I was thinking just now, as a segue to start this out, that this blog has had more exclusives, more articles and more of everything than World Net Daily, with it's expensive staff, serial writers and links to other sites.
Joseph Farah would be money ahead to fire everyone except his daughter as one can not fire a good looking daughter with a keyboard and just syndicate me for half the money.
He should keep though Aaron Klein as I really like that guy as his feet must hit the ground about midnight and be running when he wakes up at 6 AM.
This is where this column is going in fortunate Jews, as here am I a bit envious of Mr. Klein. He gets to live in the Holy Land and work.........and this is where I is about to venture.
The great Prime Minister Begin had a solution to the occupied territories in he begged Jews from around the world to come home and settle there with boots on the ground. If Jews had just accomplished this, had sex with their spouses and turned out a half dozen little kids, the state of Judah today would be Orthodox heaven in having around 12 million Jews prospering that nation instead of billions flowing in from American taxpayers.
In that, I issue a call to Prime Minister Netanyahu to re issue the Begin call, but this time to stop the road barriers put into place by the Rothschild secular leftists in only allowing in "Jews" by the most narrow of definitions.
Instead, all Jews should be allowed in, including those like Jews for Jesus. You do not stop being a Jew just because you believe the Messiah came.
I ask the PM to expand this to allow in all Israelites, and that means the 12 other tribes from Joseph, to Dan to Benjamin, providing they are Messianic Israelites in being Christians, as Christians are no greater supporters of their fellow Jews.
Americans and Brits are Joseph, Dan is Denmark and Benjamin is Iceland. The French are Reuben etc..., and as the Bible states we are all going to come home to the Holy Land when Christ returns at the sound of the Trumpet, then why should not Jews who are occupying lands which belong to the French and Americans now, as that is where Americans settled in the Holy Land in their drawn lot was beyond the Jordan which is the West Bank, as in Gilead.
I was perusing my Bible dictionary and my gaze fell upon Esdraleon, which is better known by another name Megiddo or Armageddon in the Greek. It is a fantastic place in a 9 by 14 mile valley which is the hub of Africa, Asia and European travel and has seen the most epic battles in history.
Everyone pitches their battle flags there and that is why God is going to summon the warrior nations against Jesus to that spot for Atonement, the great slaughter one day soon.
The Carmel Mountains are to the northwest, the Hills of Manasseh which means American Hills are in the west, Bashan is to the north, the Golan to the northeast, the Jordan Valley is east and to the south is Gilboa, the place were King Saul was killed in battle along with his sons, including the beloved Jonathan.
It was that event which changed the Israeli kingship from Benjamin to Judah. God would later by Jeremiah transplant that kingship in Ireland with the Danites and it resides with the English now, but a great deal of history is there to indulge in.
I for one prefer the wadi or the breaks in the hills as they are called in America. With dammed drainages, specific tree plantings, this wasteland could bloom under Americans in thriving communities, provide they were allowed to immigrate.
I would assume that Benjamin Netanyahu if he increased immigration to those Messianic Israelites who loved Judah, that he would gain around 10 million new Citizens, who would vote for him, be armed to the teeth, were ready made Soldiers and would prosper the Israeli economy as a sort of 51st American state.
The solution to Middle East peace is allowing the Israelites to come home. They would buy out the neo Syrians squatting on the land, and soon enough win over the Philistines of Gaza, as employment empowering the civilians will free them from the Hamas communist dictators.
Judah has never had a problem with Levites in their midst and it is a fact that Benjamites were among them, and according to Mosiac Law, if you lived in Judah, you were a Judahite and if you lived in Reuben and you were a Judahite, you were a Reubenite.
All you had to do with believe in God and believe in a promised Messiah and behave yourself.
Prime Minister Netanyahu needs to let immigration of Israelites solve the Jewish defense problem, and birth problem, and in those American immigrants, the internal problem of whose land is what will be solved by commerce.
Do you think neo Syrians and Philistines want to dig in dirt and work their butts off sweating or would they rather be like Donald Trump making money off their money. That is what awaits the people of the West Bank and Gaza, in they would be enriched and in that they would worry more about protecting their own funds, than being Hamas stooges............and given that, a millionaire Philistine is probably going to be living in Algeria, Australia or the French Riviera than some sand hole in Ashkelon.
Let them in Mr. Netanyahu and rebuild the Temple and let God get on with this as the Obama failures are endangering everyone on the block.
Back to being the most productive person online or off by God's Grace.