Sunday, October 24, 2010

Obama and the pedophiles

What is the purpose of a child?

The greatest gift God secured for a husband and wife was to build upon a love, a trust, an adult Spiritual growth for a continuation of a God Inspired society. That is what children accomplish in an ever growing family of God.

America though has now witnessed the degradation of children in three dastardly examples in Barack Hussein Obama, Malik Obama and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.

These three predators and their satellite pedophile enablers are the institutionalized criminal rapine of the innocent in the world. Barack Obama and his ilk are not just stealing the future of the world children, they are implementing their rape.

Exclusively in this blog, it was exposed here in how B. Hussein went babbling about his daughters sexuality repeatedly. Noting that he sexualized them as children in wanting to murder rock singers with Predator missiles and how Obama noted in Missouri, he liked to keep his daughter young as she was more appealing to him.

That is creepy and it hints of child molestation in viewing of children as sexual objects. None of this is a surprise in Obama's poetry with Frank Marshall Davis centers on yellow stained underwear and the old man's smell on Obama.

Into this there is the horrid example of Barack Sr. who literally raped Stanley Ann Dunham as she was an underage child, and had a history of buying young girls with cattle in Africa as "wives".

In that beastly Obama tradition, Malik Obama, the internet con artist, for two years was trying to get a teenage child to run off and marry him. The child's mother would not consent to this molestation of a 56 year old dirty old man with a 17 year old girl.
Malik Obama though waited 2 years and now at 58 he has his 19 year old child bride and the mother is furious at this molestation.

As the subject of dirty old men arrives, we come to the examination of Stephanie Herseth Sandlin who married a Max Sandlin, dirty old man, 20 years her senior.
This "couple" where Max Sandlin has been busy smearing American Ladies as "Sarah Palin", Birthers and Tea Partiers in political rape, has degraded to now invading the privacy of Kristi Noem in her driving record during the period her father was killed in a ranch accident, and Mrs. Noem was forced to quit college and come home to run the family ranch.

Stephanie Herseth Sandlin in turn uses a baby as a notch on her womanhood accomplishments and then uses that child in political commercials pimping him, and linking his messy eating with what Congress does in a further assault on a child.

We witness the Obama Sandlin mentality in political rape is what Ladies are good for, as it gets Camille Paglia and Noel Sheppard types off in watching these Karl Rove and David Axelrod attacks on American Ladies, and children are in the Obama clan creatures to be sexed, while in the Sandlin clan they are either to be pimped for power and the rest of society is to butcher their babies in the womb.

This is sick from these Democrats. It is beyond Nazi. This is the literal butchery, prostitution and rape of the innocent around the world.

As it seems the citizenry of the world needs to be told good from evil, this is evil what Barack Obama, Malik Obama and Stephanie Sandlin are engaged in. It is criminal and the American with world socialist society is so psychotic that conduct like this should have brought impeachment and imprisonment for the pariah status it is, only gets a "well that's the way it is as long as a liberal keeps the power".

America must legally cleanse itself of this menace, to draw the line in the sand in protecting children forever from this reprehensible misbehavior, because when these Obamites prey on children they are literally ending the next generation as pedophile states in history do not last, as a nation of sociopathic children start murdering the society to oblivion.

It is wrong that Keith Olbermann at all costs to America does not stand against this, but then Rush Limbaugh promotes sodomy at his wedding.

Evil is evil, and it is evil incarnate in the most brutal of degradation.

That is Obama and his pedophiles.
