In short, this blog uncovers the illegal selling of American Indian votes and the purchasing of said votes with bribes from Democrats using taxpayer funds and Nobel Prize Awards.
Hey Norwegian Leftists who awarded B. Hussein, did you know your money is being used in violation of the federal RICO Act?
Here is the substance of it in historical terms.
Indians in America from colonial expansion were always viewed in profit terms. If the empires traded with Indians they could control them and exploit them in doing the dirty work like slitting American's throats or tanning buffalo hides.
This progressed to Lincoln's time when Indians were revalued in selling supplies to them like guns, which the government could then assassinate American Patriots like Gen. George Custer and the added value of the Indians could be divided up by the various religious sects to turn them into peasant farmers who filled collection plates on Sunday.
Around 1960, Indians faced a new commerce in they could be used like Jews bashing Germans over the head over the holocaust by future Obamites and turned into radicals by Bill Ayers types in making the terror group AIM, American Indian Movement which was the Black Panthers of the plains who liked shooting FBI agents, rolling around in cars, filling their tanks and not paying for the gas.
In the Obama generation, the Indian faced a new asset status in the reservations could be turned into foreign states not controlled by Americans. There could be meth labs run by the cartels, skimming of BIA, Bureau of Indian Affairs Funds, oasis for Mexican illegals, mafia casino gambling, and while the liberals found if one kept the Indians stoned and drunk, they made excellent ballot box stuffers like South Side Chicago blacks to install frauds like Tom Daschle, Tim Johnson, Stephanie Sandlin and Al Franken into office.
Yes Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, New Mexico and Wisconsin have massive Indian populations, and isn't it amazing that Democrat NeoProgs dominate those states, but that elections like Johnson and Frankens were won by Indians voting 1000 to 3 for Democrats for the margins of victory.
Oh by the way, that is called crime, is crime and is a felony.
This blog has alone exposed the felon who Stephanie Herseth is and how she ties directly into that anti America regime known as patrician Karl Rove and the Obama regime.
We have shown that Mrs. Sandlin takes in money from donations from tribes not even in her state and how her 100% Indian vote for Stephie is rewarded by Mrs. Sandlin literally gutting the military budget so Indians can have cable television and get a half a million dollars for example to watch prairie grass grow.
This is millions of dollars Herseth Sandlin has been gouging from Soldiers and endangering them in using money to buy votes which is taxpayer property.
This becomes the utmost worst as this shakedown of the tribes started under Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton did not investigate hisself like Barack Obama, but had Janet Reno do the magnifying glass..........but as Bill was never impeached over shaking down Indians, we know Janet did as fraud of job as Eric Holder does in allowing the Black Panthers get away with crimes.
As this has degraded, I have uncovered the entire money pattern, linking Obama and it started in full force with Obama in 2008, on Facebook of all things.
I will post some of the stories and links featured on the Obama thug and shakedown site in case these criminals start erasing the evidence as this is made public.
Natives for Obama is a group created to bring together the network of AI/AN/NH supporters, volunteers, field organizers and others who are working to elect Senator Barack Obama as the next President of the United States.
I desire you to just peruse the Obama finance stories linked to Indians and vice versa.
- Three First Nations Newspapers Endorse Obama
November 3, 2008
Obama Team Works the Native Vote in N.M.
