The Bridges of Sodom County
Rush Limbaugh aka Elton Blonde finally confessed his sins today on Monday, September 27th. It was though more like Bill Clinton confessing, "I did not have sex with that woman........but it sure was good".
This blog alone has been the conscience of this group of established spokes models for themselves as they move from one Ann Coulter Molotov Mob firestorm they start about their Obama selves to the next.
Rush Limbaugh's program in it's current form is not about substance, but about Rush Limbaugh playing clips about liberals chanting his name, so these nobody liberals will get on the Limbaugh trilogy so the world will know who they are.
None of it is about work. I never "google" myself as I serve God and not money or fame. I did though in searching the Karl Rove, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin cabal attacking American women happened to do a search for Karl Rove, Breakfast Club.
I smiled when the results appeared as the third story down was Lame Cherry. This was among the hundreds of thousands of posts and writers. The lead was a major publication, and there was this free blog serving God, nestled among the most powerful and on top of thee million dollar prize winning writers for hire.
I do not in every instance number the top stories as some are so common this blog is in the deluge of information, but when it is groundbreaking stories, this blog leads, and it is not about talking about liberals talking about how many times they whisper what posts here or front benchers who steal what is here and never give this blog credit.
Rush Limbaugh though in his degraded form is the disease of what affects the whores in Congress and the media, and he confessed it proudly in a segment bragging about him being on teh FOX cartoon Family Guy.
For the record, I hate Sunday night FOX programming as those cartoons are nothing appealing to my intellect or warped sense of humor. Limbaugh though was more than happy once again to crawl into bed with a a 24 liberal, as it would be a great media marketing venue, to paraphrase the reason Rush Limbaugh does what he does.
That is what was behind the reprehensible invitation to Elton John in paying him a million dollars of money listeners who have morals bestowed upon Limbaugh.
In a true Obama beer moment, Elton John was supposedly doing it for reaching out to the other side and Rush Limbaugh in his many plotting facets was doing this for splash, media marketing and Lindsey Lohan snort my name write in the cocaine prescription.
There is something infinitely wrong in using a position of morality to whore it up with the world in promoting oneself. Limbaugh is so childish in need of attention yet, that he is fixated on marketing hisself worse than Obama.
It was fun when Rush Limbaugh would tell audiences his experiences in meeting Bill Buckley, but there is no fun in self promotion in a sodom circus of the blasphemy of Elton John about Christ, no more than getting on a cartoon no one literally cares about.
FOX puts on cartoons as they are cheap and the profit margins are good for Obama voter Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch is his greenophile forms is looking more each day like Dan Rather or I should say Shep Smith than someone like Sean Hannity.
This is not about market shares, reaching audience or promoting oneself. This is about God's America.
Jesus, the Son of God, never sought attention, but completing the work of the Father is what made the Gospel and eternal message for salvation.
America needs saving and needs George Washington and Teddy Roosevelt purity. America does not need the sullied forms of plagiarism attaching themselves to Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin or Sharon Angle, after these moral Americans have done all the work.
I marvel at Sarah Palin in the masterful way God is leading her to where He wills as she has always been right on target, just as Ronald Reagan was always on target.
The appeal of Rush Limbaugh is now paying a sodomite 1 million dollars so you make a splash and being a crapper cartoon?
Something is wrong with this picture and it is Rush Limbaugh.
PS: Seriously all of the above are multi millionaires and Elton John looks like your old goofy English Aunt that smells of linament, Rush Limbaugh looks like Jack Nicholson skunk face before he does something perverted and the blonde..........I guess if one has nothing nice to say, one says nothing at all, but if I did, it would be about plaster cast blonde hair and masculine looks.
Who is the guy in the picture.
This blog alone has been the conscience of this group of established spokes models for themselves as they move from one Ann Coulter Molotov Mob firestorm they start about their Obama selves to the next.
Rush Limbaugh's program in it's current form is not about substance, but about Rush Limbaugh playing clips about liberals chanting his name, so these nobody liberals will get on the Limbaugh trilogy so the world will know who they are.
None of it is about work. I never "google" myself as I serve God and not money or fame. I did though in searching the Karl Rove, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin cabal attacking American women happened to do a search for Karl Rove, Breakfast Club.
I smiled when the results appeared as the third story down was Lame Cherry. This was among the hundreds of thousands of posts and writers. The lead was a major publication, and there was this free blog serving God, nestled among the most powerful and on top of thee million dollar prize winning writers for hire.
I do not in every instance number the top stories as some are so common this blog is in the deluge of information, but when it is groundbreaking stories, this blog leads, and it is not about talking about liberals talking about how many times they whisper what posts here or front benchers who steal what is here and never give this blog credit.
Rush Limbaugh though in his degraded form is the disease of what affects the whores in Congress and the media, and he confessed it proudly in a segment bragging about him being on teh FOX cartoon Family Guy.
For the record, I hate Sunday night FOX programming as those cartoons are nothing appealing to my intellect or warped sense of humor. Limbaugh though was more than happy once again to crawl into bed with a a 24 liberal, as it would be a great media marketing venue, to paraphrase the reason Rush Limbaugh does what he does.
That is what was behind the reprehensible invitation to Elton John in paying him a million dollars of money listeners who have morals bestowed upon Limbaugh.
In a true Obama beer moment, Elton John was supposedly doing it for reaching out to the other side and Rush Limbaugh in his many plotting facets was doing this for splash, media marketing and Lindsey Lohan snort my name write in the cocaine prescription.
There is something infinitely wrong in using a position of morality to whore it up with the world in promoting oneself. Limbaugh is so childish in need of attention yet, that he is fixated on marketing hisself worse than Obama.
It was fun when Rush Limbaugh would tell audiences his experiences in meeting Bill Buckley, but there is no fun in self promotion in a sodom circus of the blasphemy of Elton John about Christ, no more than getting on a cartoon no one literally cares about.
FOX puts on cartoons as they are cheap and the profit margins are good for Obama voter Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch is his greenophile forms is looking more each day like Dan Rather or I should say Shep Smith than someone like Sean Hannity.
This is not about market shares, reaching audience or promoting oneself. This is about God's America.
Jesus, the Son of God, never sought attention, but completing the work of the Father is what made the Gospel and eternal message for salvation.
America needs saving and needs George Washington and Teddy Roosevelt purity. America does not need the sullied forms of plagiarism attaching themselves to Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin or Sharon Angle, after these moral Americans have done all the work.
I marvel at Sarah Palin in the masterful way God is leading her to where He wills as she has always been right on target, just as Ronald Reagan was always on target.
The appeal of Rush Limbaugh is now paying a sodomite 1 million dollars so you make a splash and being a crapper cartoon?
Something is wrong with this picture and it is Rush Limbaugh.
PS: Seriously all of the above are multi millionaires and Elton John looks like your old goofy English Aunt that smells of linament, Rush Limbaugh looks like Jack Nicholson skunk face before he does something perverted and the blonde..........I guess if one has nothing nice to say, one says nothing at all, but if I did, it would be about plaster cast blonde hair and masculine looks.
Who is the guy in the picture.