Sunday, October 31, 2010

Murdering Joe Miller

With the story broken that KTVA of Alaska was literally discussing having sex perverts show up at a Joe Miller rally and have someone assault this American by punching him in the face, it is a clarion call to remind everyone what was explained here in what solution needs to be enacted, while Rush Limbaugh ponders "somethin' needs to be done".

In the Bible, there is no difference in if one breaks one Commandment, one has broken them all. The destruction of one's personal good name is as heinous if KTVA had gone out and drove a harpoon in Joe Miller's heart.
Joe Miller though is not alone in this and we all know it from every vantage point we have in America. I have invested time, money and effort to detail the crimes occurring in South Dakota for future prosecution, for the simple reason Obama was birthed in his criminal electioneering in Tom Daschle's South Dakota, and for that reason that state and the bordering Democratic states of crime must all face a Tribunal court.

I can point to KELO of Sioux Falls, South Dakota to KSFY the ABC station there, in their same Joe Miller crimes in this election season.
When Kristi Noem won her Republican primary, it was Max Sandlin who works for Steve Schmidt the same ass who has been politically raping Sarah Palin for 2 years, who termed her the South Dakota Sarah Palin. (I would that America had 435 Sarah Palin's in Congress.)

Into this for Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, I was informed that on Ms. Noem's victory, KELO television deliberately refused to cover her victory speech and then "apologized" when they didn't like it was some oversight on their part.
That is the same garbage which happens at WCCO at Minneapolis in Don Shelby smearing Michelle Bachmann for that Obama pixie they chose to run there.
All of this is planned, staged and carried out with glee by this ilk and it is a literal crime as deep as Shep Smith in misted eyes for Obama in the debates saying that John McCain winning the debate didn't matter.
That his horse shit!

KSFY I have seen the feeds of their female anchor from Michigan a Katie Taube literally having kittens in worry over about Obama at some events. This is beyond even Peter Jennings with his cocked eyebrows and smirks over Republicans.

As previously laid out, the reason this matters is the public airwaves as wells a cable are indeed answerable to the American People in standards. Just because one is on television does not allow one to chop off the heads of people nor molest children. Breaking the law is breaking the law on cable or broadcast.

What was done to Joe Miller was deliberate theft of his name, the deliberate sabotaging of his career and the deliberate assault on his person as these KTVA folks were speaking about Mr. Miller being beaten.

These are crimes for the Rovians in Lisa Murkowski and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.

I have some very friendly advice for Sean Hannity who has done immense work for America, that he had better start weighing his associations in Karl Rove, Dana Perino, Ann Coulter and the rest of this fraud ilk, because just as Mr. Hannity is putting Congress on probation, there is going to come a time when these Rovians working hand and hand with Obama folks are going to be hauled up and prosecuted for crimes against Americans.
The political rape of Christine O'Donnell by Rove and Perino are an issue which Mr. Hannity had better contemplate just how close he desires to remain to these talking heads to fill segments. I no longer care if this takes one month, one year, or ten years, I will keep pushing these criminal indictments, and prosecutions by Military Tribunals for justice to be accomplished in America.
There is not going to be a statute of limitations in this. It makes no difference if this ilk has to be hauled 30 years from now before courts like old Nazi's, but justice is going to be done.
Sean Hannity needs to reassess his associations as when this all comes out, the last thing Mr. Hannity needs are endless appearances into his associations before courts.

That is why I hope and pray for a Tea Party group in the House and Senate. Let the leadership drone on about Obama and repealing things, but let the Tea Party group go after the electioneering, media and all the crimes these Rovians and Obamites have been engaged in.

KTVA and KELO have literally, just like WCCO and ever local station in America, been shills for the regime. They have violated public trust as much as Obama and unbalanced FOX News has in what Newt Gingrich created Rupert Murdoch for.
Those stations all have licenses and the Tea Party in hearings must demand and then in Tribunals take those licenses away from these traitors to America, and award them to responsible Americans.

These culprits who are involved in this character assassination of Americans, are traitors to America, in being at war with the free election process as much as Obama's ACORN, Native American and Chicago thugs. These traitors just like Nazi's must face justice and when found guilty against crimes to bring down the United States Government to receive the full measure of Court Justice.

They are all cowardly trash, and this is not just the media, as I was stunned by a Republican National Committee putting out a political ad against Stephanie Sandlin IN WHICH SHE WAS SMILING!
Literally the same sabotage ilk which announced out of the Senate they would not back Christine O'Donnell in these Rove anointed Obamites, have literally been coming out with ads making Democrats protected by Rove look good.........just like the NRA does nothing but back these patrician frauds betraying America.

All of this needs to be rooted out at the literal root of this treacherous weed to all the depths it is enjoined.

There are criminal laws protecting America which must be enforced and there are FEC and FCC agencies which are not protecting Americans and it is time that the Tea Party get the axe out and start chopping out those sucklings from the base so this tree of tyranny falls.

No more of this election fixing, no more of this condoning criminality, no more of these political rapes and no more of these politicians for Obama and Rove going on their criminal merry way.

Bring in the indictments from Military Tribunals and send in the Military Police to KTVA to KELO and haul these criminals against the Republic into speedy trials and even speedier executions of judgments.

The subversion of this United States Republic ends here. No more kinder and gentler. No more business as usual. No more Obama crimes and Rove slimes. This is a matter of treason against this Republic and it is time for Joe Miller, Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle, Michelle Bachmann, Kristi Noem and Star Parker to go to work on the treachery with full military court backing in this war on America from within.
Let them root out these "corrupt bastards" to quote Sarah Palin.

The Obamites and Rovians have chosen their crimes. Let them face the ultimate punishment in Military Courts.

As this blog noted in 2008, you get the power, you use it like Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt and you turn the full weight of the US Courts onto the traitors to the American Way, and if the judges decline, you find Judges in Military Tribunals to purge these traitors from the system.

Elton Blonde thinks this is going to take election cycles. Oh no it will not. It will just take the unleashing of the Courts on the perpetrators who installed Obama and are trying to keep his regime in power in 2010.

Oh Elton, you can't crawl up the Tea Party's ass far enough for your plagiarism, your being a patrician crony against farmers and your impersonation of Noel Sheppard electing B. Hussein Obama in your radio games.

You know what you did and the world is going to know. Should have paid your bills boy.

nuff said.

