Friday, October 22, 2010

hoc signo victor eris

If you have ever seen the X and P on Christian banners in Churches, you probably have no idea that the Greek Letters actually are hoc signo victor eris, a symbol of war in the Name of Jesus the Christ, Who in protecting His persecuated Saints appeared to Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus in the year 312, at the banks of the Tiber River before a battle which changed the world at Mivian Bridge.

This was a waymark moment in the Christian faith as great as Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus, Joan D' Arc, Plymouth and Jamestown Charters and thee American Constitution in the founding of nations on evangelical and Holy Ghost Inspired leadership in these people were Christians of God.

Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus, would become not only a Christian, but Constatine the Great, stopping his worship of Mars and the Sun, and ending the persecution of the Church.

It is recorded that Constantine on approaching the battle, that his entire legions witnessed the sign of the Cross in the sky with the moto, by this sign you will be victor.
The next evening Jesus the Christ appeared to Constantine and instructed him to place this battle standard on his army.
The standard became known as the labarum, and is the X and P symbol with the Alpha and Omega.
By this the Christian Roman Empire was born nurturing the faith of salvation only in Christ for the world under the united Empire of Constantine ruling the west.

So this Christian symbol of the Cross started here, and is a military symbol of Christ the Warrior King using martial methods to protect His people as the continuing foundation of the Church.
You do not hear these facts as there are those who desire to keep Jesus as whipping boy, but nothing is farther from the Truth. Jesus was a 3 decaded event for the purpose of sacrafice. His real persona is of Creator, Warrior King and King of kings.
The Warrior King is about to appear again to take back that which is due Him as He created all.

This is the foundation of America which has been a Christian Crusade as holy and just as the Crusades, which so many will not defend now, but were an integral part which literally drove Islam back to it's cage and the Crusades so weakened those despotic regimes and tyrants that freedoms and lives were saved in Muslim states where absolute dictatorships enslaved all.

The Churches of antiquity were founded by Constantine and his mother, Helena in Jerusalem. It is said Helena found the real Cross of Christ. When a Christian leader or a leader as Cyrus the Great becomes an instrument of the God of heaven in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, great civilizations blossom as God blesses those peoples and leaders.
The evil of the world in satan will be an adversary of this, as one witnessed in the savage attacks on George W. Bush, but God in those times makes good come from the evil...........and as polling is starting to conclude upon ignorant Americans who hated Mr. Bush, they now conclude in Obama's abyssmal failures that President Bush and doing what Jesus would do, actually handled an impossible situation very well, and he did it all without blaming others or bowing to anyone other than Jesus.

Christians make the best Citizens for any government, but no Christian is to suffer in being persecuted on a Janet Napolitano's terror list. The Bible is quite explicit in this.
Christians have a responsibility to only back those politicians who adhere to Christ's Way. That Way is currently housed in the Tea Party and various other Conservative Groups including the GOP. That is the correct Christian vote and support, as sodomy, infanticide from abortion to stating America is not a Christian Nation is at odds with God's plan for America.

The list is plentiful in liars running against Christine O'Donnell in Delaware, baby butchers running against Kristi Noem in South Dakota, treasury thieves running against Sharon Angle in Nevada and little Obama whores running against Michele Bachmann in Minnesota.

This is the time for the Christian Warrior to stand at the ballot box, so that a horrid revolutoin does not break out. America needs the peaceful means of the Reagan Revolution revitalized in these American Ladies, as America has been betrayed and literally persecuted by creatures like Stephanie Sandlin and Harry Reid.

The battle is Jesus battle, but every Christian must vote and every Christian must work and every Christian must pray.
The victory Christ brought at the Tiber River was as telling as Midway. The troops though had to show up and take possession of the Victory wrought in Christ.

Chrisitans must go on Crusade not in just elections, but they must battle this in only allowing true Americans in the Courts to every appointment to dog catcher in your neighborhoods. Only by cleansing America and taking her back to God will the shroud on the horizon be blown away by the Heavenly Host led by Christ.

America was greatly blessed by Christian Presidents in Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. America has been greatly accursed in abandoning Christ in false messiah Barack Hussein Obama in the Islamic embrace.
The center in Christ in Reagan and Bush means humble natures while Obama's self centeredness means a haughty out of control nature.

As St. Paul teaches, one must be crucified with Christ in denying ourselves and putting on His Nature. Then God blesses that nation in making the work they do for Him in commerce and military much easier and always victorious.

By this sign you will obtain victory.


Onward Christian Soldiers