Saturday, December 4, 2010

Exit stage Clinton

As an exclusive here, this blog broke the Hillary Clinton gambit in the Clinton's fully intended to pull and RFK in unseating Barack Hussein Obama for 2012, but for the first time and an exclusive here for the Hillary voters, I do not believe Hillary Clinton will accomplish this as the game has changed against her.

This seems to entirely hinge on Nancy Pelosi in her retaining her position as Democratic Minority leader, which she did so by blackmailing Barack Hussein Obama with his certification files.
I have stated that if Nancy Pelosi played this correctly and had the European cartel backing, she could be in the White House as President. What appears to be the case though is Speaker Pelosi has through extortion secured her Minority position, and as payback from the Obama regime will sometime in the near future replace Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State.

Mrs. Clinton has repeated fiegned that she does not want to replace Obama. Obviously infuriating the the black voting block is what is behind this, but this new disclaimer in Hillary no longer will seek public office stems from the Wikileaks coup which was counter engineered by Obama and the European order to expose Mrs. Clinton as a blackmailing, paranoid spy.
CBS featured the new Hillary Clinton denial, with the caveat that she would step down and replace Robert Gates, after he gets dones gayifying the military into sodomy.

The bizarre nature of his regime has been Patraeus stepping down as supreme commander to be a little Afgahnistan slaughter pit general of destruction is equal to Mrs. Clinton stepping down at State and going to Defense.
Some might consider this as Hillary shoring up her security resume, but this points more to Nancy Pelosi in forces unseen blackmailing not only Obama, but Hillary too on her crimes.
As this blog exclusively pointed out, Hillary was being investigated for illegal fundraising in New York and it all just "went away". The fact is Hillary Clinton is a dirty bird and with her past crimes and being smeared in the Wikileaks, her RFK fortunes have just been wiped out.

What is taking place here is fascinating as the Clintons attempted to install their cronies into Congress, but failed in the 2010 elections. The only group which survived were the wacko communists in Congress who actually think Obama is not extreme enough, even though he scares communists in China.
Bill Clinton could not fill arenas for his candidates, the aura is gone from the Clintons, and I suspect a thousand percent, that Barack Hussein Obama saved his ass in this, by approaching the Europeans again, when he got wind from this blog what the Clintons were up to, and secretly made a deal that America will bailout the European debt, further destroying America in the process which is what Mr. Obama has been about from day one.

So in taking TARP bailouts, it points to that Nancy Pelosi blackmailed Obama to keep her job and get the Sec. of State position, Obama in order to keep his job, bribed the Europeans who smeared Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, and America is basically back to square one with Obama in cover ups, multi trillion dollar bribes billed to taxpayers.

John Edwards is still being fondled in federal court to keep him off of Obama in this quid pro crime tit for tat which is all that Obama is holding hisself onto.

Apparently all that botox froze Pelosi's brain as if she just would have peeped at the blog archives she could have cut a deal with the Europeans to unseat Obama, but now we have a new game of Pelosi and her bag of dirt appear to be seated at Obama's table protecting him.

Aaron Burr Biden is still really screwed now as Obama wants him gone. I very highly doubt that 13% approval granny panties Pelosi is a candidate to replace Biden, although Harry Reid's hot blonde from New York might get the dial up as the sun slowly sets on Pelosi.

It is always disappointing to see the level of self grandeur corruption liberals stoop to in protecting criminals in exchange for graft.

This once again stirs compassion from this blog for the Clintons, in yes they are rapists, wife beaters, sexual predators, traitors and only people Barbara Bush could really like, but I feel sorry for the Pennsylvania Redneck Hillary is and the Bubba Bill is in arising so far in selling their souls and...........just not able to get the bottle out of the rocket.

Are the Clinton's still dangerous? Most certainly, but until they can out screw Obama, they are going to get screwed as their power base shrinks and Democrats start casting around for replacements.

It is exit stage Clinton. Hillary is no longer scary to Obama as Obama paid the European muscle off.........Nancy Pelosi has clamped the lid shut on this and told her Democrats to shut it down.........tis the Age of Obama.

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