What if I were tell you in this Obamass season of unjoy and duel or dualtide greetings, that if Nancy Pelosi was half as bright as Rahm Emanuel thinks she is a shrew, that she could be the first female President of these United States.
I know people are gagging at that in 17% approval Nancy, but I tell you the way to make herself a 70% popular Peking girl is to in these waning days of Speaker of the House, to perform a legal Constitutional coup on undocumented Obama.
Oh by the way, did I mention Obama was undocumented, as in not legal to be President, as in Bill Clinton stated that from Africa that this was Obama's heal which would and should have kept him from the White House.
Now Nancy Pelosi has apparently been talking according to Deep Tutu Emanuel with this following quote from Ulsterman:
How about I just hand over the g*ddamn certification file. They want me to go there? Because that's where they’re pushing me.”
Odd how I honestly do not like taking the Lord's Name in vain, but have not problem with the word f*ck, as it is a rather definitive English word like n*gger, but everyone on the left likes the GD word and will not ever put the old asterisk in it.
I digress.......
Ok, so here is the POTUS, Pelosi of these United States.
Old Nancy has been screwed over by B. Hussein Obama in she carried all of Obama's water and she gets the blame and loses her military jets while Obama keeps his.
Pelosi honestly has been the President in all Obama signed into law, as she had her Soros folks write all of the laws Obama signed.
Pelosi also knows damn sick that she signed off on Obama into the White House in his being undocumented, and knows in her certification files, that Obama's ass can be booted out of office toot sweet.
Pelosi also knows all the chit Joe Biden pulled to be Vice President, with the emphisis on the VICE part as criminally assaulting gay Obama sex partner Lawrence Sinclair, and Biden being part of the menages et tois in bring down John Edwards in ruining him, along with knowing very well about the cover up in the Blagojevich affair.
Throw in all the Obama crooked money laundering which Biden was funded by too, and you have another female player who could be President besides Hillary Clinton before 2012.
Nancy Pelosi has no business blackmailing Obama with her files on his crimes, because all she is settling for is Squeaker of the House of Minority Democrats. That is no position for the Queen to be in.
So therefore, Nancy has to move on this before Darrell Issa hauls her old butt in granny panties (I do not want to think that Nance wears thongs ok.........ick.) to force her into turning over her Obama files to oust Obama, or face her legacy being destroyed in all her extravagant spending and that little matter of Nance delaying that bailout vote which cost American investors billions in their retirement..........all to get Obama installed.
In comprehending Nancy is between the Bill rock and Obama hard place, Speaker Pelosi with dwindling days left in her rule, should as Speaker form an emergency committee, get some Clinton judge to oversee it all behind closed doors, and then go on CNN waving Obama's crimes that the Speaker was privy too, along with Obama not being certified, and Joe Biden signed off on in treason to America, and quicker than you can say, "whatever amendment is the Presidential succession.........hey I'm not going to do all thinking here for you, as you can know a little Constitutional law.", you got yourself Obama and Biden arrested, and Nancy Pelosi sworn in by John Roberts, just the one time, as POTUS, Madam President of these United States, Nancy Pelosi.
Sure sure children, you say, "Ya but what about Sec. of Hillary in her state of challenging all this succession as she wants to be Dame in chief?"
So glad you asked that as you do recall that Hillary was under federal investigation for campaign finance crimes in 2007 and 2008 and by miracle of a Democrat New York judge that all just disappeared.
Not so fast as you know Queen Pelosi has that information too, and would be more than willing to put a lesbian hickey on Hillary Clinton to boot her but into jail too, as when one takes down Obama and Biden, Queen Pelosi would just be shrew enough to help Issa take out Hillary Clinton if she got that monstrous big ass into the chair where Monica did some of her best dictation.
I digress here, but have you seen Hillary lately? Man that babe is put on the old feedbag! Don't have to worry about botox injections taking out wrinkles when you have 100 pounds of chips going not to your hips but your face.
Even her thighs look like they are giving Muchelle Obama's a horse run for the electric power pole Miss Cellulite Legs.
I stop digressing even as you enjoy it so much.
