Thursday, November 25, 2010
Obama's First Pilgrim
On this Thanksgiving, I would be willing to wager that every Obama voter could not point to American history and show from it an example of the exact policies Barack Obama has initiated were actually implemented by law, and what were the results of it.
Fortunately for all, here am I, humble servant to even morons in having God's Spirit in me to teach and Inspire, so idiots who voted for Obama can find out what happened when community organizers were tried in America.
The years were the Plymouth Colony and the Jamestown Colony. Both of which were founded on the good intentions of the Evangelism and working together to save Indians from hell and by community work for the good of the colonies, who were basically owned by European powers for profit.
So Obama voters do not miss it, when Obama indebted Americans to China and then sells GM to China, that is a compact exactly on what America was founded on.
Ok now before Obama voters start say SEE SEE SEE, in it worked, let us examine what happened in the Obama communities of that period.
The first thing which happened was everyone was collecting unemployment basically in no one was working, because you didn't get to keep anything as it was all going to the government.
So being lazy is what paid for itself in the summer.
Yes America the land of teaming herds of buffalo, elk and deer with flocks of turkeys and rafts of waterfowl, with fish you could basically walk on as they were that numerous was a land of plenty. The woods were full of wood for huge fires to keep people warm, and the land was so open that it all could be farmed.
The problem in this was though, that no one had a stake in America, but the Europeans had stakes in their indentured servants in the new Americans.
The Americans being intelligent didn't work, and the net result was they didn't put up food, wood for fires or plant gardens enough for harvest. The end result was a people who soon enough were starving and freezing.
This is not though the key part of this in why Plymouth and Jamestown were almost wiped out in people dying..........and I'm here to tell you that an Indian dumping a dead fish into a hill of planted corn was not the reason the Pilgrims survived the next year, even if fertilizer did increase the yield.
What killed these early Americans was being sloven, but they also were homesick just as the Cherokee were homesick when moved off from their Carolina lands in the infamous trail of tears.
The Indians had plenty of food, shelter and clothing, but they died because they became despondent.
That is what killed the Pilgrims as the hunger and cold, fed their loneliness, and it caused numbers of them to give up like the Cherokee, and the Pilgrims died, because they had no affinity for their new land as they were not working for themselves, but the government charters who sponsored them.
That is the real Thanksgiving story in America tried communism and it damned near killed everyone in a land of herds of meat, fields of wild vegetation and mountains of wood for fuel.
It was not until the following year that the survivors said, "This sucks the hind tit", and cast off their community organized and started on rugged individualism in the person was exploiting resources for their own wealth, that immediately the land grew crops, the larders were filled with game and fur, forests were felled for timber and these survivors of communism, in becoming capitalists started flourishing in expanding communities.
The human by nature can endure extreme hardships if they have the anchor in God of owning property and working for a summer through that winter in planning for prosperity. It makes no difference if it was the old regime in Canada Quebec, which floundered under imperial rulers who had all the money while the people suffered or all through Mexico, where this community organized elite dictating all was in place, it all ended in disaster, and only when these people threw off community and engaged in exploiting resources for their own profits that the populations flourished.
What B. Hussein Obama has done to America is the recipe for disaster in mass death and suffering. History proves that, and it took a blood revolution and numerous wars to end the tyranny, so Americans, Canadians and Mexicans could at least attempt to live their lives as their own.
Mexico reverted and became what it is a narco socialist regime. Canada has become socialist and has never expanded as she should have. Mr. Obama has strangled America and she is gasping under this community organization which all collect unemployment, those earning checks are wealthy and don't give a damn about inflation crippling the poor and the elite sit on top gleaning the sheep like the old masters did.
Poor people are the most vital part of any society as they recycle the old cars and garments, inhabit the older homes degrading and provide the work force that fills the gaps as they happily work when they desire to in skirting the system.
When Obama trashes junkers, kicks people out of too high priced of homes, puts them on welfare and robs the rich to give to only Obama voter poor, then all the poor which drive the system from the bottom up, are put at odds with his Mexican illegals, and the entire system falls apart, as car dealers can not sell junkers in being too expensive, real estate does not sell and junk food is what is the market instead of wholesome food.
There are not enough Chinese laundries for all to start in, and there are is not enough time in a life to pay back the ridiculous cost of education. The entire Obama system is a Catch 22 just like the Pilgrims were slaughtered under.
Those are the facts of this Thanksgiving as are the Truths of the first Thanksgiving for the first American survivors from 1607 and 1620.
One must feed individual greed to feed a nation, because when one instead organizes a community the organizers do not work and the workers do not produce and the entire nation starves. -Lame Cherry
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