Saturday, October 2, 2010

Of things present and past...

Listen if you will hear, for a land far off and a land near. For the prostitute of Nimrod's yore. For the Virgin Daughter of God's store.

It came from Berlin this of long ago. The empires of ages which few will know. The trader of wares and starters of wars. The plundering depths of the savage of before.

She rides she rides and is risen hence. A time or two and a number since. She is ridden hard by Ashkenaz bit. The rein the rein of the fires of wars are lit.

The Slavs shackler and Japheth's tryst. The bankers charm with iron fist. The seater of usurpers across Atlantic shore. So much, so much and nothing more.

Look he stands in oval room. Plotting plotting the Virgin's doom. Yet there is he in Berliner speech. Leviathan's primate in mongrel leech.

The whisper is gathered of what to give. The answer is whispered to the captive. To end to end his somber fate. Upon scented plank he will rest of late.

Yet what of his whore the mother of birth. The political tribe selling his worth? Mother dead and mother cradles yet. No progeny left on a throne to set.

She fell a fall on distant plains. A Babylonian reaper in Assyria's slain. Pround Ninevah abandoned crushed. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

Of Nahum's call. Jonah the Prophet in the great city's fall. There comes the fires of distant outposts. The flood crumbles her from kings of the east host.

Heaps upon heaps who will keep the dead. The refugees now flee in fearful dread. They run they run from night until night. Day unto day in fearful fright.

Captive led captive. Pyres not to live. Sword unto sword. The graves now hoard.

Silence oh Virgin no sound of mirth. The bridegroom has ceased in your sold worth. No mourning for you just silence instead. No lament for the sifted dead.

Ah Lord God, it plays out again. Beginning to ending, End to begin. Listen for the righteous purge. Hear the judgment dirge.

agtG 255