I make it a point to only deal in the facts as Truth is the only interesting sediment upon which to build any thought to form an outlook upon the world. It does not matter the subject, nor the discomfort the "experts" have to deal with in attempting to ignore what is placed here, because the erosion of their ignorance in the sands of time, the winds of process, soon enough sculpt a much more tantalizing fact to delight the mind than the fiction of what academia liberality has bored and plagued children of all ages with.
To open this point, the fact is that Christopher Columbus did not discover the Americas as a land of Indians, nor did the Spanish Conquistador exploit a Siberian people of Asia who are incorrectly termed "First People" or other such nonsense.
The fact is on DNA it is proven that the Indian is actually a descendant of three distinct groups of people. The Indian at base is principally by genetics a person of descent of a Japanese mountain people who now number but a few hundred and are almost extinct.
In this was infused two primary groupings marking a period from the exile by the Assyrians of the Samarians or northern Israelites with their Phoenician allies to the period of 1000 AD when the Viking arrived upon the same trading routes these Israelite Lebanese sailers had plied centuries previously.
This all can be proven in Phoenician writings have been found on the American east coast in caves and Viking mooring rocks for their ships are found on the Great Plains as the glaciers retreated and left wonderfully large lakes and streams.
The civilized tribes of the east of America were advanced that way by the Phoenicians in the Iroquois Confederacy. In the central plains came a people which I will focus upon in the Mandans who I will use quotes by George Catlin, the noted aboriginal artist, backed by Lewis and Clarke in their observations in the half white Indians of North America.
It has been estimated at one time that the Viking and Celt once had numbers approaching 40,000 spread across America, but in a period of record drought, most returned back to Europe after leaving Medicine Wheels and their genetic imprint upon America.
The Mandan slept upon beds as western Europeans slept. They built ingenious homes in the earth of advanced construction to protect them in defense and against the heat and cold of North Dakota.
They all sleep on bedsteads similar in form to ours, but generally not quite so high; made of round poles rudely lashed together with thongs. A buffalo skin, fresh stripped from the animal, is stretched across the bottom poles, and about two feet from the floor; which, when it dries, becomes much contracted, and forms a perfect sacking-bottom. The fur side of this skin is placed uppermost, on which they lie with great comfort, with a buffalo-robe (,lip for a pillow, and others drawn over them instead of blankets. These beds, as far as I have seen them (and I have visited almost every lodge in the village), are uniformly screened with a covering of buffalo or elk skins, oftentimes beautifully dressed and placed over the upright poles or frame, like a suit of curtains; leaving a hole in front, sufficiently spacious for the occupant to pass in and out, to and from his or her bed. Some of these coverings or curtains are exceedingly beautiful, being out tastefully into fringe, and handsomely ornamented with porcupine's quills and picture writings or hieroglyphics.
In addition, the Mandans along with other tribes had saunas which were more than sweat lodges, and they followed the Scandinavian protocols of the steam bath followed by a run to cool water to "close the pores".
Contiguous to the lodge, and outside of it, is a little furnace something similar, in the side of the bank, where the woman kindles a hot fire, and heats to a red heat a number of large stones, which are kept at these places for this particular purpose; and having them all in readiness, she goes home or sends word to inform her husband or other one who is waiting, that all is ready; wheel he makes his appearance entirely naked, though with a large buffalo robe wrapped around him. He then enters the lodge and places himself in the crib or basket, either on his back or in a sitting posture (the latter of which is generally preferred), with his back towards the door of the lodge; when the squaw brings in a large stone red hot, between two sticks (lashed together somewhat in the form of a pair of tongs) and, placing it under him, throws cold water upon it, which raises a profusion of vapour about him. He is at once enveloped in a cloud of steam, and a woman or child will sit at a little distance and continue to clash water upon the stone, whilst the matron of the lodge is out, and preparing to make her appearance with another heated stone: or he will sit and dip from a wooden bowl, with a ladle made of the mountain-sheep's horn, and throw upon the heated stones, with his own hands, the water which he is drawing through his lungs and pores, in the next moment, in the most delectable and exhilarating vapours, as it distills through the mat of wild sage and other medicinal and aromatic herbs, which he has strewed over the bottom of his basket, and on which he reclines. During all this time the lodge is shut perfectly tight, and he quaffs this delicious and renovating draught to his lungs with deep drawn sighs, and with extended nostrils, until he is drenched in the most profuse degree of perspiration that can be produced; when he makes a kind of strangled signal, at which the lodge is opened, and he darts forth with the speed of a frightened deer, and plunges headlong into the river, from which he instantly escapes again, wraps his robe around him and " leans" as fast as possible for home.
The real proof though is George Catlin's telling description of these White Mandans in eye color, skin tone and hair color originating from the same multi colored Israelitish Vikings.