But that is what the Pelosi gambit should be. She should enhance her resume by being the first female Speaker and the first female POTUS, lay the blame all on Obama and in kitty fashion state, "If Mrs. Clinton had been lesbian enough to put the sh*t kickers on to Obama's a**, a real woman wouldn't have to come along and booted the Obama out on his a**".
This is all quite alright in using profanity as Speaker Pelosi often resorts to it when ranting about the tan man who cheated on her B. Hussein Obama.
That about wraps it up.
Oh one more thing, if President Pelosi does get into office, she can be a dear in rewarding this advice with some token of her appreciation.............
I know what I want as Obama cheated me out of being Bey of New Mexico.
President Pelosi for me making her the first girl prez can make me Ambassador to South Dakota. I know South Dakota is part of America again now that Kristi Noem ran old Stephie Sandlin out of the buffalo chip state, but here is the deal, South Dakota is still foreign Daschle territory at war with America.
I can be federal ruler in helping to free the poor people Kristi Noem started to free.
I can appear at Mount Rushmore and call out, "Mr. Tim Johnson and sippy cup son, Tear down this wall of crime you are a part of!"
I could appear on KELO and KSFY where I could say, "Mary McKenzie of KSFY has the best hips in the coyote state, both to her and that cow Angela Sandlin of KELO".
What that has to do with anything is really nothing, but I get these feeds from the dish and Lord that Angela Koenneke or whatever that Daschlelite transplant from Minnesota is called, literally makes you want to go Obama ghetto green vomit in she has like these old Hillary big thighs, and wears these Muchelle Obama upholstery skirts showing things no one should see...........and then has on these blue purple hose, making it all look obnoxious.
Where was I going here............
Oh yes, as Ambassador to South Dakota I would root out communism and make viewing safe in only allowing women with yummy hips to appear often on camera.
That sounds like a pretty good job in exchange for making Nancy President, no quid pro quo like Sestak, just a simple thank you from America for freeing it from the Obama abyss.
Best part is South Dakota is flying distance from the real world of power blogging ...........and President Pelosi can condemn Stephanie and Max Sandlins home in Brookings as they never live there ever and only had it as a mailing address.
Oh I need a pardon too, as I will be out blasting elk and buffalo for my table from Wind Cave National Park.
Doing a story check here..........
Pelosi tosses out Obama and Biden.
Pelosi checks Hillary.
Pelosi is President.
I become Viceroy of South Dakota without the smokes, but room for a pony.
That's about it in what Nancy Pelosi and Democrats must do to save the party.
Nancy take the advice babes.
"I'd take that deal and tadpole that ole devil in the ass".
Curly Bill Brocious
Odd how I honestly do not like taking the Lord's Name in vain, but have not problem with the word f*ck, as it is a rather definitive English word like n*gger, but everyone on the left likes the GD word and will not ever put the old asterisk in it.
I digress.......
Ok, so here is the POTUS, Pelosi of these United States.
Old Nancy has been screwed over by B. Hussein Obama in she carried all of Obama's water and she gets the blame and loses her military jets while Obama keeps his.
Pelosi honestly has been the President in all Obama signed into law, as she had her Soros folks write all of the laws Obama signed.
Pelosi also knows damn sick that she signed off on Obama into the White House in his being undocumented, and knows in her certification files, that Obama's ass can be booted out of office toot sweet.
Pelosi also knows all the chit Joe Biden pulled to be Vice President, with the emphisis on the VICE part as criminally assaulting gay Obama sex partner Lawrence Sinclair, and Biden being part of the menages et tois in bring down John Edwards in ruining him, along with knowing very well about the cover up in the Blagojevich affair.
Throw in all the Obama crooked money laundering which Biden was funded by too, and you have another female player who could be President besides Hillary Clinton before 2012.
Nancy Pelosi has no business blackmailing Obama with her files on his crimes, because all she is settling for is Squeaker of the House of Minority Democrats. That is no position for the Queen to be in.
So therefore, Nancy has to move on this before Darrell Issa hauls her old butt in granny panties (I do not want to think that Nance wears thongs ok.........ick.) to force her into turning over her Obama files to oust Obama, or face her legacy being destroyed in all her extravagant spending and that little matter of Nance delaying that bailout vote which cost American investors billions in their retirement..........all to get Obama installed.
