It is not that Mr. Hannity has shrews on, as if anything, the female audience of Mr. Hannity is thee most pleasant, good natured and peaceful group of American Ladies around. He attracts the best in listeners.
So as I listened I noted this woman started almost apologetically to say she had not agreed with Mr. Hannity on Linda McMahon and other Ladies Mr. Hannity and the Tea Party had been backing............and that is when I knew who this female was in it was sodomite, Obama voter, Ann Coulter.
The reason I bring this up as I noticed recently a trend in the talking vulvas in Karl Rove's stable from Stephanie Herseth Sandlin to Ann Coulter, that even their tampon named Karl were really trying to sell the SMILES, JIMMY CARTER TEETH and the PLEASANTNESS, after all of these patrician frauds had been invovled in the political rape of American Ladies.
Karl Rove after his political suicide in going after Christine O'Donnell has been quite the whipped little boy on Hannity. He is about to figure out that his Conservative protection is gone, as Max Baucus is calling for IRS investigations of Rove's group which is somehow ignoring Max Sandlin's wife in South Dakota from target ads to defeat her, while Rove takes on Christine O'Donnell in malicious slander.
You can hear it in Rove's voice his pompous ass, king maker, arrogance has evaported as he tries to blend in with Americans like Rush Limbaugh after his Elton Blonde moments turning into a coming out of the closet.
Ann Coulter, if you have bumped into her, is one on edge kitty, whose claws come out in a flash around "liberals". I say "liberals" as she certainly has been going 24 7 in going after Joseph Farah over Birthers and sodomites in doing all she can to protect Obama.
I will sympathize with Sean Hannity as Jeff Rense once lamented about all of these talk shows, that there is just a finite amount of interesting people to have on for 3 hour programs in which people will tune in, which will sell ads which pays the bills for these well to do broadcasters.
Sean Hannity needs big names, and Coulter and Rove are good for flash 15 seconds of titulation to keep a program running like Mr. Hannity's who is literally really keeping FOX afloat now.
I digress, I hope and pray to God literally that Kelsey Grammar is able to launch his real Conservative network, as that is what America is in dire straits need of.
I undigress.
So after these patrician traitors have taken huge sums of money from Americans for their million dollar lifestyles and betraying Americans in attacking real Americans like Sarah Palin, and been outed by this blog, they now have gotten the point that their Molotov Mob Mouths have really drawn the line with real Americans who have had it with the Max Sandlin, Barack Obama, Karl Rove and Ann Coulter treasonous tripes.
The answer Coulter has come up with is to giggle, raise her skirt to entice the public and wink in promising that she is not really a hooker, yes a hooker, in every sense of the word of what a hooker is, for a hooker is a criminal who promises sex, but all a john is going to get is a Mickey Finn (a doped up drink) and their wallet stolen.
That is what all these Rovians have been up to in stealing from the Republican donors, the Democratic donors, the American taxpayer in record spending, all the while lining their pockets being in bed with Obama and Pelosi, and plunging America into the Obama Super Depression in the blackest abyss of absolute zero.
The Truth is, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson didn't create the fraud B. Hussein Obama. American blacks do not have enough votes to elect anything in America. Barack Hussein Obama was created, upheld, installed and usurped because Karl Rove helped destroy John McCain through Steve Schmidt, Peggy Noonan cast her panties to the raid and Rush Limbaugh played wiht his blackberry while having Elton Blonde dreams.
These frauds like Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Earl Pomeroy and now Ann Coulter, have all now started batting their long eyelashes, sounding human and trying so hard to be Americans, after their entire thrust for the Age of Obama has been something out of Caligulas bed chamber crossed with Robert Mugabe's soiled sheets.
So Karl Rove and Ann Coulter, like there pet Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, all Obamites, now are like shirt sleeve rolled up, joking folksy Obama in trying to be human after talking like Kremlin ghetto whores.
This has just started. These elections are the first taking of the beach by the main forces. There will be follow ups in investigations which Karl Rove is starting to feel the pressure on. There will be the linking of just who is in bed with whom and there will be the fact that the folks with the money backing these frauds are going to find it too expensive for Rupert Murdoch and George Soros types to keep these uteran discharges on the payroll.
This is not going to be Bush43 in a Clinton and forget. There are going to be criminal complaints filed and the folks with cash are going to promote America or they are going to be replaced in owning the propaganda machines in America.
In World War II, a nothing Congressman hauled Howard Hughes before Congress, thinking he could rape Mr. Hughes character in accusing him like Pig Nose Waxman does in trying to ruin good Americans.
Mr. Hughes took the rapine, and then swore that ass would never work again.
The last that Congressman was heard of was from someone who remembered seeing him a few years later, hat in hand, in DC, begging for a job.
These Rovians from Oliver Stone to Ann Coulter have taken a fortune from Americans while Americans lost their homes, their jobs and their investments. They are not going to be able to hide behind Soros, Obama or Murdoch, as the Howard Hughes principle is going to be initiated. It will all be legal and it will not bother with Ann Coulter raising her skirt or Stephanie Herseth Sandlin Show US Your Tits.
Treachery is treachery, high crimes against American Morality is high crimes against American Morality.
You want fair and balanced? The scales are going to be balanced fairly before this is through whether it is Jesus or the Tea Party running those scales for American standards of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
There are numbers of Karl Rove frauds both blue dogs and patrician fogs are going to find out that they should have cashed in the chips, and fled to exile in France and disappeared.
Winning elections, writing books, and appearing on programs is the last place this ilk should be as their stain is making a permanent mark on the memory of real Americans, who are going to implement justice and the coming names will rival Benedict Arnold as being scourges taught in schools for a generation to come.
nuff said.