Thursday, November 25, 2010

The only necessary part

the ocean maid bestills my heart
from sea saw depths to crash of wave
i love her dewy droplets form
the spray the spray of ocean born
from davey jones mortal grave
to the red sun warning of day start
i saw in her my epic tale
come hunt for me that great white whale

i saw the siren of moby dick
the farther shore she beckoned me
come hither hither believe my song
unto me you do belong
there come crash your destiny
into my arms immortal quick
jack he lyn the clement tail
come hunt for me the great white wail

the beating beating beating heart
the only only necessary part

Secular Muslim Communists like Barack Hussein Obama and M. Ahmadinejad of Persia are plotting cowards who expect others to have blood on their hands for their manifesto and others to be vaporized for their aggressiveness.

This is what gears the old Marxists, as Russia never set out to engage any second world power, but always tried with Hitler to win the territory by treaty and allow someone else to do the heavy lifting.
It was not until Hitler attacked the Soviet Union that the Russians actually fought back, and did so horridly, and if not for American technology and supply, the Russians would have been destroyed.

This is characteristic in Vladamir Putin murdering with Polonium 210 to the staged jet crash which wiped out the entire free Polish Government.

The reason Mao got the bomb is the Soviets desired to use Chinese mass dead to neutralize American power. They did this in Korea and followed up with their proxy communists in North Vietnam.

The Chicoms built upon this let someone else die for conquest, as they have enabled the North Koreans to nuclear bombs and have been busy threatening Taiwan with missiles, but too cowardly to attack.

Yes there is infrequent downing of US spy planes for ransom to the California missile launch, but each Chicom event is about brandishing bravado on a lesser opponent with overwhelming odds in their favor. Spy planes a long way from home and facing off against Obama are typical Chicom kicking sand in the face of like the Japanese in their waters.
Russia's Medvedev didn't dare visit the Sakhalins before Obama, but dropped in to kick sand in the Japanese faces after Obama paved the way in the release of Chicom terrorists in earlier probes against Japan.

This is what Iran is about in the Persian Baathists communists. Yes they downed TWA Flight 800, yes they supplied IED's to murder Americans, yes they bought real nuclear weapons from the Soviet Union, but even Iran has been the coward in engaging Yemeni terrorists to attack Saudi Arabia and America, Hezbollah to engage Israel, Syria to engage Israel, Turkey to engage Israel and Hamas to engage Israel.
As one can ascertain the Persian communists are terrified of a few Jews in needing almost a half dozen players to assault the Jewish state.

Iran was behind trying to supply weapons grade uranium to narco communists FARC, an entity which the Obama benefactors used to supply Rockefeller banking and now is using to generate money for al Qaeda.
Iran has been behind trying to open a nuclear front with Russia and China in Venezuela against these United States, as another fact in these communists all want someone else to do the bloody deed and die for their manifesto.

This is what must be comprehended as World War IV has indeed started with nuclear aspirations in Putin's Polonium and the PLA Chicoms ballistic missile launch off California.
Regrettably Mr. Obama has added to this with his Predator assassinations which have achieved little and reveal him to be even weaker than America is. It is in Mr. Obama's lack of self esteem to not have a stand up fight. He hands over Slavic peoples to restore the Soviet evil empire under Putin, he uses a Twitter Revolution to smoke out Iranian Patriots as philantrophy to Islam stained in blood, and Mr. Obama by BP sabotages an oil rig, tar balls the GOP Gulf as an enemy sector and then shuts down all oil supply generated in America, all to benefit the Muslim oil mafia.

Iran will never direct assault America with nuclear weapons nor the Jewish state. They will instead gain a radioactive supply not of their region, and then supply narco Islamic terrorists to initiate the attack leaving all blame on them as Iran survives "innocent".