In comprehending Nancy is between the Bill rock and Obama hard place, Speaker Pelosi with dwindling days left in her rule, should as Speaker form an emergency committee, get some Clinton judge to oversee it all behind closed doors, and then go on CNN waving Obama's crimes that the Speaker was privy too, along with Obama not being certified, and Joe Biden signed off on in treason to America, and quicker than you can say, "whatever amendment is the Presidential succession.........hey I'm not going to do all thinking here for you, as you can know a little Constitutional law.", you got yourself Obama and Biden arrested, and Nancy Pelosi sworn in by John Roberts, just the one time, as POTUS, Madam President of these United States, Nancy Pelosi.
Sure sure children, you say, "Ya but what about Sec. of Hillary in her state of challenging all this succession as she wants to be Dame in chief?"
So glad you asked that as you do recall that Hillary was under federal investigation for campaign finance crimes in 2007 and 2008 and by miracle of a Democrat New York judge that all just disappeared.
Not so fast as you know Queen Pelosi has that information too, and would be more than willing to put a lesbian hickey on Hillary Clinton to boot her but into jail too, as when one takes down Obama and Biden, Queen Pelosi would just be shrew enough to help Issa take out Hillary Clinton if she got that monstrous big ass into the chair where Monica did some of her best dictation.
I digress here, but have you seen Hillary lately? Man that babe is put on the old feedbag! Don't have to worry about botox injections taking out wrinkles when you have 100 pounds of chips going not to your hips but your face.
Even her thighs look like they are giving Muchelle Obama's a horse run for the electric power pole Miss Cellulite Legs.
I stop digressing even as you enjoy it so much.
But that is what the Pelosi gambit should be. She should enhance her resume by being the first female Speaker and the first female POTUS, lay the blame all on Obama and in kitty fashion state, "If Mrs. Clinton had been lesbian enough to put the sh*t kickers on to Obama's a**, a real woman wouldn't have to come along and booted the Obama out on his a**".
This is all quite alright in using profanity as Speaker Pelosi often resorts to it when ranting about the tan man who cheated on her B. Hussein Obama.
That about wraps it up.
Oh one more thing, if President Pelosi does get into office, she can be a dear in rewarding this advice with some token of her appreciation.............
I know what I want as Obama cheated me out of being Bey of New Mexico.
President Pelosi for me making her the first girl prez can make me Ambassador to South Dakota. I know South Dakota is part of America again now that Kristi Noem ran old Stephie Sandlin out of the buffalo chip state, but here is the deal, South Dakota is still foreign Daschle territory at war with America.
I can be federal ruler in helping to free the poor people Kristi Noem started to free.
I can appear at Mount Rushmore and call out, "Mr. Tim Johnson and sippy cup son, Tear down this wall of crime you are a part of!"
I could appear on KELO and KSFY where I could say, "Mary McKenzie of KSFY has the best hips in the coyote state, both to her and that cow Angela Sandlin of KELO".
What that has to do with anything is really nothing, but I get these feeds from the dish and Lord that Angela Koenneke or whatever that Daschlelite transplant from Minnesota is called, literally makes you want to go Obama ghetto green vomit in she has like these old Hillary big thighs, and wears these Muchelle Obama upholstery skirts showing things no one should see...........and then has on these blue purple hose, making it all look obnoxious.
Where was I going here............
Oh yes, as Ambassador to South Dakota I would root out communism and make viewing safe in only allowing women with yummy hips to appear often on camera.
That sounds like a pretty good job in exchange for making Nancy President, no quid pro quo like Sestak, just a simple thank you from America for freeing it from the Obama abyss.
Best part is South Dakota is flying distance from the real world of power blogging ...........and President Pelosi can condemn Stephanie and Max Sandlins home in Brookings as they never live there ever and only had it as a mailing address.
Oh I need a pardon too, as I will be out blasting elk and buffalo for my table from Wind Cave National Park.
Doing a story check here..........
Pelosi tosses out Obama and Biden.
Pelosi checks Hillary.
Pelosi is President.
I become Viceroy of South Dakota without the smokes, but room for a pony.
That's about it in what Nancy Pelosi and Democrats must do to save the party.
Nancy take the advice babes.
"I'd take that deal and tadpole that ole devil in the ass".
Curly Bill Brocious