You might recall John McCain swearing as President that ear marks would stop. Well with Herseth Sandlin under Obama this cash cow mad cow has been looting the US Treasury comprable to Timmy Geithner.
The lunacy of this woman in Mrs. Sandlin knows no bounds. I focus on her, because while the Harry Reid's walk away with maybe a billion here and there, it is these Herseth Sandlin types which number over 400 hog trough feeders in Congress who are doing the real debt damage to America.
Apparently in South Dakota, they only are bright enough to deal in million dollar figures as that is what most of Herseth Sandlin's price tags start out with.
So let us just start in the Bridge to Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's Brothel box which is a bottomless pit in stealing money from the American taxpayer.
First up the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, aka, the Stephie ballot box stuffers to steal elections, got 3 million dollars for advanced electronic integration. Bleeding hearts might think this nice, until sane brains see this was in the DEFENSE BUDGET.
Now as US Soldiers are doing without medical care, bullets to defend themselves, their families suffer, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is robbing from Soldiers to apparently give Indians computers or better cable television lines.
That of course is unless Herseth Sandlin has Obama running CIA operations out of the Russell Means crowd in South Dakota in waging wars against the Tal EE ban.
Seems to me they did ok before with just smoke signals and carved sticks on rock piles.
Second up we have two defense expenditures located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. They are for a munitions complex and a magazine storage system.
I personally had no idea that Sioux Falls was under attack in needing 2.6 million dollars worth of ADDITIONAL weapons storage.
Sioux Falls has no army, but does have a weekend warrior flap force that flies F 16's, but in the same understanding of this, I really don't want 2000 pound bunker busters stored in any US city as Oklahoma City found out that Bill Clinton storing munitions in the Murrah Building caused secondary explosions.
So unless I missed it in Sioux Falls has declared war on Iowa or the Minnesota Vikings, what is the point of building massive munition storage units which would cost a fortune to ship and would be terror targets, and if detonated, would blow up Stephie's voters.
Third up is my favorite ear mark for the mad cow of South Dakota, in .........wait for it, as you will just love this one, as I was laughing so hard in telling someone about this I couldn't get it out.
Ok here it is,................ok I tease.
This is it, $2.4 million dollars for South Dakota State University to figure out how to burn corn cobbs in US Fighter Jets.
I kid you not. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is spending your money trying to burn corn cobbs in US Fighter planes.
I can see it now, "Ah Mr. Obama sir, we can't launch that Predator strike, because Ned Nerdly of Bath, South Dakota has got the corn shelled off the cob yet.
Maybe next week Mr. Obama. Stephie Sandlin promises".
Yupper, yes siree bobwheat, $2.4 million dollars so SDSU can make renewable jet fuel from lignocellulosic feedstocks.
Bossy the cow can go without feed as Stephie is firing up her General Electric engines in her F 16 to bomb bin Laden.
This only gets better in Stephie got half a million dollars (563,000) in the Ag ear marks for the Ruminent Nutrition Consortium.
In translation, this is worse than Muchelle Hussein Obama in targeting fat kids. Herseth Sandlin has funded a nutrition program for cows.
Geez louise, Ajax...........do not cows in South Dakota know enough to eat grass like they have done for thousands of years?
Maybe if Stephanie's cows are so stupid they don't know enough to eat to stay healthy they should end up as hamburger.
I will end this with one last ear mark to show the wastefulness of Stephanie Herseth Sandlin in raping the US taxpayers in she obtained again for those voting cheats on the reservation system for Democrats, the Cheyenne River Sioux tribe, $500,000, for Prairie Management.
You children do know that the Prairie is a natural thing which takes care of itself. God planted it after the ice age with various grasses in numerous niches. It has flowers, deep rooted "weeds" to renew the the mineral content, and with being abused in grazed and burnt up, the thing takes care of itself.
It reseeds itself and turns out juicy beef, provides habitat for grouse, antelope, mule deer and bugs, fish, frogs etc....
Yet Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is giving half a million dollars to take care of something which takes care of itself, or maybe this half a million is taking care of Stephanie's illegal get out the vote and stuff the ballot boxes for her.
Not so far fetched as crook Al Franken was just on the reservation system with Herseth Sandlin stating she would vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker...........and well Al stole the Minnesota Senate seat of Norm Coleman.
Open Secrets dot Org has all of the Herseth Sandlin nation rape in it's extreme in stealing money from Soldiers for her pet projects...........corn cobb fighter jets, only in South Dakota Daschlitis could come up with that one and only necessary defense project in Obama and Karl Rove protecting this political whore.
Do you remember the day when Democrats raised all hell about Soldiers not being protected with armour or vests?
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin has no problem in 85 million dollar ear marks endanger Soldiers and enslaving American children to debt.............for teaching cows the four food groups, teaching Indians how to grow grass and burning corn cobs in fighter jets.
Just how is this fraud woman slipping through the cracks in these nut programs?
You know how as you were informed here first.