I was looking at my stack of books on my desk from Tenting on the Plains, Kipling's Best, The Life of Buffalo Bill, Alice in Wonderland, Christmas Stories, just which of them I would ever beam off of Obama's brain.
The answer of course was none of them, as my books are personal and why I detest checking out library books, as I want a book to be my own as reading is personal, and I would never throw a book at B. Hussein as I have too much respect for books.
I doubt I would beam a Kindle of the cranium of Obama either, even if I had one, as even if I would never buy an electronic book, as books should be books, it would seem wasteful to throw a Kindle at Obama as somewhere in Africa illiterate children are filled with hungry eyes for words.
Of course, I wouldn't even throw my show at Obama as Muslims did Bush, because I like my shoes and get attached to them as they are good shoes. I know them and they know my feet, and the idea of whacking Obama with my shoe seems detrimental to me, as my socks would get dirty from all those filthy Obamites who carry germs, might step on my toes mobbing Obama or my feet might get wet from spilled bottled water.
So I really don't comprehend some Obama fan throwing a book at him or a shoe. This had to be an Obama fan............because the book either had to be Sarah Palin's to smear her or it had to be Dreams of My Obama in some maniac just wanting Obama's sweat on it before he left the building.
Elvis used to wipe sweat for fans all the time and they loved it.
I know this is an issue of sweat from what Rush Limbaugh noted in his broadcast in all the fainting Obamites in Maryland. Obamites are so reptilian that at 74 degrees they start passing out from the heat and need Mr. Obama to become Dr. Obama in calling for bottled water, telling folks to drink water before they see him, and Doc O was telling folks to give the fainting masses some room as they would be alright.
At least that is what his teleprompter said.
So you mean that Obama's message was pre typed in knowing all of these Obama folks would be fainting? Sounded a great deal like it, and if Doc Limbaugh was correct in assessing that Elvis was back on the campaign trail meant to rekindle that old tan magic.........well certainly a book thrower who somehow was not apprehended by the Secret Service or the Obama mob, sounds a great deal like Barney Frank hearing sodom sex talk and those gauntlet running blacks hearing spit coming at them and seeing the word n*gger during the Tea Party rally against Obamacrypt.
Barack Obama just can't get a break in these times. Here he sends out one of his union thugs to beam him with a book, and Obama apparently was doing Stevie Wonder at the piano in being too much a moving target so the book tosser from that grassy green knoll missed, and apparently Obama while watching that Italian Prime Minister go off bleeding to stage this for his October Surprise, Mama Jarrett didn't have anyone at the school book depository, in that storm sewer and I forget where else Oliver Stone had his culprits in that movie.
Certainly if Obama was triangulated on as the conspiracy says, a lone book babe would not have missed the elusive Obama making moves on the basketball court like that rapist Kobe Bryant.
So it is terrible that George W. Bush can dodge a show in Iraq like he has the moves of a white man who can jump, and Obama is standing in the post position, not moving like a black man, posing like he is a super model named Monique, and a book misses him.
Ok, this is gone on far enough as in my investigation, that "book" as told by the Brit Obama press is not a book. A book has to be something that by definition looks like a book.
The Bible looks like a book. Webster's Dictionary looks like a book. Things Ronald Reagan wrote look like books. The books I have on my desk look like books because they are books.
What Obama had flying by him was like a seagull flopping along. It had some whimpy cover, had about a 121 pages in it (real books must have at least 224 pages) and real books do not have bar codes imprinted on glossy Playboy whorish covers that one's fingers stick to on a hot day.
So what is a voter to believe when fainting people show up, like Obama union thugs were stuck in town hall meetings showing up to ask planted questions?
Is this Obama's starring moment of books somehow flying through the air, Secret Service all over the place, a mob of loyal Obamites there to pounce on anyone harming the messiah, cameras all around, and no one saw this book..........or was this a magic book which hit John Connolly, travelled to the Gulf to soak up tar balls, rode a wave to Martha's Vineyard to play golf on vacation, had a nice lobster dinner, somehow is in Ohio campaigning every other day, and has Karl Rove trying to defeat Tea Party American Ladies for you, all the while travelling 45 degrees to the Obama while he poses grinning like the Pepsodent girl.
It is all so difficult to know what is real and what is theater with Obama.
If a tree falls in the forest, does it sound like a stage Obama book throwing event, to gain hisself and Muchelle a book up for the next Olympics where B. Hussein will win the gold.....
Guess it wasn't the koran as they all got burned up according to Islamist Obama.
Oh, Obama did have a naked penis at his book toss..........not like the rose toss where all penis were clothed............and I'm certain of this, there were no naked penises thrown at Mr. Obama......at least not in public or pubic.
PS: Why is Obama dressing in 3rd world drag and grinning like he just won a Robert Mugabe election?
Didn't Dinesh D'Souza say Mama Stan sent him to America because the 3rd world loved America and the Stan hated America? Yeah D'Souza makes that sound like it made sense.
You take the Obama out of 3rd world, but you can't take the 3rd world out of the Obama.
indonesia here i come
right back where I started from........
Oh there was writing on the naked guy. No word if he was a book and no words if there were words on the Obama book.