Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Wilderness of Sin

lest we forget another happy obama voter from 2008

The powerful should not be so arrogant in always thinking they can get away with sin.

Ted Turner tried stealing a few acres from some poor black people and God ended up taking from Turner billions of dollars. There is no one who is outside of God's Law who is not going to face recompense no matter the power they have.

I do not care a great deal about the sexy east or west coast corrupt states as they will probably either eat nuclear terrorism or fall off into the ocean. My love is for the plains, that great desolate region, that endless sea of what was once grass where humans fade to oblivion and find out who they really are.
Tis the land of Dodge, Custer, Roosevelt, Cody, Hickok and Carson. It is a place of virginal dreams of all that should be good in America in God's planted garden. It has though been raped by those west and east coast patricians loyal to the central European cartel.

That should not be the case as it is pedophile in nature in taking advantage of the innocent child too self absorbed in themselves to know the danger of the stranger.

Too many traitors are in America, and they think that will forever like Bill Clinton get away with crime. That though is not the way things work out in God's world.

From the start, the first Americans entered upon leaving Egypt the Wilderness of Sin for rejecting God. Sin is a most interesting root word as Sin was the original moon demon of Ur of the Chaldees.
The same location with those of Biblical knowledge which God called Abraham out from. Abraham left Ur and came to the sister city of Sin in Haran, where he was not to dwell, but there he languished where God did not desire him, instead of the coming Promised Land.

The moon demon is satan, the lesser in the sky compared to Christ the Sun in God's plain plan of Salvation which Stephan Hawking and other ignorant types can not comprehend.

It was the children of Hagar in Ishamael who was Abraham's son rejected by God for Isaac, who took up the crescent symbol which is that same mark of Islam and the moon demon, allah in satan's new name.
In Philistia allah was beelzebub, or the lord of the flies from the novel fame, but it is all sin.

The area had numbers of self god worship like messiah Obama is now. There was saturn worship, Nimrod sun self worship to Semiramis his wife sex worship, which all flowed out to Isis in Egypt and Diana in Asia Minor, to the ever horrid sodomite abomination and molech the fire demon who had babies sacrificed to it and burned in the fire.
It was this sin which God divorced Israel over.

Sin is sin and dead babies are dead babies. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is a sinful female, who has a dirty old man husband of politics and public relations. Karl Rove thinks he can ruin Christine O'Donnell without repercrussions and Stephanie Sandlin thinks her Daschle South Dakota propaganda machine infused with the Rovian propaganda syndicate can print flowers about the manure of a person she really is and no one will ever know the real concubine of the corruption this woman is.
Butchering babies is butchering babies where it is 3000 years ago or it is in Stephie's home barbaric state of South Dakota.

Understand that Stephie can show her tits, smile like Carter and have stories planted that she might be a future President, but the problem is when one is so sodomite anal that one cleanses the colon of the internet of all stories, that a light show as this blog is spikes immensely as it is posted and reposted on distribution sites syndicated across the world.
It does not matter one bit what Stephanie Sandlin does, because this millstone is about her neck and whenever she tries like Tom Daschle to rear her ugly rear up for a glamour shot in some position the forever facts of this blog in her Obama Indian racket, her baby butchering, her invading Kristi Noem's personal life when her father died, is all going to follow her, follow her and follow her.

Herseth Sandlin should have just been content in being a liar duping the dolts of South Dakota. Instead she started butchering babies, breaking federal laws, pimping her own child, denying Jews their rights and being daddy Max's dirty little girl in politics.
If she had, she probably would have risen like Obama through the Axelrod ranks with Karl Rove's help.

Stephanie Herseth Sandlin though chose her wilderness of sin, hearkening back to the generation which God called Americans out of. She is now a tainted whore too expensive for whichever Democrat from Obama to Clinton to whoever to touch, for she brings along with her the crimes that none of them care to be found out or tainted with.
South Dakota is a nothing state, with a nothing population and nothing to offer in bribes, corporate wealth or power. That is the problem when these cartels keep trying to raise leaders up from states where Indians are needed to steal elections.

Now Stephanie Herseth Sandlin has joined at the hip with Al Franken and Barack Hussein Obama. She is the whore of Karl Rove who owns Steve Schmidt who owns dirty old man Max Sandlin.
She tried riding the rail, spread eagle, pretending to be normal, but all that did was infuriate the lunatic left. She has no home on the left and the right has condemned the brothel she is part of.

As Stephanie Sandlin uncoils, her coils are not going away. See the same folks who detest Tom Daschle and leveled him as this blog predicted, are still the same folks out there who hate Karl Rove, loathe Barack Hussein Obama and in the Letterman cocktail crowd think Jews like Al Franken still should have a concentration camp destiny.

Mrs. Sandlin is too expensive of prostitute as her tricks have no value at the big table and in little South Dakota she just smells too fishy to crawl into Tim Johnson's pool.

Welcome to the Daschle Sindrome. You can sell your soul to the big boys, but you are still the cheap little tramp and always will be.

Pleased to make you so expensive.

Your sins will always find you out.

God works it out that way.


Your love is like a tidal wave spinnin' over my head
Drowin' me in your promises better left unsaid
You're the right kind of sinner to release my inner fantasy

The invincible winner and you know that your were born to please