This blog alone noted that there was an organized conspiracy among Democrats in weeding out phone calls and the ability of constituents who were politically at odds with Democrats. This now has evidence built in South Dakota in Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, that Democrats are literally now using governmental resources to murder select groups of Americans at odds with them.
This compounds when Mark Halperin blurted out evidence that Barack Hussein Obama did not have "empathy" for the Gulf Coast States which are all Republican. As this blog alone noted, Charlie Rose about swallowed his tongue when Halperin stated the known in public, that these national socialists were literally destroying Republican states in not helping them after B. Hussein Obama had tar balled them costing them billions.
One can note that only certain Democrat areas were awarded Stimulus packages while GOP areas are suffering immensely void of Obama funds.
It builds to the fact that GM was awarded to Obama union Democrat thugs, while Republican Chrysler dealers were destroyed.
Is it any coincidence that the American Soldiers are being murdered off at higher rates than at any time during the Bush years, simply because American Soldiers are Republican voters.
Who is not being allowed to vote in the coming elections which will be epic in proportions? Why it is the United States Soldiers serving overseas being hindered at every turn to vote.
There is evidence now this culling of Americans has permeated deeply in Democratic power centers in Stephanie Herseth Sandlin of South Dakota has been running ads literally abusing a mentally damaged United States Soldier.
Ask yourself if this Soldier is a Republican, Independent or Democrat in getting Stephie to move heaven and earth for him?
The answer of course is obvious, but it is even more telling when Republicans and Independents in need interact with Herseth Sandlin's office, because there is not any Washington, DC power of Stephie behind their appeals then, no Herseth Sandlin dumps them off on the Daschlites of South Dakota who take information and then basically reply with the most asinine "assistance" in telling these Republicans and Independents information which can be found in the phone book.
Now ask yourself how Stephie Sandlin can brag she moves the Veterans Administration, moves the VA Hospitals in Minneapolis for her brain disabled Soldier, but somehow people who end up on non Democratic lists, get nothing but the suckers bet in the old "send me 100 dollars and I will tell you how to be a millionaire".
The answer always came, "First don't be a sucker in sending 100 dollars to someone you don't know".
How is anyone to know what Democrats like Herseth Sandlin are up to in weeding out which Americans live and die in when they get phone calls, letters are sent, names are run through voting lists, and when they come up Republican or Independent, those names are put into the "waste their time" files while Democratic donors get all of those Obama jobs for just showing up.
There is complete evidence now that Democrat from Barack Hussein Obama to Stephanie Herseth Sandlin are literally aborting the people in America who are at odds with them. This is not the old Daley machine in helping only Democrats, but this is now the deliberate destruction of the ability to work in the GOP Gulf Coast and the ability to gain equal help for people in dire positions of poverty.
What is the difference in any of these Democrats outed by Mark Halperin in not helping Republicans to leave them die in these Obama created ghettos and the Jews in Warsaw hemmed into slow death by the German national socialists?
Democrats have a proven policy of weeding out Americans. They have a proven record of only putting tax funds into the pockets of their cronies. Democrats have been proven to not affording equal help to constituents in the case of Stephanie Herseth Sandlin in South Dakota.
That is reprehensible and pure Nazism. It is the Democrats now implementing a master race policy committing a final solution upon the American people.
The evidence is all there. Who though in these Democratic staffers following the jack booted marching orders will ever reveal how this system has been working to murder select groups of Americans by denying them help while the Stephie Herseth Sandlin pony crowd gets more than the lions share of Obama plunder.
These are high crimes in crimes against humanity as ghastly as anything Adolf Hitler did. Tar balling is as scorched earth as scraping Poland bare and Herseth Sandlin deciding who lives and who dies like all these Democrats is as inhumane as Mengele stomping on pregnant Jewish women's stomachs.
The Nazi's had the overt solution in wiping out humanity. The Obama Sandlin Democrats have the covert solution in wiping out humanity.
Need is need and dead is dead. There is no difference when both policies end up with select master races getting the castles and the opposition getting the mass grave.
These American National Socialists might use non answered phone calls, British Petroleum to tar ball and sorted files to cleaning wipe out the "problems", but it is equal to the ghettos, cattle cars and death camps, as the results are the same final solution.
agtG 343, 216, 225