Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If you are going to run it like a whorehouse

Look Americans, I exclusively explained years ago on Newsbusters that there were numerous "economies" and that the Obama economy operating operates not on market standards, but is a damn sham of printing money backed by nothing, printing money to buy money printed of no value (monetizing) and setting prices on everything to benefit the nation rapists like George Soros.

It gets really bad when Drudge has on a story about Al Gore saying bio fuels were not a good idea, because they inflated prices AND NO ONE STEPS UP and points to the Lame Cherry and says, "Hey oil and food prices went up not because of bio fuels, but because of GEORGE SOROS and Chicago market traders inflating prices, just as Bush did with housing to absorb that 1 trillion dollars Bush printed to save America from the 1999 Clinton recession which was about to be a global depression from 9 11.
This is all plain as a scowl on Obama's face, and yet these damn lies keep being posted and all the paid shills from Limbaugh to Krugman never explain the things, because they are all getting money from the same train which is funded by this nation rape.

I will be blunt. Allen Greenspan and the entire Fed since the time of George H. W. Bush should all be arrested and thrown in jail for running a Ponzie Scheme. Tim Geithner should be arrested for looting the Stock Market as he was manipulating it to gain revenue for Obama massive spending AND TO AS KICKBACKS TO OBAMA GLOBAL PATRONS.
These folks which now include Paul Bernanke are not doing anything but running a shell game and Paul Krugman is one of the voodoo economists pushing this monetary looting which will maintain the ivory tower David Letterman patrician living while the rest of America is eating sh*t sandwiches washed down with sewer water as Americans are being made slaves in this plunder stealing all they have.

It is beyond ludicrous in what is taking place, and that old fraud Ron Paul is either too stupid or too inept to even put this together as he goes charging after the fed. No one is exposing any of this in the mainstream group and I know of only one other writer who was saying the same things exposed first here and featured on World Tribune.

What I'm about to say is if you are going to run this American economy like a whorehouse, the for goodness sake in not turning Americans into feces eaters to survive, that at least have the balls to go out and do something which is not smoke and mirrors ruining America.

Bush 41 looted Japan and South Korea in the genesis of this scheme. That is pretty good considering this old Texas fart was calling Reagan's sound policies voodoo economics.
This has moved onto the communist Chinese, but instead of buckling, the Chicoms have told Obama to piss off, and now are in league with Russia to replace the Dollar which will drive inflation through the roof as no one will accept the unbacked Dollar any longer.

I hope you political bastards who voted for Obama are going to get this in spades as your vote destroyed America in putting this political foreign bastard in charged of these United States.

This should please the Jeff Rense and Alex Jones groups, because what I'm about to suggest as these liberal shills of the Rockefellers in the Democrat Congress have ruined America in Obama and Pelosi spending debts, is to do what Mr. Rense and Mr. Jones have been warning about for years in the liberal line of America fights wars for oil and scams.
What I suggest instead of Paul Krugman Obamadoo economics ruining America, is that just as Bush 41 plundered Japan and South Korea like whores with a stolen credit card, that America simply quickly obliterate the Persian communist regime in Iran and have these nation rapists steal the southern Arab Iranian oil which is where the oil in Iran is.

Call the new nation Bedlam for a cruel joke in the Arab world and have them start pumping oil and whatever to the world. I don't care in this scheme what they are doing, as all that matters is these nation rapists are going to set up a few banks in Bedlam for the expressed purpose of having a few billion dollars dumped into them, which in turn will produce loans of a few trillion dollars to start out with in fractal lending in this shell game.
The purpose of course is to buy up the entire debt Obama has created and enemy nations are using as a weapon against America.

This fractal buying scheme will then allow America to get out from under this massive debt Obama created, so when real Americans gain power in a few years, a sound oil uncapping and pumping program can start, various survival shelter grants will be awarded to homeowners and cities to get every state's economy running, reining in this out of control spending and taxing, followed by a high speed rail as this blog explained and a space program to re generate the American economy for the next decade for further exploitation in outer space.

As Bernanke and the Fed are breaking the law in their Ponzie Scheme, it should be that these crooks be made to break the laws correctly so Americans are not robbed, as this is what these globalists intend in destroying America.

The net result is Bedlam will be left holding the debt, and as this nation is an isolated low populace entity, when it collapses after America gets on her sound feet again not being the whorehouse to the world globalists, America will then run this financial structure properly or all of these crooks are going to be taken out and shot, hung and drug through the streets as a warning.

I have posted on how to fix this, but even John McCain refused as much as that fraud Mitt Romney of the Bush's. Obama is no different as all he is doing is looting America for a change of leadership run in Europe which screws America over.

The laws are being broken already. It is time to force these criminals to benefit Americans.

The net result in addition is America rids the world of Persian communists and protects itself from nuclear attacks from the Muslim terrorists which are coming.

It is past time that Paul Krugman be outed for the fraud he is. It is past time that Rush Limbaugh be outed for the money whore he is to the Bush system as he benefits from this immensely while not defining what is going on. For those who think the world of Limbaugh, Limbaugh is either an idiot like Noel Sheppard who couldn't comprehend economics if it was explained to him, or Limbaugh knows damn well what the current system is and not exposing it as he benefits from this house of cards which is raping Americans.

I don't blame the rich patricians from protecting their millions, but I do hold them accountable for not giving a damn about the American poor who are being economically raped and will never recover in "gridlock" or Romney Obamadoo in the next election cycle.

I have no idea why there is not a Milton Friedman in America explaining this as I have been inspired to do. It is all so simple and all in front of every one's face what these international Obama criminals have been doing, since the Bush 41 years.
I judge it all detestable in what was done to Japan and South Korea, and it was what Allan Greenspan did to Europe, which is what blew this all up as the Rothshchilds retaliated with Obama by his Super Depression on America.

Cut those Ashkenaz secularist illuminati Rothshchilds into this scheme to pacify their lusts. They want Jerusalem and are going to get it, so give it to them as they are going to build a Temple of peace and offer to satan on it, as that is what the Bible says.

Just get it done so America is left in peace, and in that America can then at least save Japan, South Korea, Britain, Oz and the western European tribes related to her.

If you are going to run this like a whorehouse, at least f*cking don't charge Americans for being screwed over. Set up an offshore shell called Bedlam, and leave them holding the bag for the next decade.
