Sarah Palin's Alaskan American choice for the Senate in Joe Miller is the current Citizen under seige by this Eskimobama syndicate. As has been trailed here, this all started in the Clinton years in money shakedowns for casinos and various other operations, and ran it's culmination in South Dakota under the three amigoes in Tom Daschle, Tim Johnson and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin having Sioux Indians stuff ballot boxes to steal elections there.
As has been noted here, Al Franken stole the Minnesota election for which he ran, and immediately ran to the Indian Affair Committee to payback his native thieves, and just happened to conspiratorial end up in South Dakota with Herseth Sandling promising housing to Indians for voting for Sandlin.
Real prosecutors call that felony crimes.
Now we find Joe Miller is under immense attack in Alaska, like Mark Rubio, Christine O'Donnell and Kristi Noem, in the same Obama Rovian patrician elitists, but what is interesting in specific states, it is Indians who are doing the union thug work which occurs for Democrats in east coast states.
What might surprise you is these Indians are the Indians eating twigs, sitting in tipi's and igloos, and using moss for toilet paper, as they recite American hating propaganda written for them from the Obama revolutionaries community organizers.
In a little research, this blog found that the folks making war on Joe Miller are part of a syndicate group of Natives who were in 2008 already had assets of 7 billion dollars.
Pretty big bucks for the back to nature movement.
Not to be smart, but these Indians who hate Sarah Palin so much, actually doubled their revenues from 2004 to 2008, which are the Palin years.
Think about it, in Sarah Palin set the state of events which enriched these Natives and they are Obama socialists backing that leftist Murkowski at almost $600,000.00.
That is a pretty good chunk of change being thrown around to overthrow the American Government completely from Natives.
If one notes in this how much money flows into Democratic coffers and how it crosses state lines like Herseth Sandlin's money flows in from other tribes and how Al Franken is from Minnesota and is bribing Sioux Indians, it is all a RICO racket shakedown of selling and buying of influence.
Oh yes, those are felony crimes for any real Prosecutor not named Patrick Fitzgerald or Sippy Cup Johnson.
Wow is that right, in Tim Johnson's son, Sippy Cup, is the US Attorney in South Dakota and for some reason he can't see his old man buying Indian votes to stuff ballot boxes to steal elections or seems to notice the criminal graft flowing into Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's campaigns.
It must be another Obama miracle of turning sight into the blind.
Alaska though mirrors this conspiracy like South Dakota as the media there is owned outside state. The large paper in Alaska is run by California interests as is the Sioux Falls Argus Leader is owned by outside interests.
It is this media cover up which allows all of this to be carried out, as much as Obama signed off on his Native Laws which will allow Democrats to plunder these literal now foreign nationalities in Indians as their onshore offshore money laundering centers.
This is what this is all about. Reservations are off book and federal protectorates. This means key Obama industry and criminal enterprises operate carte blanche there for kickbacks in the installed "leadership" of the tribes.
The Indians for the most part are as always in being drunk or doped up to control them, handed starvation rations as bribes, and the entire network of media and councils all mass vote for Democrats who bring in the money, and the Indians dump cash into Democratic coffers.
What this blog has uncovered is the same Stimulus endeavor Mr. Obama set up in taxpayer funds rationed out to key Democratic industries, who then donate that money back to Obama and other NeoProgs.
This is how the Obama Sandlin Murkowski money laundering operation is working. While Indians are subsisting, the leadership is dumping almost a million dollars in Alaska to install another Rovian Obamite in Lisa Murkowski over American Joe Miller.
All of this is sedition and treason. Mr. Obama complains about the US business structure lawfully coming against him with foreign funds, when Obama has over 300 million dollars in counterfeit funds from 2008, and now this undiscovered pow wow, once again in microcosm in South Dakota has fanned out not to unions, but to Indian nations which now include Alaska in influence pedaling and electioneering.
Once again felony crimes for any real Prosecutor.
I informed the cartels here who monitor not my blog, but my uplinks, that Stephanie Herseth Sandlin was going to become too expensive as their Rove pixie. With US business, the NRA and now Indians being exposed for their treachery and it all flows back to Mrs. Sandlin and is flowing out to stories like Joe Miller in Alaska, the fact is that in investigations, there are Democrats who are going to be going to prison as these are real crimes with real data backing up the Obama donations, the Indian donations, taxpayer looting and how it all circles around the regime from South Dakota to Alaska to Minnesota.
It permeates every state in America where this reservation mafia is now being further empowered by Barack Hussein Obama.
We are not blowing smoke here, there is a real signal of crimes.
Mary McKenzie of KSFY Sioux Falls, South Dakota, think you can stop being a flowing blonde for a Sean Cable moment and actually do a real investigative story in your crime ridden state.
Rhetorical shame.
ACORN is operating among the American Indians in their own laundered funds for Democrats.