This blog was pondering for years in just how these Harriet Miers to the BATF during the Bush years were unleashed on Americans and destroying gun ownership worse than Bill Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama.
The filthy secret was that while Democrats stopped overt gun grabs in Congress because Al Gore lost on that very issue, the BATF under Bush implemented the most draconian Hutatree assaults on license gun dealers.
During the Bush years, tens of thousands of American gun dealers were priced out of existence due to immense license costs.
With the coming out of the closet of the Rovian band of traitors to America in their political raping of Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell, in Steve Schmidt and Karl Rove, a pattern of Obamanism has been building in the destruction of Conservatives and America.
For a review, Karl Rove was the number one Bush influencer on 43's staff. Now think of this like a magic trick in if you want in an intelligence operation run by the establishment to divert attention to the mole in the Bush White House, who do you make a pariah, but Karl Rove.
You announce that Patrick Fitzgerald is after Rove, when in reality Rove was never a target, but George W. Bush was, along with Dick Cheney and all they got was Scooter Libby in this coup.
Now follow this in key Rove stooges were rewarded by Rove in the firing of US Attorneys, but the one guy who saved George W. Bush in the Heroic Alberto Gonzales, who was destroyed and removed to oblivion.
Odd is that not............well not when it comes to Rove, who has cleaned up in books and appearing non stop on Sean Hannity's program.
Sean Hannity has to really wise up to how he is being played.
Rove oversaw the destruction of George Allen who should be President, along with the entire Conservative leadership.
Rove tried to install that leftist Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court.
All these bizarre slights of Obama hand tricks which had Conservatives, Christians and Patriots bewildered all have one source in logic and that is Karl Rove, who was the mole in this hiding behind the Soros "neocon" slurs against Jews, wiping Paul Wolfowitz from the World Bank when Mr. Wolfowitz was moving to award more money to poor people (Mr. Obama wiped this out in dumping a trillion dollars into the accounts of third world Marxist thugs.) and Rove was disarming the Citizens of these United States as his crony gun grabbers in the NRA led by fraud Wayne LaPierre was backing Harry Reid.
LaPierre and Rove are patrician plants. Under their hand gun manufacturers in America were wiped out including the legendary Winchester.
What had been American policy with John Olin in making ammunition cheap and firearms affordable, and available to all was wiped out under the NRA and Rove during the Bush years.
It was not that long ago that every hunter started out with a Remington 870 pump shotgun and a box of ammunition for around 210 dollars including tax. 200 for the shotgun and 5 dollars for the shells.
The legendary 30 30 Winchester in 94 with a box of 5 dollar 170 grain bullets was around 165 dollars.
Those days are gone under Rove and LaPierre as certain as if Rahm Emanuel and Obama were doing Chuck Schumer's bidding. Now Americans are looking at thousand dollar shotguns, 20 dollars per box of ammo, and a cheap deer rifle are gone.
The establishment has literally wiped out the next generation of hunters, gun owners and militia which Teddy Roosevelt lectured were to vital to American security as hunting teaches the Citizen how to survive the battlefield.
The NRA has been busy endorsing Harry Reid to telling Oklahoma gun grabbers not to worry about their votes, because the NRA will still give them an A+ rating for the elections.
In that, the NRA announced that in South Dakota, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is their choice in the general election.......someone who does not hunt, was never in the military and is never involved in competitive shooting.
Counter this with Kristi Noem, whose family ranch actually runs a pheasant hunting operation, are avid hunters, are close to the land and gun owners.
Now even a layperson can figure out that Kristi Noem is the only choice the NRA should be backing as she actually is a definitive Second Amendment, pro hunting and her family makes a living from gun ownership.
Yet the NRA under Wayne LaPierre, picks Stephanie Sandlin, the wife of Max Sandlin, who works with Steve Schmidt who is the Karl Rove protege assaulting Sarah Palin, another American Lady who hunts, is a gun owner and whose family is involved in the outdoor sports in her husband runs a salmon fishing boat.
Do you not see how all of this money, all of this thugocracy which installed Obama into the White House, is the same patrician group answering the financiers Tim Geithner has been rewarding with trillions of dollars in stock manipulations and Obama has been bowing to in Berling rock tours at Hitler's favorite monument.
The NRA is a gun grabbing arm of these NeoProgs and Karl Rove was their initiator in the White House and his entire forte' out of office has been to destroy American Lady Conservatives.
Where is Lee Purcell and Ted Nugent in this in being in the NRA? Why is not one voice standing up and saying, "What the hell is this in Wayne LaPierre is picking the gun grabbing wife of the guy who was Nancy Pelosi's whip in the House in Max Sandlin."
This is the hydra which has encircled America in a python like death crush. LaPierre and all these other Obama voting frauds take Conservatives, Patriots and Christians money and use it against the very Americans who are defending gun ownership.
The endorsement of the NRA is worthless, as worthless as Karl Rove, unless of course your allegiance is to Berlin in 1939 or Putin's Kremlin in 2010.
This is the disarming of America. You will note this is being carried out under Karl Rove, as Barack Hussein Obama and David Axelrod have other agendas like wiping out the black leadership and tar balling the GOP Gulf States.
The Rovian Nightmare continues............with Halloween Whoreseth of South Dakota being Karl Rove's NRA endorsed gun grabber cloned from Nancy Pelosi's witch's brew.