Sunday, December 19, 2010

The dead sun wed to the dying moon

Of martyred moon
In death of sun
Of age reborn
In world undone

Sounds sort of like a dirge or a chant doesn't it? Is Inspired by God for me to fill up poetic space here as children like pretty sounding things that make them feel good.

Now onto dumb asses who couldn't find their witches asses with both hands and a Montreal French hole in the ground spotted to them.........oh yes but they complain about people wearing fur.
Fricking beaver trade is what built Montreal in Quebec.

What though can you expect from a bunch of dumb ass Canadians.

Ok to explain this so the world understands.

There is a lunar eclipse falling upon the solar solstice of December 21st. The witches, Canadians and historians note this did not happen in rarity since 456 years ago, but in 1554 they conclude nothing happened so this is some good event.

When God explains this you are going to figure out why God is God and dumb ass Canadian French, witches and historians are dumb asses.

The 456 number is important as it is a sequence number like 1 2 3. Therefore it points to a sequence of events.

On does not look at 1554 as 1554 is dead. One must look at the following year as one plants by the dark of the moon or the dead moon to bring life. In this case, one has double death and resurrection due to the Christ Mass even or solstice is about the dead sun arising, one has both a dead moon bride and a dead solar husband in their graves on the same day.

Before I come to 1555 a the precursor, in this Age of Obama bad omens, it must be noted one other event, that is quite relevant.
2012 is not just an election year, but 2012 is the December 21st death of the old age and birth of the new astral age, as in the Earth begins pointing at a new dawn of enlightenment at the end of this dark age.

So everything is amplified on universe frequency in how it flows into earth and all people.

So we come to 1555 and we find that Bloody Mary murdered Christian Martyrs John Rogers, Rowland Taylor, John Hooper and Laurence Saunders. The slaughter of the English Protestants began.
Two Popes are dead in this year.
Iran and Turkey join in league.
The first Jewish ghetto is created in Rome.
In October Christians Latimer and Ridley are burned at the stake.
Russia breaks treaty with Scandinavia by invading Finland.
Bairam Khan defeats the Hindu Indian forces at Paripat.
The name Negro is coined to become nigger in Spain.
A Jew is first in William Annyas becomes a first mayor in Ireland.

Not a very good year for Christianity or blacks, but a great year for religions and people denying Christ a the Messiah.

1556 in this two year cycle reveals that:

Upheaval as Charles the V is forced out, and his son Phillip rules from Spain, and brother Ferdinand becomes Holy Roman Emperor.
In China the worst earthquake in history takes place in Shaanxi, killing 850,000 people.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, is declared a heretic and is burned at the stake.
A false peace between Spain and France, Phillip II and Henry II collapses and war resumes.
Hindu forces are smashed at the Second Battle of Paripat, insuring Khan rule.
Spain annexes Flanders.
Ivan the Terrible conquers Astrakhan.

Now does a lunar and solar death sound a bit more ominous when one knows how to look at the historical meaning and the numbers associated with it in this Age of Obama the undocumented?

Each of the above for Biblical studiers have interesting significance in prophetic events as foretold in Daniel and Revelation.

I'm not predicting a thing, but there is nothing good going to come to America in the next 2 years and that is an economic and wartime fact. The eclipses are about death and what will be succoured from that death in the coming years.
The seeds Obama has sown will like a vine entwine and strangle the world from what it was to his hopey changey thing, before a new cycle initiates on December 21st, 2012.

One does not look to the dead year to see what it was, one looks to the years sprouting in the seed there planted.

These are omens of death as the years 1555 and 1556 reveal.

nuff said.

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