Here the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
America has willingly voted itself into the Obama abyss. It has been a long journey in debauchery from the blasphemy of the New Covenant by the Clintons to the messiahship, halo headedness and god status not rejected by the electorate in B. Hussein Obama.
Only here was Mr. Obama revealed as the son of wrath, a title bestowed as he is the epitome of the national sins of these United States accumulated over the decades and brought to sacrilege in the Obama manifestation.
The son of wrath is chosen so the time of George W. Bush's chastisement of America in warning will come to the time of judgment for God to pour out His wrath upon a sinful people.
Only by Americans rejecting and pulverizing their idolatry on all fronts, and those hidden in their hearts from false religions to the mania of Obama will the judgment of God be lessened.
Every vote is recorded by the Lord God, and those who have been in the habit of making baby butchering legal as in Stephanie Sandlin to the absolute whoring of the Virgin Daughter of America as in B. Hussein Obama, have these votes upon their mortal life recording as a witness of their national sins.
To vote for a blasphemous Obama was a waymark sin in God sifting of those who are His in not being led away. Voting for John McCain will not save you, but voting for B. Hussein Obama is a sin which will not wash away.
Judgment is coming and in this abyss, the good will suffer as will the evil.
It is in this, that it would be as Mark Levin has stated, for it would be better for the Obamite voters to stay home, lock their doors and not vote to continue this national blasphemy as instituted by Obama Marxists and Rove patricians, because their mark has been made, and if they stand in the Way and add to this, their every vote will be a further visitation and amplification of their sins upon them.
There will be double recompense from God for what His America has done in all of these heinous sins.
Do not expect judgment like Sodom and Gomorrah in it being fire and brimstone in a moment for the sodomize virgin, but as Samaria was whithered upon the vine and thinking she was still vibrant, so will be the whithering of America in this son of wrath Judgment.
Judgment has come in God's Love to save this His Chosen Nation as she has reached the depths which now surpass the worst sins of humankind.
There will come a time when the war storm will gather for in every event there is the hand of God in the midst of the calamity which befalls all. It is for a time to come when judgment has been handed down and sentence has come.
Woe to that people who have left that planted garden and defiled it with satan's horde.
I personally as stated do not care for the punishment which sifts this evil for America, only in the event that those in right standing with God are going to have to endure horrid times, because of the sins of the many.
This past summer has been time not noted, but only by a few Inspired who have been whispered to by God's Spirit, that God in His Love has been harvesting many of the old and sick across America in this seasons, so they can die in peace and comfort now, and not be defiled and left unburied for a time to come.
The son of wrath has the chain of America in the abyss, and he will keep pulling link by link, even if the opposition in Tea Party prevail for the GOP. Woe to those who after join with Obama in stalemating that thin thread of deliverance in a people trying to show God they have learned and will abide by His Governance, because there is no time left for these United States if the clash of the Godless left prevails to the cutting off of America.
This is a matter now of the children proving to God they will stand for the America He bore in 1776 or if the eve of Samaria has returned upon this chosen race.
Good to good, bad to bad, recompense to recompense, evil to evil, heap upon heap, the judgment has come.
If you vote, vote right, for another evil vote is the setting of your sun at noon.
(and yes I meant here and not hear)
agtG 239
As most need to be told, you are voting for your life.
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You are voting for your judgment.
agtG 315