Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sheik Osama not Obama

It is amazing to watch the tidal wave of outrage now aimed at Sheik bin Laden, not by Muslims, but by the western leftists as they are in a fury over his speaking about global warming and having compassion on the Pakistani culls.

This is the same al Qaeda which has been using Democratic talking points for 10 years and been praising Frank Rich and other western hating propagandists, but all of a sudden the experts on the left are furious when the Sheik is acting..............well like Obama.

See that is the key in this in what is pissing the left off. The left came out after 9 11 stating that American deserved to be attacked. Dolts like Dinesh D'Souza echoed that same reprehensible line as Robert Spenser over at Jihad Watch kept whipping up the brew to get Muslims to act out, so he could be an expert for hire making the big salary.
The left did not have this much fury over 9 11, but glee. They now though in Sheik bin Laden stating the exact same thing Barack Hussein Obama was elected on in global warming and lack of spreading the wealth around has them going insane.

The reason is of course is that B. Hussein has failed them and made them a laughing stock. Sheik bin Laden is not a fool. He has a pattern in all of this and he is a Tokyo Rose of sorts in figuring out the American apple pie.
Recall not that long ago, how the Sheik under George W. Bush was making appeals in Christian tones of loving your enemies. That was the Sheik setting the standard of course in Saladin terms and also freeing himself from blame in those who were about to die.
It was though mocking Bush43 in his Christian values.

We can deduct this by how Obama is now the focus of the Sheik. In a perfect tone, he is now become B. Hussein Obama over global warming.
What is the left going to do when the most .............oopppps hunted man by B. Hussein Obama is now stating the same exact things as B. Hussein. Worse yet, where was Obama in Haiti? Where was Obama in his own tar balling the GOP Gulf States? Where has Obama been in any human disaster, but out golfing or on vacation?

Yes in thee worst calamity to hit Pakistan ever, there is Sheik bin Laden being more Obama than Obama has in his 3rd world heart to even empathize with these tan Pakistanis.

Pakistan instead under Obama has been invaded, bombed, people killed and now Pakistan is barring NATO from transporting military supplies for Obama's Cold Sore Wars.

So let us review in this, Obama is bombing Muslims in Pakistan while Pakistani's die from flooding.
Sheik bin Laden is not bombing anyone in Pakistan and demanding world relief for the flood victims.

Who is the "ugly American" in this and promoting that very trait which they accused George W. Bush of doing?

Of course it is Barack Hussein Obama.

In Muslim eyes, who is the bigger terrorist in this than B. Hussein Obama? When the western press for days goes into a fury over Sheik bin Laden being a bigger global warming advocate than Obama, you know he is hitting paydirt with the nut case environmentalists, as they signed onto Obama and he has made fools of them.

Worse yet, it is Barack Hussein Obama in shutting down American energy independence for that worthless green energy (Try flying a fighter jet with electric motors or try driving a tank with solar panels on it for power), has literally been pouring billions of dollars more into the Muslim mafia who in turn are pouring that money into more IED's and terror camps to murder Americans.

It would be pleasant if the left were outraged over dead Americans, but what really gets their goat is Sheik bin Laden is all the things they wanted B. Hussein Obama to be..........and all Obama has been doing is funding terrorists, blowing up people and failing.

Sheik bin Laden has just been reciting Obama Pelosi talking points as they let the dark skinned peoples die.........the very smear Obama and Pelosi try to tar Republicans with.

A real Muslim in Sheik bin Laden always beats a closet Muslim like Obama on infidel vacation.

Sheik bin Laden out Obama's Obama