Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's morning in America

America, your sons and daughters are in need of you, the real America to birth you into a new future which Barack Hussein Obama has attempted to abort you from in Americanicide.

That is the mark of Obama, Americanicide, the forced aborting of the American Dream and the replacing it with Mexican slave labor.

It is in this season that I know too many people do not remember Ronald Reagan in his "It's morning in America" doctrine for America.
I know people have heard the ad in it's serene beauty and gentle nature of President Reagan's love for America, but far too many have pushed from the memory the savage, frothing, rabid liberals who were young Obama in that 1980's saga.
Ronald Reagan loved America. Ronald Reagan gushed affection for these United States.

Ronald Reagan bled red, white and blue for this God blessed nation by the people, of the people and for the people.
Ronald Reagan trusted the American People.

Liberals hated Ronald Reagan for who he loved in America. Liberals from the hate filled 1960's, their detesting America of the 1970's, in blaming America for all, ripping God from America, taking the side of American enemies in Jane Fonda dry humping a communist North Vietnam cannon which was blowing American Pilots out of the sky, were furious when Ronald Reagan appeared and told Americans it was wonderful to love America, and these same liberal trash which spawned and installed Barack Hussein Obama went crazy when Ronald Reagan gushed that "It's morning in America" again.

These same liberals were gleeful America was near death by Jimmy Carter inept policies. These are the same liberals who were fuming over Bill Clinton being stopped in Hillarycare but smirking that Mr. Clinton was a sexual predator raping American Ladies and lying about it, and getting away with it.
These same liberals were furious with the Electoral College which protected America and rightly placed George W. Bush in the White House.

It is these liberals who installed the undocumented Barack Hussein Obama into the White House without one valid birth certificate. These same liberals want Obama change which is America destroyed. The America they want destroyed is the America of George Washington, Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

It is beyond necessity in noting the above Democrats were real Americans and have absolutely nothing in common with Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Stephanie Sandlin or Harry Reid.

These abortionists who want children ripped from American wombs and these euthanizers who want our old people starved to death, are a barbaric cannibalistic cult who demand mourning in America over the abyss Barack Obama has dug for her.
This cult of Obama which goes back to Lenin in his overthrowing the Russian Republic is intent on murdering these United States.

Do not forget this Americans in what is the difference between Ronald Reagan and this cult of death.

One is Reagan's Shining City on a Hill. One is Obama's abyss of abysmal death.

The final question is this............

If Ronald Reagan wouldn't be voting for Barack Obama, Chris Coons, Barbara Boxer, Stephanie Sandlin and whoever else this cult of ghouls is running in your neighborhood, then what in the hell is any true American even thinking about casting a vote for them.

Are you an American who believes in the Shining City on the Hill and dream for a Reagan 2012 It's morning in America again, or are you an Obamite thinking America in the Obama abyss is anything but a grave!
