOP, which would of course mean Pelosi and Reid still in charge after the elections and Obama stomping the last life out of America in 2013 in the abyss.

So Beck has his moment in Lincoln's shadow, gets death threats on the Tea Party from a bunch of scared black liberals who see their entire hope from Obama turning into a 3 second quick ejaculations caught on video loops of YouTube, and will pump up the audience of dots he has for another million dollars in the bank as that is what Beck is paid for.
Glenn Beck is an injected Rockefeller cancer into the Tea Party and all Patriots, just like the Rockefeller medical group has been injecting sleeper cancers in vaccines for a generation for study and trillions in profits..........and cropping off Americans.

There are allot of cancers in this period infecting Americans. Rush Limbaugh is deliberately cast in the role of the face of the right in America by his willing Obama counterparts.
What is the face of the right that everyone bows to including Sean Hannity and Mark Levin?

4 times married, three times divorced. Arrested for being a dopehead. Lost his hearing for being so out of control in being a dopehead. Suitcase full of Viagra. Pictured with trampy looking hags in bikinis. Wrong on issues like biofuels which help provide real jobs in poor rural America.
Then there is the the blonde wife looking for a daddy literally, and Limbaugh marries her, along with paying a million dollars to Elton John, the sodomite who said the most disgusting things about Jesus the Christ.

Got some news people. The front benchers are not the face of America nor the right. David Limbaugh, Rush's brother, is far more the Conservative, family man, intellectual Patriot, than Rush Limbaugh ever could be in how much propaganda he spews about hisself.

There is far too much of this sin now and let someone else pay later in the Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh factions who suck the life out of the Conservative right. They are no different than the left which runs from God their entire lives in "separation of Church and state" fallacy.
Both are of conduct unbecoming Americans and bringing the judgment of God on the American Nation, as the only thing which is going to save America is God weeding this disease out and Jesus the Christ on a White Horse as Warrior King.

The fact is Glenn Beck is a useful tool if the Tea Party uses this shill of the robber barons and then casts him aside before they get killed by Obama folks. Beck can fire start and mix things up in breaking up the sacred ground of Martin King mystique which Obama and Colin Powell trampled on in January 2009. That is the only purpose for Beck. Let him pipe the rats of which he is chief of, and let them follow into the Obama abyss and let American move on.

As far as Rush Limbaugh goes, he hasn't had any original ideas in a decade. He gets press from his fire starters on the left in things like Imam Obama, but tell the boys in Afghanistan what good firing off a howitzer does once a week when real Obama Cold Sore War is going on.
Amazing in the connected Limbaugh, giving money to military causes, that he somehow has missed all that Marine furor over Obama in gays and has missed that the National Guard across America is being screwed by Obama in service payments and none of them are signing up again to show up in Afnamistan, because they are moving out.

It bears repeating in Mark Levin and Sean Hannity almost pant out Limbaugh's name daily in the big three shows, but one never hears Rush Limbaugh even tossing a crumb of notice to these other two heavy lifters, who literally have been the rugged individuals as Limbaugh played David Letterman in his tiff with John McCain.
Oh that is right, mavericks Limbaugh, McCain and Obama are mooing along on the same policy paths betraying the right in their chosen Glenn Beck weakening of the Reagan Frontier by design, but don't tell anyone the game of the pyrotechnic rants as the love of fire, the love of America up in smoke and the love of flaming sodomites is just too much in the sweaty mud bath of Gomorrah boys.

If you have not gotten the point children, keep the course, but do not become a media event fodder in some black folks stomping you into the concrete for Obama in equal Beck payback to that odd Barney Frank and John Lewis parade by Pelosi smearing the Tea Party a few months back.
Play your game, keep your money, and only support the Americans who are playing on your board.

Do not get bogged down in a long hot summer campaign running into winter like Lee and Grant did, as you do not have the forces. This is still packs and mules like George Custer in this Indian fight. Keep moving light and do not make the mistake that General Custer did in trusting traitors like Benteen and Reno, who betrayed the 7th for their patrician benefactors in getting the command slaughtered with the dolt Indians taking the blame, as no one noted that it was terrorists from Minnesota who accomplished it, armed from Washington DC.

Take America back, but don't get taken in by the vacationing Obama mob.

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