I really after the decades of misery which has been my life and the necessary witness against all of these self serving mongrels from B. Hussein Obama to R. Hudson Limbaugh need some pleasure in an interlude of the prose of the poetic warrior.
At heart I have many vocations, but my affinity is with the beauty of George Washington, Joan D'Arc and George Patton as they were all poetic warriors whose souls were rather kindred in civilian nature, but passions provided them the Angelic desire for battle.
Washington was the ultimate Citizen in serving his nation and retiring to his home. Patton designed uniforms and wrote poetry. Jeanette D'Arc desired to but go home and tend her cows again and be with her parents.
For me, here am I a tactical officer. I thrive on statistics and battlefield survey. The things which are of no interest to the masses, but what make warfare actually meet success are the dirty tricks of battle which stirs my soul.
I contemplate the grandest of all battles to come. The legendary Armegeddon in all it's horrific glory as I study it in my mind.
I know that 200 million soldiers will be assembled. I know the field will be the Plains of Sharon. Tel Megiddo is the historic choke point where some rather mind dumb Jews have built a kubbitz or settlement.
This is the land of Elijah slaughtering the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. King Saul and his sons slaughtered on Mt. Gilboa. King Josiah and his host being killed by Pharoah Necho. It stirs me this plain and draws my Spirit there, for it is home, and that is where my heart is.
The old trade routes will pave the way. The Kings Highway to the east and the antiquitous Via Maris as named by the Romans, the Maritime Road, but in reality is the Philistine's Way which is the road to Armageddon on three continents.
It is simple task as the road which Emperors, Greeks, Legionaires, Persians, Crusaders, Turks, Napoleon and the Grand English took, will be the route of this 200 million member military.
When the Persians invaded Greece, their army churned the soil by walking making it like a tilled field. It was said they drank rivers dry. The logisitcs of this tactical situation fascinate me at heart, because I know in reality the most humane thing Jesus will do as Warrior King is slaughtering this military force assembled against Him, because in logistics of 200 million gallons of water a day just for drinking and the food supply would mean, this military is going to march in, but there is not going to be the resources to march it back out.
It would either have to eat people or starve on it's way back to Asia.
That is why I do not concern myself greatly with China, as that dragon if pulled out far enough, will eat itself to death. In Korea, the US military expended itself slaughtering the mass Chinese as Hitler did the Russians, but if one pulls the Asians far enough out, they will die on the vine.
That vine is a supply line and in Prophecy, God states he will dry up the Great Rivers in Iraq so as to prepare the way for this massive invasion force.

As a warm and fuzzy moment for historian warriors, the old names from Acre when Richard the Lionhearted went on his Crusades to Carchemesh where a young crown prince named Nebuchadnezzar routed the Assyrian and Egyptians to found the first empire in Babylon will be the way this massive force will come.
The travel routes will be three in the Philistine Way which goes up into the Armenian and Caspian region, the coastal route of the Roman Via Maris and the way of Baghdad which links to the old Silk Road in the Khyber Pass.
This is how that beastly force will pass. It will rape women and children. It will rob and loot. It will destroy cities. It will murder the citizens for sport. It will be a scorched earth mob with the worst of it being the spear piercing to the heart of nations and the rear guard grinding the residents to death as they believe the danger has passed.
This will be the worst of humanity meeting the best God ever begot in humanity in Jesus the Christ.
I actually crave to see this dust churning mass. I long to see it headquartered on the mounts, as it's mob is camped on the plains in that choking fumes of a military on the camp. That cough in the morning of all those sinus infected by night air and new pollens and that clank of a military with that droan which does not cease as men in low voices complain and contemplate the death at hand.
To know, to visualize it all in bodies blown to bits, life blown out of the bodies frozen in time, horrific plague killing in a short time, and that deadly force becoming death.
It's smell in fire and smoke, excrement and urine, fear, slowly giving way in the days to come to that sour earthly smell, like heavy liquid in the nostrils of what dead humans in mass smell like.
Knowing how long it will take to bury them. How one will recoil at it at first, and then almost in amusement eat a biscuit as birds peck at the corpses, pet dogs and cats chewing on flesh and the droan of flies are the symphony to dine by..........as those ghastly vacant stares of the dead with mournful mouths opening wider, become the sockets of eyes black, and and grease stained ground as maggots complete the nature of things.
Piles of frizzy hair laying like halos on the ground atop skulls that shine in the moonlight like sheep upon the high hills.

Something which seems too nightmarish to contemplate in reading, and yet this valley has witnessed it numerous times. This time those who make war on the Peace of God will be vanquished.
Click on the maps to study them. It is the area by Lake Tiberius or the Sea of Galilee. If you are a Saint you will definitely be there one day.
It is a good day to live for.