Wilson instituted the globalist dream and FDR enslaved Americans to that globalist system.
Every last policy which B. Hussein Obama has enacted mirrors the exact nation rapine policies of FDR in the Great Depression, whose full intent was to deepen and expand that Depression for Democratic Marxist power.
All of this is not helped one bit when Rush Limbaugh in deliberate smear refers to Barack Obama as Barack Hoover Obama.
The problem has never been Republican Herbert Hoover, but once again the subtle slurs of Elton Blonde against American Patriots in making Bush 43 a sucker sucking chimp to Herbert Hoover being responsible for a Depression generated out of the European cartel.
Why is it that Rush Limbaugh does these things?
What I desire to focus on though is now that Obama has strangled America and the world to an Obama Super Depression and gold is where all that investment money is pouring into............ask yourself if you are Mark Levin, whose sponsor is the gold sellers, and you are Mark Levin, an enemy of the Obama state, just how long do you think it is going to take Mr. Obama, even under a Republican control of Congress to mandate the same gold grab which FDR illegally mandated against Americans in the Dirty 30's?
Think this is not possible children? How about the Bush tax cuts expiring in capital gains?
Do you think Tim Geithner and some Obama lawyer could not twist the IRS to actually taxing investors in gold on the added value in which they would owe the government if they sold that gold?
See how it would work is the person holding gold would be taxed on increased value as his net worth had gone up. Obama and his cartel could twist that as "wealth" and then legally tax all those gold investors.
Imagine the scenario as George "Romanian Gold Grabber" Soros called gold the ultimate bubble. Soros noting gold is a bubble, means he can collapse it for huge short selling profits.
So you are Mark Levin who bought gold at 300 dollars an ounce. It raises to 1500 dollars an ounce, and you think you are quite secure, until the IRS shows up with an appreciation tax bill of 1200 dollars, which as this is high income, you will owe a 50% tax (FDR had it geared up to 90% tax rate for the rich investors), which means if you purchased $30,000 worth of gold, it rose to 150,000 dollars in value in Obama inflation.
So you have 120,000 dollars in increased "value" which the Obama IRS says you now owe $60,000 on.
The European cartels join in, but you know the Rothschilds and Rockefellers will............well have a clause that "banking houses are immune to this tax for economic stability", and all of these gold, silver and whatever investors are going to be looking at massive tax bills, they can not afford.
So they must sell their gold in order to pay that tax or end up in Obama prison.
That in turn causes a massive implosion on gold prices, bursting George Soros' bubble, and you Mark Levin still owe the IRS that $60,000 as it was a tax bill for the previous value and taxes assessed and owed can not be withdrawn.
Oh and George Soros has sold short and is making trillions of dollars more on gold falling for the Obama cartel.
Remember Bill Clinton's retroactive taxes which started this recession and Obama turned it into a Super Depression.
Obama active taxes are on the horizon.
I have always been brought to mind by the Holy Ghost the Biblical verses in "they will cast their gold and silver into the street" as it will not save them.
B. Hussein Obama was pictured as FDR before he took office, has implemented the same FDR depression deepening policies to implement more of the Marxist agenda while criminalizing Americans, and FDR grabbed gold...........so how long do you think it will be before Obama makes war on the rich investors, as he was chasing their offshore funds in banks his first year, what do you think the odds are he will not seize gold held by individual investors on another one of these clever Obama money grabs............like he grabbed General Motors from the public holding and gave it to union voters.
So you have been warned of a scenario to expect. Obama and his cartels are not going to let you keep your money.
One way or another they are going to get you.
All that glitters is not Obama
One way or another
I'm gonna find you
I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another