Is there some secret zipper elastic pelvis shake which Democrats have in this Age of Obama of NeoProgs (the new communists of Amerika) that everyone of them has to look like a penis?
Why else would this all have turned out to be some kind of bad Democratic porn in these Obama ejaculations on this raise taxes, which has given blovenous Rush Limbaugh days of urinating on hisself in leading his listeners to all now dream up the act that as this is not a tax cut that all of them can feel superior in their GRIDLOCK which Limbaugh stated he desired so bad as America sinks further into the Obama abyss.
Look children, this Bush tax breaks is about B. Hussein now having sabotaged Hillary Clinton in Wikileaks to now run against Democrats who are telling Obama to f*ck off!
What you have in Congress is simple. You have a penis head like Kent Conrad knowing he is going to be booted out of office in 2012 if he does not act like a white man in Norwegian North Dakota being for America, while the Anthony Weiner's who are secure like Nancy Pelosi in their districts or current Obama jobs offered telling Obama to go screw hisself, like Harry Reid who thinks he has 6 years to be a communist in the tides of American politics.
Mark Levin's favorite penis in Tony Weiner, Democrat New York was absolutely livid over Obama caving in. Brandishing his new election survival he is the penis face of what Democrats are in being uber communists in a further sorting out of the Kent Conrad penis types being expendable like a gay condom.
What is taking place is Obama is running to get re elected and running "against" the NeoProgs to get the Peggy Noonan's back on track, while blaming Pelosi who he really agrees with and hoping she wins this and the Sec. of State's job.
In this Obama, can then blame Congress on both sides of the aisle for all the problems he created and with the same vote fraud in 2008, Obama can steal the election one more time.
Look children, the deal is in, the fix is in. Obama blackmailed Hillary Clinton with the Wikileaks. Pelosi blackmailed Obama and is bought off. The Tony Weiners are that Kremlin block who hate Obama now for betraying them, but the only candidate they have is John Edwards.
Yes, John Edwards who Obama destroyed and tortured his now dead wife. Edwards if he was smart would focus on that story and drive himself to the 2012 nomination, because all of these hat trick bunnies in the liberal wing of the Democratic party being floated about by Rahm Emanuel have one massive problem in Obama has proven he can out bribe their ambitions.
Sure Nancy Pelosi can play uber bitch in this, but also observe how Obama rolled with her to survive, just like he did with the Chicoms, Putin, Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il and every Sarkozy in the world.
Barack Hussein Obama is a porn whore from Hollywood. He doesn't give a damn what his reputation is, how bad he looks or what people think. He just keeps riding around in that limo, posing for pictures, spending money like Charlie Sheen at a brothel and no matter what the world thinks, Obama just keeps on surviving because he knows who to blow, who to bow to and who to spread the cash around.
Sure Obama is nuts in being a sociopath, but sociopaths are driven to survive. Obama can play coy, can play the biotch, can play aloof, because if you noticed even the Supreme Court will not touch Obama's birther issue............now how can that be happening without threats or bribes?
America has now become the worst porn movie of all time. It is a cast of characters who all look like genitals with Obama being the tease, and the GOP leadership not being able to crawl into bed fast enough as Rush Limbaugh plays with blondeberry making commentary about the actors technique with none giving a damn that America is cementing into the concrete of the Obama abyss.
This is now about survival and not America. Obama is attempting to survive on the ash heap of America. The rest are pirates just piling up the Nancy Pelosi loot or Kent Conrad protecting his sunken chest.
How's that gridlock hopey not changey thing treatin' ya?
Pretty good if you are a millionaire with room for a puss.