With the entire world rejecting B. Hussein Obama, from terrorists he befriends, tyrants he bows to and Jews he slaps around, there is still overwhelming support of 91% from blacks.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Castro never had 91% support among their enslaved peoples, and yet blacks flock to Obama as their savior all because he has a minority splash of negroid in his genes of 12%.
Tan Obama is as this blog taking blacks down to racial and political ruin, and blacks are in such Obamaholm Syndrome they will not get off the burning ship, which is sinking, which has a tidal wave pouring down on it, a hurricane on the horizon and a deep sea mine about to blow it up.
Just what has happened to black Americans that they have set the bar so absolutely low?
Have they been ingrained with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton with all these other nameless oblivious leaders who are pariahs in their Louis Farrakhan block and amount to nothing in the outside world, so that blacks now think just because Obama lives in the White House, rides around in Air Force One and invites the black elite to parties, that this is something to enslave themselves to.
Is there honestly a psychological flashback in blacks to the house servant who waited on massah in the mansion, so they all dreamed they too could get out of the cotton fields even if they all died with that sack on?
Barack Hussein Obama is an utter failure, and the humiliation of a Nobel Prize for just showing up has no effect upon his tanness and certain does not humilate blacks, who seem to suffer from "just as long as he has the deluxe apartment in the sky there is no need to worry about everyone laughing at you".
In that, is that what Obama's polling numbers are showing in his focus groups in why he keeps referencing slavery and removing God from speeches?
Literally, is Obama taking blacks back to their slave past and putting hisself as their messiah to lead them to the promised land, and is why he keeps speaking of this, as blacks are so psychologically raped by a generation of Democratic massahs that they will follow Obama into the abyss like lemmings.
Numbers like 23% Conservatives, and 12% Republicans, have little value as when it is a Conservative Republican like Karl Rove who employs Max Sandlin, who got Obama elected, there is not much meaning in a number like that.
Peggy Noonan, Ann Coulter, Noel Sheppard and other girls like that, just do not hold any resonance among a voting class as voting with your panties is no different than voting for a skin color.
Frankly, this blog supported George W. Bush, because his foreign policies were right and have proven correct, and in his worst days, as long as he stayed Conservative in governing, I was not going to abandon his Alamo under seige, as it is not fitting for an American.
None of that had to do with skin color or tone. When his good looking daughter started speaking like the talking vulva in Megs McCain, she was castigated as much as Bush 43 was.
Blacks though and certain jungle fever suffers though apparently "like" having a pretend black guy around to remind them they are not existing in slums or racists. Obama is a comfort food for them to placate all the faults they have vested in their own souls.
They are like Cleveland Brown fans in deluding themselves that "next game" will be the one to prove their misplaced loyalty actually was the right choice.
For all the outstanding Americans there are in industry, intellect, military and politics, one would think that blacks could rally around them in their fields, instead of these guys who are rulers of basically one acre of land and have armed guards keeping people off the grass as they live the high life.
Yet blacks are stuck on Obama, in record debt, destroying America, ruining the black political future and Obama replacing blacks with Mexicans for a Democratic power base.
Oh and for the blacks, 45% of latino voters do not like Obama..........so when it comes time in their majority vote, they sure are not going to be voting for B. Hussein Obama, but will be voting for B. Hugo Ortega.
If blacks would actually in the only support B. Hussein Obama has, blackmail him the way the Black Caucus did, they could force him to be an American leader who would be more appealing. Unless black folks do this, they are going down with the Obama ship as there is an iceberg on the stormy horizon.............and Hillary Clinton is below deck now grinding the rivets off the hull so Ship Obama sinks faster.
Blacks have got to make tan Obama a black leader, and a good place to start is the manifesto of Tavis Smiley.
With all the white folks fleeing the Obama regime, perhaps now is the time to demand not a Mayor Bloomberg at Treasury, but a host of blacks who have earned those cabinet positions.
nuff said.