As an exclusive of this blog, there needs to be an explanation for Democrats in information leaking from Rahm Emanuel to a blogger named Ulsterman, because none of these liberals comprehend what is going on in Richard III's court.
For those those who do not know Shakespeare's "My kingdom for a horse", Richard was a coup plotter who seized the throne in England, and as this blog predicted by God's Grace when the time comes for Obama to be taken out, it will not be the GOP doing it, but will be the Democratic establishment and that is what is setting up.
So here is another election day present for undocumented B. Hussein Obama.
What is taking place according to Emanuel is the Clintons are in deep contact with Nancy Pelosi.
This quote from Pelosi about Obama in going to war with him is priceless.
"How that f*cking idiot ever got elected is beyond me. Well let's see how he does without me to carry his f*cking water."
Ewww Madam speaker, that sounds like allot of sexual tension in them old granny panties.
Tom Daschle learned this about the Clintons in he was good for only carrying water, and when Daschle decided to betray the Clintons, Tom without any backing was burned by the Clintons.
Obama now has absolutely no backing from this European masters, the Rockefellers are moving this to sabotage Obama and the Democrats who are left are going to perform a coup on Obama.
The key in this is Aaron Burr, Joe, Biden has been reaching out to the Clintons. The meaning of this is simple as Obama detests Biden and has been burying Biden under nothingness to try and get rid of him.
Obama gave Hillary full presidential foreign policy authority to placate her, but all this has done is move Hillary to the real RFK agenda in challenging Obama in replacing him as Bobby did LBJ.
Biden knows that Obama has betrayed him, after Biden silenced Lawrence Sinclair in the most heavy handed of ways. Obama has offered at least twice the Vice Presidential slot to Hillary and she of course is playing cute in turning it down, because why be #2 when you can be #1.
So the explanation in this is simple. Joe Biden knows the score. He knows he is dead meat between tan bread Obama and white bread Clinton. He has a legacy to protect. He also has to protect his rectum from prison sodomy as Biden is a felon over all the Larry Sinclair political prisoner stuff.
This then is the scenario in logic.
Biden calls up Bill and Hillary and says, "Mr. President and Madam Secretary, I hear I am being tossed under the Obama bus.
I know you don't want to be Vice President, but I have deal for you, as all of us know the crimes of Barack Hussein Obama in how he has screwed all of us over. Let's convince the Congressional Democrats who are furious over what Obama did to them, and have ex Speaker Pelosi sign on to assist the Republicans in hearings which will bring down Obama.
If we can get the GOP to impeach Obama and blame them, it will help with the black vote, but if we have to arrest him and lead him away in handcuffs, we can blame that on the tan Eric Holder Justice Department.
The end result is I move into the Oval Office, taking the Jerry Ford role of healing America, but make it official I will not seek re election which will terminate the Obama toxicity on the Democratic party. Mrs. Clinton will join me as Vice President, and use that as a simple stepping stone to the 2012 nomination and the White House.
In this offering, I get a legacy, I get to be President, I save the Democratic party and I get Mrs. Clinton covering my ass from prosecution for my crimes".
This is what is behind all the Clinton, Biden and Pelosi huddle meetings which Rahm Emanuel is whispering about and none of these liberal apparently, not having read this blog over a year ago already had explained to them.
Democrats are befuddled in Obama now going out and spending 200 million dollars a day on the India vacation, leaving them with the mess he made to fester in. Obama has left marching orders to not have Pelosi or Reid do anything in the lame duck.........to which the Congressional leadership has already told the Obama staff in a meeting to "sit down and shut up".
This web now has Black Widow Pelosi, Black Widow Hillary and the little tsetse fly traitor in Joe Biden who could do this all.
(The tsetse fly of Africa is notorious like the buffalo gnat of Canada in chewing holes in people's skins so blood comes gushing out.
The deal has been worked out, and once these scandals start breaking across the board, the Democrats will try to marginalize the Tea Party election investigations by saying, "Ok, you leave our local crimes alone in stealing elections and we will give you Obama exiled to Albania".
I would not take the offer, but would accept and and once Obama was exiled, I would turn the Tea Party Representatives loose on a wholesale indictment starting with Al Franken and Stephanie Sandlin.
Obama has no friends in his camp to keep close who will use the knife on people the way Rahm Emanuel and the Clintons will. Axelrod, Love and Jarrett are cowards to this game, and Obama's enemies he has kept close, he has let them know his crimes, and in ruining these liberal Democrats, this NeoProg of Obama has become expendable for the good of the party.
That is the translation of what the liberal bloggers and Deep Tutu Emanuel have not been able to piece together.
It is going to be most interesting this utter ruin of B. Hussein Obama.
Hey front bencher Limbaugh...........catch up to the story you and Coulter installed in the Oval Office in undocumented Obama.
agtG 243
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
It's a beautiful day for a neighbor
Could you be mine.........
Would you be mine........
Won't you be my neighbor.........
Please won't you be my neighbor.