Amazing how the one Obama line in his vented fury of a 10 year old Barry being made to actually stop stealing money from rich people..........yes that is what this "tax the rich" is all about in those money grubbing Dunhman Obamas have like all liberals wanted to screw over the kids from high school who had the bikes, the nice clothes and the 64 Crayola crayons..............
Oh you don't think that irks Obama in his mum only bought Barry the 8 size box? Barry like all liberals had parent so tight they wouldn't buy him even that jumbo size 8, but instead stuck him with that little size 8 Crayolas...........and I will bet you this runs like a duck Obama was an Elmer's glue sucker too!
You know what I'm speaking of in that Obama used to pull out his Elmer's bottle and take a quick suck during class, so his mum wouldn't even buy him a big bottle of Elmer's but had those little bottles as glue sucker Obama was draining big bottles faster than a 16 ounce cowboy on a hot day.
You know I'm right about Obama being a glue sucker. He just has that look about him.......and it is the same reason he only got the little 8 crayons as if he had the jumbos he would have been eating them for snacks at recess.
Nothing worse than a glue sucker and crayola eater.
I bet Obama was a puddler too. You know a puddler, they were the kid who wouldn't raise their hand to go to the crapper and would instead pee themselves and have that big ole yellow puddle under their chairs smelling like a dog kennel.
A puddler, glue sucker and crayola eater and you folks stuck him in the White House as your leader. Hell Obama probably is a frost licker too, lapping at them jack frost designs on the windows..........just ain't no shame once a duck runner beat by a handicapped kid starts on the path of glue sucking.
So why do you think Obama is all hostage taker now? Same reason he is so gungho about leaving terrorists out of Gitmo in he suffers from his own Obamaholm Syndrome being simpatico with the foreign terrorist and border buster, undocumented and seeking retribution on America. Yes siree bob, that I Barry Soetoro Obama, all under siege now by the GOP looking at his Pelosi certification file and now being made to walk the straight and America and put them Muslim outings back into the closet where he keeps his Reggie Love doll.
Sure the media like Mark Halperin can see the obamovious in the Democrats are in a meltdown, but why is it none of these Obama voters can see that insane Obama, the sociopath with his blow fly eyes in a Muslim outrage press conference was in unity with them Gitmo terrorists in being taken hostage by Uncle George.
Obama is facing the grey bar hotel in Havana, and as he becomes what he reads, he has left Malcolm X on the shelf and is reading the tea leaves that here is pretend Barry, daydreaming at the Oval Office, thinking he is being tortured by those mean Americans not voting for him, cast into that foreign land of America, cut off from his 3rd world homosexual partners, and now that GOP has gone and made him eat the pork sandwich of Islam in not letting Obama loot rich people of their money to punish them for those 64 Crayola crayons they bought for their kids.....and lil Barry was stuck chewing on his 8 pack, sucking glue, licking frost and puddling hisself.
Nothing is worse in life to a sociopath, the irascible of irascibleness, to validate the pretend adult you are in 2008, and by 2010 to have you thrown back reminding you of the crayon chewer you are.
Worse yet, the Mexican busted your lip, so it hurts now to suck on Reggie Love's glue bottle and when you go into Malia's closet to find some crayons to eat...........all that kid has is a box of magic markers, so all you do is leave bite marks on the plastic cases and have to end up blaming the dog for chewing on them.
Do you not understand how bad this is for Obama? His lips hurt from sucking so bad, and now he has plastic in his teeth and Reggie Love's glue just don't have that familiar tang the Elmer's had.
Nothing is like it was, and here that GOP has him back where he started...........and you can't keep remodeling the Oval Office when you piss on the carpet and chairs as people start getting suspect of what is really going on.
Nothing like the old days of plastic furniture and tile floors to cover up being a puddler..........them leather chairs and new rugs just absorb all that yellow Obama poetry from the Frank Marshall prose days and all you are left with your glory days from 1969 running like a duck.
Life really sucks for Obama in he peaked at age 9 in being the tan kid wowing them oriental Indonesians and running like a duck was your athletic high point.
All you got left to do is run on, playing on games, playing on vacations, running on empty there Jackson Browne.
Of course Obama is a hostage to hisself, but he blames the Republicans, because now Obama can't even bully them rich folks.........hell Predator strikes on Muslims don't even have an appeal, and Hillary Clinton being routed by Obama in the Wikileaks didn't even give any satisfaction as she just yawned and went away.
Even that Elizabeth Edwards had to go and pull a Teddy Kennedy in a fast exit. How do you get any sympathy for being the duck runner when John Edwards is looking all grass widder and Hillary is looking all Putin classy on you.
I'm just surprised Barry didn't show up with a penis ring at his hostage press conference attached to a long chain showing his solidarity with slaves like Muchelle did with her bondage belt when she went through her ivory tower phase.
You just got to pity Barack Hussein Obama. Here he pulled off the biggest heist in history in stealing the White House and trillions of dollars, and there he is, right back in third grade, with the GOP teacher frowning at him while giving gold stars to the rich kids...........and muttering, "Every year I get one of those glue sucking, crayon eating, frost licking puddlers........every damn year".
John Boehner if you really want Obama to fall in line, put on some Elmer's glue aftershave, frost up your windows and fondle your 64 box of crayons in front of Barry...........and tell him he can have red orange if he just walks this way, talks this way........with a little kiss, like this.