*Note: Catlin notes no red hair was observed in this Israelite distinction. That notes that the Vikings who penetrated America's interior were not of this distinct genetic group, but were of the platinum blondes.
A stranger in the Mandan village is first struck with the different shades of complexion, and various colours of hair which he sees in a crowd about him; and is at once almost disposed to exclaim that "these are not indians".
There are a great many of these people whose complexions appear as light as half breeds; and amongst the women particularly, there are many whose skins are almost white, with the most pleasing symmetry and proportion of features; with hazel, with grey, and with blue eyes, -- with mildness and sweetness of expression, and excessive modesty of demeanour, which render them exceedingly pleasing and beautiful.
Why this diversity of complexion I cannot tell, nor call they themselves account for it. Their traditions, so fat as I have yet learned them, afford us no information of their having had any knowledge of white men before the visit of Lewis and Clarke, made to their village thirty-three years ago Since that time there have been but very Few visits from white men to this place, and surely not enough to have changed the complexions and the customs of a nation. And I recollect perfectly well that Governor Clarke told me, before I started For this place, that I would find the Mandans a strange people and half white.
The diversity in the colour of hair is also equally as great as that in the complexion; for in a numerous group of these people (and more particularly amongst the females, who never take pains to change its natural colour, as the men often do), there may be seen every shade and colour of hair that can be seen in our own country, with the exception of red or auburn, which is not to be found.
And there is yet one more strange can probably be seen nowhere else accounted for, other than it is a freak or order of Nature, for which she has not seen fit to assign a reason. There are very many, of both sexes, and of every age, from infancy to manhood and old age, with hair of a bright silvery grey; and in some instances almost perfectly white.
This singular and eccentric appearance is much oftener seen among the women than it is with the men; for many of the latter who have it, seem ashamed of it, and artfully conceal it, by filling their hair with glue and black and red earth. The women, on the other hand, seem proud of it, and display it often in an almost incredible profusion, which spreads over their shoulders and falls as low as the knee. I have ascertained, on a careful enquiry, that about one in ten or twelve of the whole tribe are what the French call "cheveux gris", or greyhairs; and that this strange and un-accountable phenomenon is not the result of disease or habit; but that it is unquestionably a hereditary character which runs in families, and indicates no inequality in disposition or intellect. And by passing this hair through my hands, as I often have, I have found it uniformly to be as coarse and harsh as a horse's mane; differing materially from the hair of other colours, which amongst the Mandans, is generally as fine and as soft as silk.
Truths such as these are quite bothersome to Indians couched in the welfare state in blaming "white" people for all their ills and claiming to be possessors of this American land, when the fact is the Semitic peoples who are part of the progenitors of the Caucasian race were the advancers, tamers and settlers of large portions of North America in their descendants, before the 3rd wave appeared in 1492.The Sioux which are currently the criminal ballot box stuffers for Democrats in exchange for billions in Obama bribes which funnels back to Democratic contractors are the darling of the liberal media in the fiction they have created. The reality is the Sioux came from Canada.
They warred their way across Minnesota only after the Vikings had returned in mass to Europe after the severe drought which ended around 1500 AD.
As the Sioux poured into what would be these United States, they started exterminating smaller Indian groups from the Pawnee to the Ree. The fact is that the lesser tribes as the Crow, Sauk, Pawnee would have been exterminated if the third wave of Europeans had not poured into America by the basic regional powers of Comanche in the south, Sioux in the interior, Iroquois in the east, Cree in Canada, Blackfoot in the northwest and Creeks in the southeast. In 21st century America, without the 3rd wave of Europeans, these predominant tribes would have committed genocide on the smaller groups, as that is what they were accomplishing.
So it becomes complicated when Indians and liberals attempt to place all Indians here at the time of 1492, when the fact is America was liberally peopled by Japanese, Middle Eastern and European peoples whose infusion advanced various tribes.
In that should the Norwegians and Swedes have reservations and billions in handouts as their relatives possessed vast stretches of America, which was taken from them by later inhabitants like the Sioux?
Interesting questions as what do more "Indian" bloodline Indians actually owe the more European and Middle Eastern bloodlines........one of who Col. Richard Irving Dodge, Indian expert noted spoke what was deemed a Hebrew dialect.
So while George Catlin could not comprehend in his liberalism that ancient peoples could sail oceans just as readily as his 1800 peoples did, the factual evidence is they did, and more importantly the white race has been involved in America for as long as "Indians" have.
The white Indians prove this which include the Snake in being light skinned also. Other evidence are linguistics in even the western Sioux had Celtic words in their evolved languages through interaction with Europeans who were in eastern Canada, constructing homes and copper smelters from the earliest of days.
That most likely is another Lame Cherry moment to take the warp out of the children's brains put there by the experts and make the mind ache dull for awhile as thought advances to the Truth in what real history is.
Catlin Mandan letter # 11
Catlin Mandan letter # 13