November 3, 2008
Barack Obama: Fighting for First Nations
November 2, 2008
Powwow For Change
November 1, 2008
LaMere Encourages Tribal Voters to Stand with Obama
October 31, 2008
Poll Finds Native Voters Strongly Backing Sen. Obama
October 31, 2008
Ron Allen: No Longer Endorsing Sen. McCain
October 31, 2008
Obama Campaign Hosts Grandmother Day in Shiprock
October 31, 2008
Oneida Nation Donated $4600 to Sen. Obama
October 31, 2008
Indian Country Today Endorses Obama
October 27, 2008
Obama's Play for Indian Country
October 27, 2008
NCAI Delegates Rally with Phoenix Natives for Obama ’08
October 25, 2008
Gyasi Ross - Life: The Real Reason that Indians Overwhelmingly Support Obama
October 24, 2008
Sen. Obama: A full partnership with Indian Country
October 24, 2008
Obama's Native Vote Director Takes Stand
October 23, 2008
McCain and Obama Deliver Video Messages to NCAI
October 22, 2008
Obama Courts Native American Vote in Typically Red States
October 22, 2008
NCAI Delegates Rally with Phoenix Natives for Obama ’08
October 25, 2008
Navajo Nation Council Endorses Obama
October 22, 2008
Past and Present Navajo Leaders Rally for Obama
October 19, 2008
Kevin Abourezk: Tribal Advocates Tout Obama's Health Plan
October 17, 2008
Obama’s Support is Widespread in Indian Country
October 17, 2008
‘Obamacan’ Sightings Abound in Indian Country
October 17, 2008
Navajo Leaders to Rally for Obama
October 17, 2008
Obama Leads Pursuit of Native American Vote
October 13, 2008
Charles Trimble: Sen. Obama a Man for our Time
October 13, 2008
Yellow Bird: Sen. Obama a Presidential Winner
October 13, 2008
ICT Interview W/ Wizi Garriot, Obama Campaign Indian Vote Director
October 9, 2008
San Carlos Tribal Council Endorses Barack Obama
October 8, 2008
U.S.Tribal Leaders Meet with Obama
October 1, 2008
I know the outside the reservation America had no idea just how incestuous Obama was with Indians, and folks, that Argus Leader story is none other than the Sioux Falls, South Dakota Argus Leader in Tom Daschle, Tim Johnson and Stephanie Sandlin country building upon their criminal ballot box stuffing for Barack Hussein Obama.
This entire criminal South Dakota liberal syndicate from the now deceased Tony Dean to Herseth Sandlin is the current nation rape status for native peoples in exploiting them.
From the same Obama site, take a guess who these national socialist Indians are smearing as they are stuffing the ballots for Obama?
Ron Allen: No Longer Endorsing Sen. McCain
October 31, 2008
Gov. Palin Fails to Impress Alaska Natives
October 24, 2008
Natives Claim Palin Neglects Issues
October 22, 2008
Apaches Criticize McCain For Poor Job As Senator
October 19, 2008
Palin Attacks Native Peoples of Alaska
October 12, 2009
Alaska Natives Question Palin’s Support
October 8, 2008
There are almost 1200 of these Obama maniacal kooks on this one site alone worshipping Obama, offering him bribes and drinking the ghetto green kook aid as they initiate rapine on American Ladies.
Think that is the end of this............oh no Tonto, the Lone Ranger is just putting the spurs to Silver.
Guess who got a piece of Obama's Noble Prize fund as a political kickback? Sure enough, the very national socialist mob, so demanding Obamacare (they already get all medical care from your donations), in the American Indians.
Yes Barack Hussein Obama kickbacked to Indians, $125,000.00. Let us see, the Indians give Democrats millions, steal elections for them and carry out rapine on American Ladies, and Obama gives them the glass beads of a hundred grande in return.
Sounds to me like Obama not only had Luo slave traders in his past, but has some Dunhams trading for Manhattan Island in duping the natives out of their island.
I do not digress as this gets better.
Remember Minnesota election thief Al Franken, grand Obama supporter like Stephanie Sandlin?
Why pixie Sandlin invited Franken out to South Dakota to discuss "housing" for Indians. The big story was Franken said Sandlin would vote for Pelosi as Speaker, but thankfully this blog is around for the real front bencher news, which Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh better get on the pew with as this page does the thinking for them.
"Housing" means Sandlin and Franken arrived in South Dakota to offer bribes of more free homes for Indians, while Americans under the Obama regime have had their homes foreclosed on.
Hell Obama is bulldozing Detroit into sheep pastures.
What everyone failed to see in this is the big question in, "Why is a liberal Jew like Al Franken, having Harry Reid specifically put him on the Senate Indian Affairs committee as the glamour jobs are Ways and Means?"
