Smart mouth political rapist, Karl Rove, is finding out that he is not much of a man without his special powers protecting him called the Tea Party movement, who are the Patriots, Christians, Veterans who save the George W. Bush Presidency.
Now he is having problems with groups demanding the IRS investigate his campaign finances, and the sweet part is, Rove has not quite figured out yet, that this cape of Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell and Kristi Noem is covering them, and the Tea Party is smiling in the show as Karl Rove is a RHINO who has liberal open season on him.
It is at that point that this blog wills to compare Mrs. Max Sandlin who has been telling the people of South Dakota, just like Karl Rove that she is a Conservative.
Most interesting in the Rovians that flock together as these Texans with baby fat faces all are in bed with sodomites, baby butchers and immense spending, all the while telling the world how Conservative they are .
Heresth Sandlin really touts some Wall Street Journal or National Review rating she votes 53% more Conservative than Democrats in Congress.
Let us analyze that in a comparison please.
Your wife comes home and says, "I'm faithful for you sweets 53 out of the 100 guys I meet".
Your friend says, "I stick up for you half the time, while the other half I am trashing you to your enemies".
So basically what Stephie is bragging about is she is an American 53% of the time and a Traitor 47% of the time.
Someone named Benedict Arnold was like that.
For the ratings from Conservatives on Mrs. Sandlin, let the real numbers reflect this Rovian Nightmare.
John Birch Society 33 rating out of 100.
Campaign for Working Families gave her a 36 out of 100.
American Conservative Union gave her a 20.
The Club for Growth gave her a 35.
The Heritage Aliance gave her a 0, a zero, as big as her Obama.
So in reality, this Karl Rove and Steve Schmidt protege in Congress with her Rovian husband Max, did not ever get a flunking grade of 59% in any category............oh that is telling too is it not in Stephanie Herseth Sandlin in a National Journal rating which is the publication she keeps touting gave her a failing rating of 53%.
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin could not even pass an Obama Special Olympics Conservative test for Obamites. She flunks at 53% at being an American.
Oh the same as Karl Rove, who has ruined everyone from George Allen to Trent Lott, moved on to keeping Stephie Herseth Sandlin in office just like Al Franken in stealing elections, and has now moved on to trying to destroy Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell.
For the facts, the only folks who are now in bed with Herseth Sandlin, Baldy Schmidt and Karl Rove are............baby butchers and the sodomite lobby.
These fraud Rovians are a scourge on America in their patrician American destroying policies, and it does not make any difference what the election are, this blog is going to press for the investigation of this ilk as Sarah Palin proving that the McCain campaign was sabotaged for Obama to the crimes of Karl Rove's pixy in Stephanie Sandlin, the sometime visitor to Brookings, South Dakota like Rahm Emanuel sometimes visits Chicago when he lusts for a job, will produce indictments.
The Mississippi band of Choctaw Indians gave Herseth Sandlin campaign money. Just what is Stephanie Herseth Sandlins rapine of native peoples in she hauls in money across the nation from Indians.
The IRS needs to add this pariah with Karl Rove to their investigations.