Saturday, October 30, 2010

WTF Obama Progress?

Seriously, ask yourself as a black American just what progress you have had in the Obama years?

Obama doesn't want "progress" rolled back, but how have blacks progressed?

Obama has wiped out New York Governor, David Paterson. Is in the process of with Eric Holder wiping our Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters.

If you look at the White House cabinet, there are no blacks there. The Supreme Court had blacks passed by again by Obama.

Obama has Bill Clinton out in Florida telling the black guy to get out of the race for the weird over white guy.

Hispanics got no better in being unseen, and the one seen Sotomayor is so stupid she makes latinos' a laughing stock.

So just what on earth is the progress Obama doesn't want rolled back?

Is Obama not retreating fast enough in Iraq or handing Afghanistan over to the Taliban fast enough in losing that war as American Soldiers are murdered?

Did Obama not loot the US Treasury fast enough in his 13 trillion dollar spending spree for his European cronies?

Did Obama not tar ball the Gulf enough in ruining those people's lives?

What is Obama worried about that when Putin comes to put on the chains of the Slavic peoples Obama handed over to him, that they won't give up their right and left testicles if the GOP is elected in America?

Just what progress has Obama honestly made that he is so intense on protecting?

Are Insurance companies not firing thousands of employees enough? Or are Insurance companies not dropping hundreds of thousands of Americans from being insured enough?

Are there not enough unelected, unsupervised czar dictators ordering Americans what they can eat, drive, think, poop and wipe with?

Are there not enough Obama cronies gouging the system in unions taking GM to this Stimulus nonsense which hires border busters?

I'm just at a loss here what Obama is concerned about being rolled back? The only people who would not want Obama's agenda rolled back would be King George, the Kaiser, Napoleon, Hitler, Tojo and Saddam Hussein, as Obama has been busy crippling America and that is what these American hating tyrants were trying to do............yes the very agenda Obama is worried about being stopped is exactly what enemies of America dreamed of doing.

Did Obama help black Detroit? No he bulldozed it.

Did Obama protect Jews? No according to Stephanie Sandlin Jews are no longer a protected minority in America.

Did Obama keep Mexicans safer? No, Mexico is nothing but a FARC state now in Mexicans dying by cartel lead poisoning.

China made a profit off Obama. Russia got the Warsaw Pac back, and the central Europeans got 13 trillion dollars. That is exactly what they hoped for and they left Americans with change in their pockets.

I honestly can not fathom why any Democrat would even vote on Tuesday for, because Obama has turned Democrats into nothing but liars, cheats and whores for Obama.
Why would anyone in their right mind even vote for anything Democrat considering in phase two Obama fully intends to drive up food and energy prices so you will not be able to afford toilet paper and he plans with Democrats to tax all you have in confiscating it.

Are black Americans so nostalgic for the whip and chain, that they secretly long for the Obama plantation to pick cotton and be bought and sold for real, instead of Al Sharpton payoffs where only the black leadership lives in Farrakhan mansions while the rest of the community struggles?

Is the struggle too much of liberal voters in they just want a nice Obama gulag to have someone beat on them, tell them to carry that load of rocks today and eat sawdust bread at night from the Stalin factory?

If Obama has any more "progress" America is going to be dead, the Democratic party is going to be dead and every liberal is going to be the same place Mao put out the garbage in the cultural revolution.

Obama is rationing electricity, rationing energy, rationing jobs, rationing welfare and rationing death.
That kind of progress killed the Soviet Union.

Stay home Democrats unless you are voting for a Republican as Obama duped you and that wonderful future he is promising is a bottomless abyss that not even Sarah Palin is going to be able to pull America out of if this "progress" is not stopped in this election.
