Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Border Busters

I have a novel solution to building billion dollar fences on the Mexican non border in that there are 4 bridges connecting Laredo, Texas to Nuevo Loredo in Mexico.

It is quite simple in blow the damn bridges up as I can not think of one thing coming from Mexico which I have purchased in years. I don't eat spinach grown with human feces as Mexican farms produce. I don't have beaners fixing my house like Colin Powell. I don't burn Mexican oil.
In fact, the last thing I ate Mexican was years ago in real vanilla and Corona beer.

So blow the damn bridges up and stop this narco human traffik plague of crime in America.

The reason this matters is America just got a fresh batch of Obama voters this past Friday evening in 151 Mexicans banditos, with the help of prison guards were released from prison. The net result is the warden is "missing" which means he like the guards were in on it, and paid a fortune by the inmates to be set free.

Mexican prisons are not quite what you think of prisons in ................well they are like an interesting vacation you pay for. See in Mexico you actually can buy better quarters, food and whatever the hell you want for money.
About 4 times a year the inmates riot like hell, things get shut down and people get murdered. The inmates, like Americans, who have sense, buy nice little riot proof cages they simply close the doors on for a few days while things go wild, and wait it out like Americans waiting for Obama to be apprehended. When it is all over, they come out and it is back to the loco banditoville of flat world Mexico.

So America on Obama's pourous border in Texas just got 151 rapists, murderers, drug dealers and thieves, in addition to the millions of other Mexicans crooks championed by Democrats. Nothing like having .........oh yeah this is something of the story left out.

You don't think these bandits just trotted across the Rio Grande bridges now do you? Hell no, an operation this large had the prisoners not only buy their freedom, but as a package deal they brought into Texas dope, weapons and maybe even nuclear material to murder Americans.
It is quite an Obama trade in ole Texico.

Personally, I don't want a damn thing from Mexico. I can live and do live without Mexican products and I could care less about Mexicans as I butcher my own chickens and milk my own cow. I don't need Mexicans and for all the vacationers going down there, I would send them all down there and close the border behind them as I have yet to have relatives, friends or jackasses I don't know that if Mexico kept them, I would ever miss these vacation package dolts.

There shouldn't be 4 bridges connecting America to Mexico. That river God made was for a purpose in keeping Mexicans out of Rio Lobo, along with all the Apache and Commanche who ate Mexicans for lunch.
It was a nice system of border control, and I instead want on rickety old ferry raft to connect Mexico to America. That is all the commerce I want with Obama's narco terror state.

So I suggest one raft, one mine field on the Mexican side of the border, polluted with plutonium waste, and one border patrol agent to shoot Americans sneaking into Mexico.

Cost would be...........90,000 dollars as I decided I want Ramos and Compean to be two border patrol agents doing the shooting, and around 800 dollars for five thousand rounds of ammunition, and 1200 dollars for an air conditioned and heated shed to shoot from.

Plutonium mine fields are a wonderfully cheap and secure way to solve this problem. For those Americans who lust for Mexico, let them suck on a jalapeno and watch an old Zoro movie til they get over it.

Feliz Navidud hombre or is it Kwanza.....oh hell this is America, Merry Christmas, Bless the Lord, pass the turkey and shut them borders down.