Recall now children, Minnesota has a bumper crop of Indians. Those Indians stuff ballot boxes for............tom tom drum beat please............yes Al Franken so he can steal an election from Conservative Jewish American, Norm Coleman, who Karl Rove, never had justice start an investigation into, no more than Rove ever stopped any Democrat election fraud.
So can it be said that Al Franken on the Senate Indian Affairs Committee is in quid pro quo now gathering goodies for his ballot box stuffing Indians who stole the election for him.
And how does Stephanie Herseth Sandlin bring in but Al Franken in her hour of need to offer more bribes to Lakota Sioux to make sure they are ready to steal another election for a Daschelite.
Think that is a galactic story? Sure is pardner.
Does this crimes against America get bigger? Oh yes children, pull up an elk skin and rip off a piece of jerky as the dog is not yet done in the pot.
(For those who have no idea what that reference refers to, the Indians utilized horses as their transportation and brought dogs along on raiding parties, because dogs traveled fast and the Indians would eat them for food supply.)
We now find hidden in the murky waters of Obama bottom, a Senoria Sotomayer in the fox in the hen house in assistant to Ken Salazar at the Interior, ( you remember Ken from the Obama tar balls and getting rid of wild horses to a state near you), but his main man in Interior is none other than conflict of interest, Larry Echo Hawk of Indian Affairs.
Now isnt' putting Echo Hawk who loves Obama, in charge of overseeing bribes handed out by Obama, a sort of conflict of interest?
Senora had to recuse herself from almost every case in the Supreme Court, but somehow Echo Hawk is there managing a department he has a vested monetary stake in.
It is why one does not appoint Generals as Sec. of Defense as they would only fund their pet projects. Yet Obama has someone in a conflict of interest, who is handing out bribes so states from South Dakota to New Mexico stay liberal Democrat.
But it gets better yet children in Echo Hawk was praising Obama for that Globalist Indian Law Obama pushed through, which is billed as tribal law enforcement, but as this blog proved, this is going to be set up as autonomous regions which can be exploited worse by the Obama benefactor cartels.
Casinos and meth labs are just the start of this under Obama.
Oh, please tell me you want this to get more incestuous, more criminal and more Sandlin......
Why yes children it does, with this quote from the government's own website.
Here is the quote:
The Secretary (Salazar) also commended Sen. Byron L. Dorgan for his leadership in shepherding this legislation through the Senate, and Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin for her efforts in the House of Representatives. Dorgan (D-ND) is chairman of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee and sponsor of the Tribal Law and Order Act. Sandlin (D-SD) introduced the House version of the bill.
In case you missed the crimes of North Dakota, Dorgan quit with his millions, and was passing all these empowerment laws for cronies for his retirement quid pro quo.
But you did not miss that Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is the very pixie who lit this fire in the House.
So it all comes full circle just like Barack Hussein Obama's counterfeit Muslim terrorist contributions to his 2008 campaign, in the Indians get millions, get their very own laws, and the same cast of characters pop up in Obama and Herseth Sandlin.
The only thing missing in this is Al Franken in an Indian headdress.
This is the stuff which impeachment and life sentences in felony convictions are made of. This Herseth Sandlin brothel of crime involving the American Indians must be investigated rigorously.
This blog calls upon Rep. Darrell Issa of California to announce this coming investigation now and start labeling evidence before the Obama crooks start lying to their diaries and erasing information.
This is election theft and it is criminal. I told the cartels that Stephanie Herseth Sandlin was going to become very expensive for them. She is a political whore whose price they are going to find has investigations attached.
This is only the start.
It is not follow the money, but follow the Stephanie. You front benchers better start looking at South Dakota as it is the Obama microcosm in it all starts there and it all unravels there.
PS: To the Nobel Committee, you can be certain I will never use your award money for bribes. I will instead buy firearms with it, buy beef with it, donate money to Sarah Palin 2012 with it, and put it to other American uses as money was intended.