Friday, October 22, 2010

Land of the Debt and Home of the Slave

In the traditions of true lightweight despots, history has revealed that two things always came about.

The first is when some lightweight got into power they always started putting their name onto everything that someone else had done. You know a monument built by Emperor Y all of a sudden had Emperor X's name chiseled over it.

The second thing is these despots in diapers notoriously were always sending out letters to foreign powers telling them how they were on equal footing or were trying to jump into chariots with them to prove they were masters of the game too.

In the Age of Obama, America has had a first hand seat in watching Barack Hussein Obama and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin as an example carry out this same lightweight political puffoonery.

Obama was non stop running around in his jet airplane, mauling the Queen, bowing to Kings and writing love letters to Putin and Ahmadinejad.
If Obama could not floss it, he was apologizing to it.

Stephanie Sandlin, the Karl Rove pixie of South Dakota Daschlitis, in her ascension to power after numerous rejections by that state, decided gophers was what she was going to put her name on first.
Yeah, I know this is really scraping the Obama navel lint, but I'm not making this up.

The first thing Sandlin did was take credit for work Republican John Thune had conducted in a federal bill in allowing states to control prairie dogs.
Gophers might not sound like much of a problem, but imagine if you had 5000 gophers digging up your front yard. That is what areas of the west were dealing with in it was ruining your federal grazing lands by turning them into dust piles.
For some Clinton reason, the wackos wanted gophers protected and these things bred like rabbits and were becoming a health hazard as they do carry the plague.

Their holes are most dangerous to livestock and human stock in breaking legs, and if one happens to drive a vehicle over that lunar landscape one can break a wheel off or actually on an ATV get thrown off as the terrain is that rough.

So John Thune actually did a great deal of work in moving this control measure through Congress, and lo and behold, who sends out a dispatch taking credit for it upon entering Congress, but pixie Stephanie.
This is nothing new in South Dakota as entire forests were chopped down for the mailings Tim Johnson used to send out to the doltish voters out there, as he used to take Obama size credit for things like Al Gore inventing the internet.

B. Hussein has had this same problem in taking credit for Mission Complete in Iraq, saving America from a Depression when it was George W. Bush doing it in 2008 before he left office to which Obama strangled it, and Obama taking credit for fixing the tar ball Gulf which he polluted.

Watching Obama and Sandlin is like listening to Russians in the Soviet years in doing everything from inventing the telephone to discovering America.
Sometimes I expect to see Stephie Sandlin announcing she was the first woman to ever give birth and B. Hussein to announce he was the first black guy to be President.

Now, now, you racists let us examine undocumented and 87% white Obama, and you just try in a court of law to prove Obama is not mostly white and can not be President as he never fulfilled the Constitutional requirements.

In any event, there we have it, the Gopher Queen of South Dakota taking credit for killing thangs and Kenyan Queen of DC taking credit for winning wars George W. Bush did.

Amazing how those good old days return, every time you have some infantile despot steal an election and get into power.

I hear Obama was a messiah too.

Better get the Gopher Queen to get her rodents to all bow down.
