Thursday, September 30, 2010


I just finished watching Undercover Boss, because my beloved Mom likes the program, and while it is interesting in showing corporate has a humane face even as most companies screw their employees over 12 ways by the time you check in, there were things going on in this episode which involved Hooters which really need addressing.

I'm not really sorry I missed the brat who runs Hooters as he had the company left to him by his Dad who built it, because it is not really about this rich kid running the old man's company into the ground.
The fact is a law of human nature in successful people build a dynasty, their children suck it dry, and by the 3rd generation the Obamites have lost it all and the kids are back to voting liberal, when the old man or old lady wouldn't have been caught dead marrying John Kerry, Mrs. Heinz.

Two part of the Hooters episode bothered me personally, in one involved a jerk who was making his girls eat beans off a plate like in a pie eating contest to see who could win to go home early, and the brat boss gave the corporate 'this is terrible' line as the jerk was calling all these waitresses prima donas.

The second part which bothered me were women on the street ragging on Hooters girls and stating Hooters exploited women, and they would never patronize Hooters nor would they ever allow their daughters to work there.

As usual in this blog, here am I going to go off in a direction which is not expected, because I discern the world in Truth and have no time for political correctness nor fools which suffer the same verbiage.

The fact is the jerk was right in the women who work at Hooters are prima donas. Every one of them can be stereotyped in they all think they are hot, they all have made fun of men and they all get off in being smug rolling over in their minds all the guys they have tortured in asking them out and only giving them the "look but you can never touch" garbage, until they get knocked up by some professional jock and then the nice guy is supposed to be thankful this woman hauls him to the altar and dumps some others asses kids on him in exchange for sex once in a blue moon, and working himself to death for this new family.
Should women be eating beans off a plate in retribution? Sure they should, because they play this Barbie game all the time, and it is called the law of the jungle as all the baboons toss excrement at each other, because someone threw it in their face first.

I have met 300 pound ugly women who thought they were centerfolds. It is few and far between I ever met Ladies a most are females who think they are the hottest things to ever walk the planet when they are Rosie O'Donnell.
It is the nature of the majority of the female species. They pretend menstrual flows, yeast infection stench and all that gross odors from their forms never happen, as they treat men and other women like dirt. Sarah Palin being a prime example in how the Cynthia McFaddens forget how much drainage is coming out of her reeking enough to gag a maggot.
The point being is the second point in this about the hags on the street ragging on Hooters girls.

These hags saying that Hooters exploits women, are such hypocrites when these are the same women who exploit themselves to get a man to be stupid enough to marry them. You can just see these poor husbands having their thoughts coming out of their wive's mouths thinking for them, and longing for some Hooters girl to just kidnap him as he would gladly do the laundry, and all the other house husband chores they are stuck doing as the old hag, who was so putting out in sex before the I DO, changed.
It is the nature of the beast in these same bitching women, will vote for Obama, teach their daughters to size up and prey on some dufus "yes man" who will work himself to death, as she tortures him for her being born a woman.

In that, that is Hooters corporate problem in they have the worst of the extremes in women surrounding them with real women rarely entering the picture. On one boob they have women who exploit themselves to get ahead, and on the other they have women who exploit others to get ahead.

That is what brat Hooters junior missed. He should have instead of listening to these bitching women, told them, "Look I don't want you in my restaurants and I hope your husband dumps your ass and finds someone who is normal!"
Junior though instead hired two Hooters chicks to do more public relations telling people all Hooters does for their communities..........I suppose like sending the above breasts to Iraq for the Soldiers.

How about the brat actually telling these bitchy women that Hooters employs women who would be running off with their husbands which is a fact. How about Hooters mention that Hooters pays hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes to communities in various forms, so police can keep bitches like this safe from the communities who plot nightly to lynch them.

Hooters is a business. It is in the business to exploit what it does just like Democrats exploit union workers, just like Bill Gates exploits 3rd world minds, just like Barack Obama exploits all blacks pretending he is really black in his tan Indonesian, raised by white folks skin.

I have never been to a Hooters and probably never will be. I doubt if Junior Hooters will be changing his company policy for the numerous people like me. My reason for not going to a Hooters is I detest crowds and I really am too sloven to inquire if Hooters great food is available for take out orders.

Wow can you imagine that? A real productivity idea to assist Hooters in simply making Hooters more marketable in expanding fast food take out, so Obama voters could partake of that fine food all packed in cartons labeled, "DID NOT COME FROM HOOTERS", to soothe their savage breasts.

As for the chicks with the tits, they will grow out of it, as it is called old age. They will find a few years that the guys are looking at younger models and laughing at the wrinkled beauty queen stuck on stupid.

Hooters is America in the Obama majority. It is guys who are tormented by women who won't date them and stuck with Obama shrews who are sucking the joy of life out of them, and paying to look at bodies in exchange for food and paying at home to have to look at bodies of hags which make them upchuck that food.

No one though gives a corporate about the guys being exploited at Hooters or at their prisons called homes.

That is typical though as not all can be Rush Limbaugh marrying his daughter as a gay guy serenades her nor be Barack Hussein Obama marrying his way into the Chicago syndicate for a job as he dates his daughter now.

That is just what guys do. They never find a nice girl. They do have the option of working to death for Obama debt for ungrateful women or dying in Obama wars protecting ungrateful women, all the while being blamed for all the problems women have.

It is so good Hooters rubs all of this in, in employing with boobs and giving a straw breast for Obama girls to rant about in being boobs.

Oh look the same shrews who bitch about Hooters, said nothing about Hillary Clinton hanging her tits out, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's magic tits nor all the other wiles these shrews exploit America "Don't send me to war because I'm a woman"...........

"I won't patronize Hooters as it exploits women" about getting out of America as you have had no problem any of you exploiting men in dying in wars or supporting your active ovaries, so you could espouse those high minded Obama ideas which are ruining America in a few short years of your ass backward immorality.
A Hooters uniform is evil, and yet Soldiers uniforms are just fine as caskets housing the men who are dying for idiot women.

Yeah let's not bother with the facts Hooters corporate. They just get in the way.
