Saturday, October 30, 2010

How low can Stephanie Sandlin go>>>>>>

This Democratic electioneering has found dispicableness in these elections which is so unAmerican that it is repulsive.

I invest time on Stephanie Sandlin as the front benchers have little time for the Daschle machine in South Dakota in exposing it as rural states in the middle of nowhere are not sexy enough to cover, even though they are raping America into Obama oblivion.

I have watched in horror Stephanie Herseth Sandlin prostitute her child, make brain dysfunctional Soldiers wouned in war perform or her and literally bribe Indians with federal dollars worth over a billion and a half dollars with Al Franken.

In the last ditch effort, Sandlin and her Karl Rove husband, Max, has created with Nancy Pelosi's NeoProgs the most loathesome of political ads.

In the first ad, Sandlin brings out her geezer grandpa who looks senile and then has a driveway filled with these huge toys which are ridden for her little Lars baby.
In an Obama Super Depression age, it is Marie Antoinette in Stephie's baby is better than everyone else's child........and everyone else's baby belongs in an abortion dump.

The second ad, and I kid you not, builds on the invasion of privacy of Kristi Noem in her driving record from the period when her father was killed on the family ranch when Kristi was a teenager.
Sandlin has a car speeding down the highway and keeps flashing pictures of children in a crosswalk infering that the Republican runs over children.

This is putrid, disgusting and as low as the Florida manipulation by Democrats that has a GOP candidate's reciting Scripture edited so it sounds like he advocates beating on women.

Stephanie Herseth Sandlin from bashing Jews, choosing cheater John Edwards and the slayer of America in B. Hussein Obama is..............

This needs something Grinchlike in explanation of what she is.

Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, you're a mean one, Mrs. Max
You got Karl Rove in your attacks
You're a demonic fetus slayer
An Obama brothel player
Mrs. Max.........
Given the three words which describe you best are........
Whorific, Whorendous, Whore
