There is no undo influence from her international lobbyist husband, his group Mercury Public Affairs lobbying Congressional bills nor it's massive holding company of influence in Omnicom Group.
Stephie can walk through Sodom, and remain that virginal......well slightly cherry picked girl by old geezer power lawyers in Washington, DC, before she found herself in bed with Max Sandlin, the new pooper scooper adviser who "assisted" in Herseth Sandlins first Congressional campaign.
It is most remarkable either the virtue of Stephanie Herseth Sandlin with her Texas husband, pimping their 2 year old son in commercials and using brain injured Soldiers or the absolute idiocy of South Dakota voters in not seeing the illegal lobbying going on in the Sandlin household as Stephie's name magically appears on bills that her husband's firm lobbies for.
This magical bed of mystery saw Herseth Sandlin named by the aborticide industry as an advisor, which is quite illegal for someone in Congress, but then Herseth Sandlin's criminal deeds also included using her Congressional office to overturn South Dakota's Right to Life Law in running that circumventing the South Dakota Legislature.
Herseth Sandlin literally was gushing over Obamacare in January of 2010, but as the American public wanted no part of this bill, Stephie's tone changed from all the perks she had sold her vote to in Nancy Pelosi, to one of getting Pelosi's permission to vote against Obamacrypt to continue that South Dakota mystique of "I'm a DC whore for Obama, but I scrub up real pretty to fool the rubes in South Dakota".
The long reach of the Max Sandlin propaganda even reaches to Wikipedia as somehow an unchallenged blurb of "new polling data" has Herseth Sandlin winning so large, she must have Daschle stuffing Sioux Indian ballot boxes already.
Perhaps like Al Franken having more Minnesotans voting for him than Minnesotans will have more Sioux Indians voting than there are Indians in the state for Stephie........again.
In these troubled times, Mr. Herseth Sandlin choses to promote Canada Air over American carriers. Certainly to please all the mister with Stephanie is with Peabody Energy which is the largest coal supplier in America, and gawlee........Warren Buffett owns all those coal trains making a fortune as B. Hussein Obama contends he is against all those greenhouse gases.
Of course from pooper sccoper Sandlin and Sandlin, they never quite reveal that another one of their major benefactors in lining their pockets is Vanguard Health.
Wait for it South Dakota as Vanguard in the age of Obama takes over non profit hospitals and converts them to investor owned status.
To translate to the arrogant South Dakotans who can not admit Herseth Sandlin is a crook, that means that Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's husband, promotes taking over privately owned charity hospitals that serve their communities in these Obama inflicted times and turns them into for profit institutions denying health care, rising costs for the community because all those Herseth Sandlin investors must have a profit off your cancer treatments.
Take a guess who is in bed with the Sandlins? Why two names pop up in Terry Nelson who was the top strategist for John McCain and Steve Baldy Schmidt, McCain's senior advisor.
We all know how well it turned out for John McCain as someone was feeding information to camp Obama and Sarah Palin has outed how these traitors were sabotaging her and the entire McCain run.
This same group of pro homosexual agenda are the ones targeting Christine O'Donnell in savaging her.
If you want to know the political rapists carrying out assaults on American Ladies for wife beater Obama, they are the very Max Sandlin group feeding the talking points savaging all of these Conservatives.
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is married to a political rapist and like the maul who sits in bed waiting for her pimp to come home and relive the tales of beating up women, that is what Stephanie Herseth Sandlin knows in her pillow talk.
As the evidence against Stephanie Herseth Sandlin and her.........well husband, adulterer by every religious standard as Max Sandlin left behind a wife and four children and crawled into bed with cherry picked Stephie, all point to the pillow talk of that marriage looks more like a Hot Springs whorehouse Bill and Roger Clinton were snorting coke in with the sheets so sticky that flies and maggots were dying from landing on that toxic bed.
The entire fraud of Stephanie Herseth Sandlin from pimping her own child, to her marriage to a lobbyist, to her sham of serving South Dakota in Congress when she looks like Tom and Linda Daschle in their lobbying for hire.
The only difference is the public does not have any body count as when lobbyist Daschle got people killed in airplane crashes..........but wait, how many Americans have died from Vanguard denying them hospital care or profiteering that sick people didn't seek medical help and died?
Don't worry South Dakota though because Stephanie Herseth Sandlin and her lobbyist husband are getting big fat checks for all of this while Max Sandlin has no part in how Stephie votes nor has any part in the least in her campaign commercials crafting them.
There is no pillow talk in the Sandlin bed. There is no interaction at all..............hells bells their baby was an immaculate conception as nothing goes on in the Stephanie Herseth Sandlin bed.
It is all virginal in Max and Stephanie like Sodom and Gomorrah.