Sunday, October 24, 2010

All the Usurpers Men

It is Charlie Rose's judgment that Gen. Patraeus and Admiral Mullen should be fired, because they refused to provide B. Hussein Obama options concerning Afnamistan and would only accept a policy of 40,000 troops, and literally deceived Obama to get those troops.

So it all came out in a Bob Woodward interview.

Perhaps the most telling part of the interview was Whiskey Tango Foxtrot as exclaimed by Woodward which translates as WTF or for those of non deviant minds, What the F*ck, when concerning what is going on in the Obama White House.

It is hard to see what is going on when you keep watching the girl. It is why the magician has the women on stage.

A very short time ago, America led by President Bush was liberating nations to freedom, showing a powerful and successful military to her enemies and rightfully invoking a Mission Complete.
In the Age of Obama, America is run by an undocumented who uses assassination Predators, invades Muslim nations murdering whoever, has a first choice mercenary secret execution legions numbering 3000 and is implementing covert wars in Mission Retreat.

Barack Hussein Obama never once mentioned winning any of his Cold Sore Wars to anyone from the cabinet to Bob Woodward. Robert Gates wanted to only be a part of this one year and Obama has chained him to 4 years. Joe Biden has proven the insightful one in trying to fight a terror war instead of an Obama surge war.
The only thing which Obama has done is slaughter Americans in what appears as an Islamic son's quid pro quo to Muslims, so they will not use WMD's inside America for Sheik bin Laden's equal kill numbers, so Obama can just retreat into the sunset of his mind's illusion that all is Nobel Peace Prize legitimate fighting an illegitimate war.

Barack Hussein Obama lied to America in his telling them Afghanistan was the right war to fight. Facts prove that al Qaeda had been defeated and ejected from Afghanistan during the Bush years, and all that remained was the Taliban in few numbers.
Mr. Obama has never intended to do anything in Afghanistan, but make it a political show for 2012, slaughter GOP voting Soldiers and give terrorist Islamists a win there to bruise American ego.

Those are the wretched facts of the slaughter pit of Obama policy. Obama deliberately allowed Afghanistan to take in numbers of ejected Pakistani terrorists and Obama never meant to do anything but retreat.

This is why the Taliban is now setting down conditions for peace talks. A bunch of murderous turban wearers are dictating peace terms to Obama in all foreign troops will be removed, before they will even talk of peace.
That is Obama retreat policy in action as has been communicated by the Taliban.

This is why Patraeus, Mullen and Gates have formed a junta on Afghanistan, as they know Obama is more at war with the Pentagon than with terrorists. They are attempting to protect these United States from international humiliation and as Bob Woodward correctly put it, the Balkan chaos which led up to the start of World War I, happening in Pakistan.

Barack Obama has placed American Soldiers in harms way, knowingly and with murderous intent, all without ever moving toward a policy of victory...........and not even defining what is even suitable for withdrawal.
Mr. Obama had Robert Gates mention that perhaps 18 to 24 months a draw down could occur, and with that Obama stopped listening and said, America is withdrawing in 18 months no matter what.

That is the Obama policy of retreat.

Mr. Obama is out of control in desperately trying to meet his deadline. It is why he has gone murderous in the most heinous of warfare as his first methodology of warfare, instead of the noble one which President Bush had implemented in US Soldiers doing the fighting backed by security forces, snipers and Predators very seldom used.
What is Obama policy is now one of mercenary executioners prowling the night, Predator assassinations in nations America is not at war with, and no Congressional oversight in this covert warfare Americans know nothing about.

The blood is not only on B. Hussein Obama's hands, but on Nancy Pelosi to Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, as none of these Democrats has done a thing to safeguard Soldiers, demand a mission statement from Obama in what in the hell he is doing from Yemen to Pakistan, as Barack Hussein Obama has turned into Murder Incorporated Chicago Style based on Al Capone foreign policy.

Bob Woodword still identifies Obama as bright, but we see why the Letterman Cocktail crowd has turned on Obama in the elite circles as they fully comprehend how vacuous Obama is as he refuses to develop any relationship with his military leaders and they in turn are forced to protect America in a junta from the cerebral Obama.

This blog repeats the fact what fools every person was in being deluded by Obama. He has looted the Treasury, has tar balled the GOP Gulf, has lied non stop to Americans, has slaughtered American Soldiers for nothing, has set up a policy of absorbing more 9 11 terror attacks in dead Americans, has grabbed the entire economy and made it Marxist, retreated around the world to Eurasian despots and has Benjamin Netanyahu as foreign policy President, overseen by Hillary Clinton with Bill Clinton as the domestic President, while ruining the Democratic party.

Barack Obama is not just a failed civil servant as Dennis Miller termed him, but is that current welfare civil servant who never shows up for work as he is taking vacations on the American credit card.

David Axelrod and Karl Rove created this macabre stage. We know that John McCain would not have slapped Jews around, abandoned allies, retreated nor ended Sarah Palin from expanded oil drilling to keep America energy independent.

The US military has formed a junta to protect itself from Mr. Obama.

That is a definite warning light that liberals did not figure out, and all Charlie Rose could come up with is firing them........

and who would they replace Patraeus and Mullen with?

The Elton Blonde officer corp of Rush Limbaugh singing and cigar smoking sodomites?
