Fittingly, all American boy, Brett Farve, who was squeaky clean one day before, all of a sudden has Moss rubbing off on him, in now Jenn Sterger, the Jets hottie, who had her rise to the top showing up at Florida college games dressed as a whore...........who says prostitution doesn't pay.
In addition, the Jets had massage gals apparently dripping off their players for special treatments. It gives a whole new meaning to Woody Johnson, the owner, in his name.
So Farve is Mr. America on Thursday and by Friday he is Mr. Al Gore sending sextext and perv pictures, and by Saturday the NFL is opening an investigation.
Lovely, Farve is now having Ben the Rapist showing up in his stories.
So Randy Moss, who has been Moss in New England in not playing literally as he is not being paid 100 million dollars a minute to his price tag, not catching one ball in the Miami game, so the Patriots dumped him on the dufus Wilf group of the Vikings.
Duh Vikes, Moss was dumped because he quit running routes. Oakland dumped him when he stopped playing and now New England dumped him because he quit playing in a pout.
Literally, I don't expect Moss to last in Minnesota's tough schedule as someone is going to knock the snot out of him as John Madden would opine, and considering the pompous prick Moss is, in running over women, screaming at fans, squirting refs, wiping his ass on goal posts and beating up girls in Florida..........it sounds like God's Justice.
I will deduct that Minnesota's season is now over, as Moss only plays good when the NFL denies corners from covering him, and when he has a Chris Carter or Wes Welker to do the hard work.
Moss is bad seed, and it currently looks like the mere musk of Moss has now ruined Brett Farve, thrown Minnesota into chaos, and wouldn't that be amazing if Farve was banned from football and not make it into Canton just because the bad omen of Randy Moss disgraced Minnesota again.
Well, I guess as Dan Rooney in Pittsburgh is having his nose rubbed in it over his failing Obama, and Ben the pervert has not raped anyone recently, it will be pulling for the Steelers again, as this blog has one rule, "Who is my favorite team?"
"The one beating the bamuhammed out of the team where Randy Moss is being hisself".
Got a goddess like Deanna Farve at home and Brett is out trying to tank the paid for help.
Just what Minnesota needs in ruining the careers of Adrian Petersen, Chad Greenway and Jared Allen.
Nothing like the disease of Randy Moss which keeps on spreading and coming back.
My Grandmother always said, "You hang with trash you become trash".
Gram was right.