Thursday, September 30, 2010

Obama's Jihad Against American Women

Do you really think readers when a photo shows up between Sarah Palin's legs is pictured a young kid, when Bill Maher digs out old footage of Christine O'Donnell, when Kristi Noem's driving records appear in South Dakota, fist fights happen at Sharon Angle events and Hillary Clinton gets pictured looking like the demon seed..........that it just happens?

What this is, is exactly the essence of the B. Hussein Obama jihad on select American Ladies and women, who are competitors for the Obama cartel and their stake in the Muslim oil mafia.

That is the hand which rocks Karl Rove's cradle of love, as his cohorts in Steve Schmidt to Max Sandlin take direction from this elite internationalist group waging war on Americans, and funnel Muslim mafia oil money into the accounts, all to be distributed to cronines in the mainstream media as kickbacks in the agenda.
Sure George Soros funds tons of these operations, but that money just like Marc Rich laundering Saddam Hussein funds in bribes to the Clintons accounts and most of the European leader's retirement accounts, all is Muslim oil money.

The photo of Hillary Clinton is taken deliberately by Ali Jarekji, a noted Jordanian based photo taker. That photo is then the property of Reuters, which is leftist.

Why Mrs. Clinton is being smeared is simple. She is a competitor to B. Hussein Obama for the 2012 Presidential bid.
The Muslim oil mafia invested hundreds of millions of dollars in counterfeit bills into Mr. Obama's 2008 campaign. (American got stuck bailing this out in the Stimulus kickbacks.) Mr. Obama was supposed to divide the Israeli state and drive the Jews into the sea, but he is been found a bit lacking in potentional.
The Muslim oil mafia though has to protect it's investment. I would bet that this Islamocommunist Reuters group is Sunni like B. Hussein Obama, and that is the genesis of this smear.
They usually reserve this entire operation only for Republicans, but in the Middle East where Mr. Obama is caliphate in waiting for these leftwing Marxist Muslims, he is still their boy, and Mrs. Clinton is an inidel, even if she is having a dark skinned chic smoke her cigar for her.

This is all this Rovian seek and destroy operation which is reserved for certain Americans, while other cash whores like Nancy Pelois, Barbara Boxer and the infamous Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, get to walk the street corner selling their sex, because they are being pimped by this same money source and in Herseth Sandlin's case is married to one of Karl Rove's propagandists.

Drudge was more than pleased to post the above demon seed Hillary photo, but that photo just did not happen from lunar photographer Ali Jarekji. That crosshairs on Hillary is also sending a message that the Muslim mafia which is backing Barack Obama is threatening Mrs. Clinton if she continues on with this coup against usurper Obama.

It is a messy and sordid business this marketing of Islam, as Mr. Obama is third world, has brought his Muslim tribal wars into America, and that view of women as livestock to be abused for the chieftains will is what American liberals like Cynthia McFadden and Anderson Cooper went ga ga over in their smearing of Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.

The Rovian machine feeds this as much as it is fed by the Axelrod machine for Obama. It is a jihad against Americans. It started with Obama's slash and burn on Hillary Clinton, moved onto Sarah Palin with her daughters, and now has spread out to Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell and Kristi Noem.

........and alone sits princess Stephanie Herseth Sandlin and queen Nancy Pelosi, with co regent Michelle Obama enjoying the political rape of American Ladies.

This is beastly. It is debauchery and it is all heinously unAmerican.

It is though what one gets when you stick a 3rd world Obama with 1st world Max Sandlin types who thinks gays are there for sexual service and getting off on raping women is their patrician sport.