Alexander Maistrovoy has written a policy paper on Iran in the plus minus of that regime in using nuclear weapons. While an astute piece his analogies are wrong, as he makes the immense mistake in thinking Iran is loyal to Muslims or Arabs.
Iran with Russia was behind the false intelligence fed to Assad of Syria in attempting to get Syria to conclude the Jews were going to attack Damascus. The entire scenario was to eliminate Syria as a regional player and start a WMD pollution zone which would murder Jews in exchange for Syrians. The cloud would topple Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and give Egypt an immense upheaval to deal with.
This is the Putin nuclear pollution gambit which rids America and her allies from the region, leaving only the Persian regime in power.

The Persian communists have no loyalty to Muslims as they were willing sacrifice Syria in this operation. The Jews should no more than Americans take any responsible knowledge from Mr. Miastrovoy's analysis as vaporizing Tel Aviv in a low grade artillery nuclear shell and having it spill over on Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock, is but suitable exchange for the greater objective in Persian Caliphate, ruled by the mahdi.
This is about an epic prophetic Muslim are outside Jerusalem, stolen from Christian Prophecy by Muhammed. Little things like dead Muslims and nuclear pollution mean little when a miracle mahdi can cleanse all and bring to paradise the martyrs slaughtered by Persian "ends justify the means Islamocommunism".

There is no doubt in any of this that the Persians will use the nuclear bombs, but they will find a proxy to take the blame, and that bomb comes from Peking via Moscow. They already attempted this with FARC in South America and there are fronts being enabled across the globe.
The reason this has not gone radioactive yet, is they have Secular Muslim Obama inside the White House who has given these Marxists the spoil of position, and as long as Obama is their tool to advance their position as Obama will not hinder them, then in Muslim Brotherhood terms, they do not have to resort to direct nuclear attacks as Obama will give them the operational umbrella to wrap one more cord around the neck of the western and eastern peoples strangulating them.
The nuclear attack will come when no more process or worth will come from Mr. Obama and if Mr. Obama can benefit in dictatorial powers to blow up some camels in response, instead of Iran, China and Russia.

Mr. Obama already telegraphed his plans. Obama intends to have Jews vaporized in the Israeli state who will await that nuclear holocaust as Obama provides his umbrella.
The same absorption of a nuclear strike on New York City which is Jewish in population is another final solution.

Mr. Obama's response will be to vaporize the Pashtun in Pakistan, a region of no consequence, but the Pakistani regime is a pretender to challenging Iranian authority in the east.

Mr. Obama has told the world his part, who will die, and who will be retaliated against for an Islamic Persian nuclear attack on Americans and Jews.

All of these communists play with each other, against each other, and always against America and religious Jews. They expect traitors like Obama to give them the rope and they expect others to die for their policies.

All are expendable on the other side of the table as each Marxist believes they alone like Stalin are the only necessary part.

America has an immense problem inside and outside. This is not going to go away without engagement of toppling the Eurasians and South Americans economically. Mr. Obama has taken that card from America in bankrupting her and America is out of time.
All that is the protection now is testicless Obama being judged by those Eurasians who installed him in keeping America asleep so this communists can gain inroads so that instead of a nuclear action, they can get in close enough to use a knife to slit America's throat.

If as this blog hypothesized several years ago, that China in it's nano technology actually perfects it's synthetic virus to be released on Australia and North America, then such a "miniature computer" could be programmed to self destruct in 6 months after killing everyone and only being lethal in the respective GPS positions.

For now it is atomic in buying time, that time though has a window of opportunity. It is their necessary part of the whole.

Do not observe things in Hollywood first dimensional thought. This is an all level understanding as the scope of this is carried out.

I would personally advise the Americans and western powers, including the Israeli state to put all their little genetic germs, the unspoken generation of nuclear biological chemical weapons, nuclear arsenals, nano bots and Reagan's Star Wars on fail safe.
Fail safe means if these weapons are not periodically reset, they will be engaged whether North America, Israel, western Europe or Oz is devoid of the nativity of humans God placed there.

That is the only necessary part in this of the end game. They might kill the west and Japan, but the inheritors will die in the Corbomite Maneuver.

Mr. Obama's policy on absorption, disarming and warfare must end immediately, along with his legal removal from office as the world requires not later, but immediately a real President of these United States to keep what is coming on small scale and large scale from taking place.

paging Dr. Walter Bishop in the lab..........
